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Posts posted by Fred

  1. They're missing a couple of items. Other than that, they're pretty much complete. 


    These were meant to be entry level (so cheaper than Splash) when planned so don't expect the earth - but in my personal view they're better than Splash!

  2. Did they go back to 10pm last year?


    It's nice to see that any cuts in Halloween budgets have pretty much been reversed and all the opening times have remained (Apart from Chessie's offpeak days, but at least the event exists during that time now!)

  3. Maybe it's margin of error programmed in is too tight - if they gave it a larger margin of error then the ride wouldn't want to try and correct itself so quickly and therefore not end up an unsynced (and broken) mess?

  4. It's a good way of advertising how to stay on park for longer - 7pm comes and only people with wristbands can join the queues.


    Magic Kingdom did this for their Mickeys Not-So-Scary Halloween when I visited. Park closed for normal visitors, all attractions available wristband only with stations selling the evening event around the park.

  5. Probably not even operational. Mainly financial and financial alone.



    Which kinda goes towards the addition of mirrors. If someone didn't think they had to put them in ridiculously cheaply using no budget whatsoever then they'd likely have had decent quality mirrors which wouldn't need removing now!

  6. I just am annoyed that both parks now give you no freedom With your restraint and this minimises freedom in the air.

    Last few times I've rode it, the host has literally just tapped my restraint, with me having loooaaaddsss of space. Very very very fun! Probably not too safe though ;)

  7. Air is the only ride where you go slower after merge points - crafts are sent every 3 minutes from one station if they're on 3 trains (that's time waiting for the craft to arrive, plus time waiting for the craft ahead to leave lifthill). Obviously before merge you have both stations, so you have 2 crafts every 3 minutes. Obviously Fastrack can slow it down, however it shouldn't do so too much (Fastrack for Air is 20% of capacity, and rarely sells out nowadays).

  8. Smiler has been opening as early as possible for ages now. Most guests are still coming mainly for the smiler, so if the queue time is short enough it'll be guaranteed they'll re-ride this before heading off. They do it a lot when the queue is 5mins, so they'll do it a lot during ERT!

  9. Trust me...most normal people...normal guests visit ONCE a year IF that, so they are not going to re ride, they are going to try and get on as many rides as possible. 

    They definitely do re-ride The Smiler - it's the queue time which puts it off.


    It's a good idea to add it onto ERT (loads just join the queue and wait currently anyway). They need to add some middle ground rides, really need to add those.. but otherwise it's a pretty good line-up, finally they've put the most popular and most busiest attractions onto ERT which means it's worthwhile having it.


    They say it's a trial, it's not a trial at all it's staying this way.. it says trial incase of negative feedback ;)

  10. I never brace myself on Colossus and always have a smooth enjoyable ride. I find it more seat dependant, then brace yourself at certain moments dependant.

    I find "rough" coaster more comfortable slouched anyway. Colossus has this weird thing in that it rides perfectly if you dont hold on and have your arms up or out or whatever. If I decide to hold on for some mad reason it becomes uncomfortable.

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