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A California trip - Disney 24 hour day

Alarm set for 4am. Check Pin badges and Oswald hat ready. Check Coffee. Check It was time to take on the ultimate theme park challenge, 24 hours in two of the busiest theme parks in the world. Even on paper it doesn’t sound easy. Luckily there was things on our side. We knew Pirates of the Caribbean and ‘it’s a small world’ would have reopened so extra capacity at Disneyland. We knew kids wouldn't be able to take on this challenge and we knew many wouldn’t attempt such a feat so the



Behind the scenes: Stealth & Swarm

As part of the 2-4-1 deal TPM was given for the new VIP experiences, a group of us went down to go behind the scenes and ascend 127 feet. We began our day going into Stealth's bunker where the launch system sits. The size of it is ridiculous! There are a few photos of Inatamin accelerator hydraulic systems around the internet but they don't do it justice! It also makes the coolest noise ever when it launches unfortunately, no picture were allowed down here so here's one of everyone's favourite



A Californian Adventure - Disneyland Day 1

Please note my heart loves Disneyland. It’s the original theme park and deserves to be loved for this fact alone. In saying that, objectively, the park has some crippling faults which if I wasn’t a sympathetic enthusiast, may have completely ruined my day. After our two days at Magic Mountain it was time to quicken the pace with the Disney parks. Gone were the five minute queues and here were the 30 minute plus waits to get on Haunted Mansion. Here is the grand daddy of them all, the pa



A Californian Trip - Six Flags Discovery Kingdom

As some of you may know, I've been over in California for two weeks embracing the west coast. In that time Chris and I visited five new theme parks and went on some of the most well known rides out there. So to start off with; Six Flags Discovery Kingdom I don’t know many people that have been to this park so for me, it would live or die based on how my trip was to go. The day started relatively badly. A heavy hangover from the Eurovision celebrating the night before meant some hangover c



The Story Behind Detonator

As we know, next month will see Thorpe Park give a slight retheme to their 115ft drop tower, Detonator. A general shift in target market has to led to the perhaps knee-jerk reaction to bring in a family-themed area, and the easiest way to go about that would be an IP. So we have 'Angry Birds Land', and Detonator will become 'Detonator: Bombs Away'. Who knows what this slight retheme will bring? Well, we will find out in little under a month's time anyway. With most eyes focused on the futu



Legoland Windsor- Everything Is Not Awesome

After accomplishing a sufficient amount of work at uni, I thought it was time for a visit to Legoland Windsor. Supposedly my home park (as this is where my pass is sorted), this would be my first visit to the park for 2014 to see what changes had taken place and to check out the new (re-themed) attractions at the park. In the near distance lies Pirate Shores, the re-themed Pirate area of Legolañd and also the area's 3rd retheme since it's existence. I was rather impressed with the parks rec

Matt 236

Matt 236

Mon voiture c'est penne! - Petits Parks of France - Day 3

Day 3 – Walygator Parc So the final day led us to Walygator, more known for its financial issues and random 2nd hand B&M than for being any good, and we were heading there for their first operational day of the season! However, the day certainly started poorly as the tickets you pre-book online through the website CANNOT be picked up on park. You have two options, pick it up at random shops dotted about the country (none near where we were though), or delivered to home. But NOT at the p



Mon voiture c'est penne! - Petits Parks of France - Day 2

Day 2 – Nigloland To say that Nigloland is in the middle of nowhere would be quite the understatement, with the signs telling you the park is Xkm away, and no visible sign of it until you are literally on the local village’s doorstep. The village itself is on the park’s doorstep itself, with some front gardens literally a road and hill away from the actual entrance building. The way the park is accessed feels slightly Towers like, with country roads, a small village and a descent into a giant



Mon voiture c'est penne! - Petits Parks of France - Day 1

Day 1 – Parc Saint Paul A rather early morning of 3am was the choice made to venture to a selection of rather un-known French parks, and after a McDonald’s service station breakfast and a quick jaunt on the Eurotunnel we were firing down the French motorway with not a care in the world. Unfortunately, disaster would strike us. We began to hear noises from the car, and decided to pull over on the hard shoulder to investigate. After some initial checks, we agreed to move the car forward slightly



Paultons Park 15/03/14

My aim this year is to visit as many of the British theme parks as possible giving this blog the name "A Year of Britain" in the hope that next year it can expand and so on Anyway, first up is the delightful Paultons Park! I had only been once before back when Cobra opened in 2006 and it was a really nice day out. So 8 years on it was time to see what had changed. Upon arrival it was raining But do not fear, it was only the bizarre but cool new raining tree! Although the new entrance wa



In the award system we trust.

Awards, we love them, some may hate them, but we all strive to get them! Amongst other blogs I may post (and to get the award for posting a first blog entry ironically) I will be posting to say a big thank you to the award system, in the system we trust, and continue to strive to be the members the forum asks us to be. The Award System! *Raises glass*



Maniacs Brave The Bloody Valentine Tour - 19/10/2013

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, the next trip report has come, which will make your blood bubble. But what tales will unfold as some of you grow stubble, well come on sit down before you get a nubble Camera, Set, Action! For the TPM Crew: Pumpkin Man, Peaj, TNJonny, StevenVig, James & Co, Ryan, Mr. Fish, Han30, J.S217 & ScaryCoasterBoy Plus this will be the last Official Meet before this gem gets taken into the movie land of the Angry Birds The Queue Line's await and du




Some Members may remember me from Last year, others, may have no clue. I haven't been on for a good length, however, when I do, I hope to Contribute to the Community. Anyway, with everything opening soon/opened already, I decided to write a bucket list of theme parks that I would hope to achieve by the end of this year, while I have the time to do so. 1. Thorpe- at least 3 times this year (with No merlin Pass due to financial reasons, I have to consider getting a thorpe pass- One of the reaso



Drop it like it's hot.

In 2012, I was assigned to write a feature for Colossus's tenth birthday. The article itself was my best work if I don't say so myself. It was my intention that I would be able to do a similar piece when it came to 2003's blisteringly hot but underwhelmingly* tepid Nemesis Inferno in 2013. But this did not happen. No matter what I wrote, constructed or thought about, inspiration abandoned me and I just couldn't put together a piece that would do Inferno justice. And the problem comes down to one



Efteling - A weekend of Fairies, Dragons and Pancakes - Day 3

Day 3 The final day on park started with a character breakfast, as Pardoes did lots of interaction at an extremely peaceful level never seen at Disney. Once again our first port of call was Vogel Rok with 2 straight goes on the front before having to move back. Burdenous people! And again like the day before, Joris was our next venture. We got there slightly before it was due to open, so I watched the engineers play around with the sensors on Flying Dutchman. Upon opening we got 4 goes, in



Efteling - A weekend of Fairies, Dragons and Pancakes - Day 2

Day 2 The day started with turning on the TV and watching the Making of Documentary Efteling did for Joris, because it’s never too early to be a goon. After some breakfast it was time to join the queue of people waiting for ERT on the poorly laid-out paving slabs. You had one job! Eventually let in, we headed straight to Vogel Rok for some back row times, and since it was completely empty, hopped on again further up the train because we could. We quickly moved on as it was nearly ope



Efteling - A weekend of Fairies, Dragons and Pancakes - Day 1

Day 1 What better way to spend the UK closed season than by visiting a park that doesn’t close? Goodbye depressing Merlin situations and hello Efteling, who certainly are the opposite end of the ownership scale, what with being owned by a non-for-profit organisation who happily throw €42 million on a show. So a blustery Saturday morning greeted us, with a flight to remember as the winds took hold of our plane throughout, providing an intense experience I never wish to repeat again in my life.



Florida Parks in the Dark

In this final instalment of my Florida adventure we look at 3 parks in the dark, SeaWorld, Universal Studios and Island's of Adventure. So let's begin! With SeaWorld's beautiful tree! Because it's Christmas! So even the lake was full of trees! There was an ice rink Red SkyTower A Christmas train set Decorations Mythical beasts Penguins Another tree And fountains! So SeaWorld is beautiful at night especially with Kraken and Manta! And welcome to Universal S



Universal Studios Florida

Our penultimate instalment takes us to what has become my favourite theme park... Welcome to Universal Studios Florida! What will this chapter of our adventure have in store I wonder? The Cat in the Hat shall enlighten us! Let's start back... To the Future Now home to Jebediah Lard Lad And Clumsy Wigum! Watch out for Kang and Kudos though! They'll put you in a spin And make you a bit Tipsy Or Sirly. DuffMan doesn't care though As long as you buy Duff!



Islands of Adventure

This latest instalment even has adventure in the name, welcome to Islands of Adventure! Let's take it one island at a time! And let us start in the wacky world of Suess! Which home to one fish, no two fish, are they red fish or blue fish though? And an exceedingly unique carousel! Moving on from Suess we enter the Lost Continent! Which now feels even more lost. Sinbad, a decent show when you ignore the construction going on behind it. Now time to enter the place many will



Legoland Florida

Today we venture to the bright world of Lego, now in Florida! The entrance area is lovely and open and fresh, much better than Windsor's. Must be a thing to have dinosaurs at the entrance to LEGOLAND's. And some Lego tourists. Once again it was apparently Christmas time, still didn't feel like it. We begin the journey in their newest land, World of Chima! It's a heavily themed splash battle which I'm sure to any viewers of Chima would make loads of sense! But even to some



Busch Gardens

Welcome to part 2 of my Florida adventure at... Busch Gardens! What a beautiful day it was So let's leap into the action! And begin the day with Gwazi! I know many people detest this ride, but I love it! Yes it's a bit rough, but for me it is still a thrilling enjoyable ride! For me it will be a shame if it goes. ] The death of Gwazi is not yet confirmed but for Timbuktu it sure is. Glad Scorpion isn't leaving though, it is a good fun ride. Up on The SkyRide we saw a hipp




Here it is, my blog on my trip to Florida! It will be split up into 5 entries, 1 on each of the parks: SeaWorld, Busch Gardens, LEGOLAND Florida, Islands of Adventure, Universal Studios. Because it is always such a relaxed park and was the start and end to our holiday, first up is SeaWorld! It's just a lovely place to walk into and as the holidays were approaching, everywhere was all Christmassy! What more could you want? Of course, a B&M flyer with a water splash right in front of you



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