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Europa Park Trip Part 3

Okay so this is the penultimate in trip reports of Europa, this will be dedicated to the best woodie and best steel coaster I have ever been on and also the best river raft ride haha! We shall begin..... With Euro-Mir's soundtrack, I love it !!!! Ok, here we go! I cant remember the name of this splash battle ride but it was fun just like battle Galleons! EC! RATING: 7/10 But what is looming in the background I wonder..... ITS WODAN! Wodan and Blue Fire interlocked together!



Europa Park Trip Part 2

Ok so part 2 is here and I shall start with this photo Poseidon It is In this photo in all it Greeky glory! Later on in the day because I took barely any snaps of this ride. SO onto the review POSEIDON This was a very good ride and was quite fun BUT and its a big but.... it had some of the worst jolts I have ever come across, one was so violent I headbutted my gramps who was sitting next to me and we both came off saying "well that hurt alot!" Apart from that I liked it I didnt love it



Europa Park Trip Part 1

Hi guys so I said I would start this eventually and now I am !! Yes! Finally I am doing this. I have to say before I start I did not go on Eurosat (it had an 80 minute queue most of the day, don't ask me why I have no clue, maybe it broke??) Pegasus (looked ok but wasnt prepared to wait 30 minutes) and Alpen express (was closed all day) for the reasons I have specified haha! Right lets start! Entered the park to a nice greeting by Silver Star! I was then kindly greeted by that mouse masco



'A Look Back' - Colossus

After trawling through the planning portal again, which is always interesting I find, I came across the original plans for Colossus. Much like with the http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/151-tidal-wave/page-30#entry164771]original Tidal Wave plans, they are quite different. But before I divulge into that further, let's look at how a new coaster came about in the first place... As is well known, in 1997, the Tussauds Group took over Thorpe. Prior to that, as you'd expect, it was hard for the



The Official Stealth Ice Cream Photo Shoot Trip Report

TPM Maniacs - Good Day finally at long last the first part of the official Stealth Ice Cream Photoshoot has arrived! It was a nice warm summers day with lots of faces to be included who partook in the day. But enough with the 'once upon a time' malarkey! You want pictures so here they are... It was 7AM in the morning and no these mad individuals haven't got the opening time wrong - They are models, for that Stealth photo shoot... So sing it with me - 'As there is No Business Like SNOW Bus



Europa Park Trip Report Coming SOOOOONN!

Ok so most should know by now I went to Europa Park, unfortunately I can't do the trip report at the moment because I'm still busy but soon I WILL!! Long story short it was an extremely busy day (for a thursday) with queues of 65 minutes on wodan, 80 minutes on eurosat, and 70 minutes on Poseidon. I went on all rides apart from Pegasus, Eurosat (because of the stupid queue time) and Alpen Expess (It was broke all day). I thoroughly enjoyed my day and I do think this is by far the best park I hav



Thorpe Gardens- 21/08/13

Before you read this is a very tongue in cheek report. There is a well known phrase that often gets thrown around regarding Thorpe, "If I wanted to look at trees I'd go to a garden centre." So I decided to visit Thorpe and see what gardeny stuff it has to offer. First of all you're greeted by this lovely lake surrounded by trees! More of this lovely lake and the trees. Lots of foliage... Even more! Some nice trees with decorative rocks. An array of trees, I'm spoilt for choice



The Smiler Review - Now live!

"I had a feeling of trepidation when I entered The Smiler’s queue line, in the 2 months between The Smiler’s opening day and the day that I finally rode it, I’d heard some good things and some bad things. I’d heard horror stories of a ride more painful than Saw and a ride that was falling apart only 2 months after opening. I’m happy to say that The Smiler is a fantastic ride, its the best ride Alton have installed since Oblivion – It’s that good." Read the full review here - http://coastergeek.



Blackpool part 2

so If you are reading this then you most probably read part 1. Well now for part 2. I hope you enjoy it. So after All the Shenanigans mentioned in part 1 it was now time for some Proper rides, as well as some other stuff. We went to Pleasure beach with our wristbands and on one of the best sunny and very busy days of the year. We went straight to Big one, and my is that a ride. It was the longest hill I've gone up, and I could feel my heart beating and looked to my friends, one was definit




So, I decided to go to blackpool, for some fun. First day I decided to hit the arcades. I went to the North pier as well as the local arcades. For the first time I was winning, and I made a profit of £5 on those 10p machines. I also had a shot and fun with my friends with the shooting games, and basketball and the racing game(like the one at Thorpe). IN the end I WON ALL OF THEM. This was a first. I never really won at arcades. The next day I hit the rides at the piers as well as well as vi



Phantom Fantasia - 30 Years On

As we'd expect, 30 years ago, Thorpe Park was a very different place. In fact, it wasn't really until 1983 that the park saw investment in 'theme park rides'; until then, the park was a more educational/leisure area. One attraction which opened in 1983 saw Phantom Fantasia - the first incarnation of what many knew as Wicked Witches Haunt. The ride was rethemed into WWH in 1994, before its untimely closure in 2000 due to the infamous Thorpe Park Fire. Whilst I never got a chance to ride the o



Thorpe Park Summer Nights 27th of July and the 3rd of August

On the 27th of July I spent 12 - 13 hours at the "Nations Thrill Capital" I arrived at the park 9:00am since my train's getting to Stains were Early (about 40 minutes early) so I waited till 10:15 for the Brilliant Cornflakes to arrive then we entered the park. The first ride we went on was Rush because it was on the way to Colossus and Rush often gets around a 30-40 min queue in mid day. Rush is fantastic in the morning with 5 High swings we both said that it was the best cycle of Rush we hav



My first post

So here is my first Post on my first ever blog. If you are here by mistake have a look around(when I actually have posts) otherwise you are free to leave. A bit about me: I live near Thorpe, and currently a standard merlin annual pass holder(soon to expire). I am 15 years of age, and love anything coaster related, to the records and heights to just the pure fun of riding them. I have many other hobbies which include, music, and theatre. I do a bit of dance, where most notable people met doi



Ministry Of Sound @ Thorpe Park Trip Report

It has been a long time coming but the storyboard is complete, the drunken captures have been taken and Episode 8 of the Maniacs Adventures is about to hit your screen So brace yourselves for Part 1 of 5 of the Official Trip Report of the Ministry of Sound @ Thorpe Park - 90's Style! (As a personal note there has been some great trip reports from you guys on this event). Today Colossus is on 1 train operation, so for the under 18's it was a must do first ride . How many people can you spot



Stealth, ice cream and stuff!

Well hello there and thanks for stopping by! Clicked the wrong page? Run - now! This is gonna be waffly so you have been warned (if you are still reading). Go grab a coffee or beverage of your choice and get yerself comfy..... So.....after precisely zero hours sleep, the night before (not helped by the fact that Mr Fish was snoring LOUDLY in my lounge) I necked a fair few coffees, got ready and headed off - at 5am! We picked up Ethan, Ricky and James & Co then headed towards Thorpe Pa



Summer Nights- 28/07/13

I was hoping to have something on the Ice Cream thing as well but that didn't seem to materialise so these two pictures of the only 'snowy' thing they had shall have to do. Max and Jack are excited for Stealth to set of the snow... But they are unimpressed when it doesn't happen and Max takes it out on poor Mr Snowman After our wonderful picnic provided by Jack (no pictures because it was so amazing) we waited for Styles. Max was going for the creepy look and doing it very well And



18th of July 2013 The Good and the Bad

This is rather a strange Blog to start off with I have been dreading this day ever since my last Dental appointment before I Visited Malta.... Malta oh yeah stay Tuned. Wait where was I ah yes... the 18th of July 2013 was the Day I have been dreading why? well Today was the day I had my first ever filling! First off my Mum went in before me to have a deep clean. which lasted for half an hour and by this time I was shaking sweating feeling cold in other words very nervous. Then It was my turn I



Ministry of Sound - What You Didn't Miss

First off, Ministry of Sound at Thorpe Park was outstanding. I did not have any idea what to expect from it really, was thinking the dome would not make much of a venue and the notorious Thorpe clientèle might make things a bit uncomfortable. I was very wrong on both counts. The evening was run like two different events stuck together, summer nights riding followed by the nightclub separately. I expected them to blend together in some way, having appropriate music pumped around the park maybe,



Up At The O2 + London Dungeons- 16/07/13

Yesterday (16/07/13) I ventured up to London to do something many of my friends had recommended to me, Up At The O2. This is where you climb over the O2 on a walkway that was made and opened up last year. It is expensive at £25 a person (for adults) and is pre book only (well it's not but good luck finding a space on the day). Climbs take place every 20 minutes with groups of up to 15 people. It is a full on experience with a pre show telling you all the safety information and random facts (the



Nemesis Inferno 10th Birthday Celebration ERT Event

It's been a long time coming, but then you have been getting a lot of trips recently However FINALLY the Trip report Part 1 of 5 for the Nemesis Inferno ERT event has come to hit a web page near you! On our 7th Adventure of the year - I wonder what new stories will come about and old stories that make a slight return...... THORPE PARK know we hold events so they have so kindly made a sign for us for a meeting point To Start this event off J.S217 would like to say Hi We start off this



TPM, coasters, meet ups, fears, friends and fun

Warning - may WILL contain wafflage!!! Right now I can't sleep - damned insomnia/anxiety grrr. So I thought I would type/waffle for a bit - apologies in advance for rambling but I could cure insomnia with my blog entries (though this is just my second one) - actually - going to read this back once done and maybe it will get me off to sleep A few weeks ago I wanted to leave this site and went through deleting all posts I have made since I joined back in April 2011 - it took a while but the



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