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The Delay... This Darned Technology.

Sup nerds, I have to start this one by saying sorry. This blog is for me to apologise for the delay in writing the rest of my disappearance blog, as I'm afraid my laptop has lost all ability to connect to WiFi... Typical. And the last part was gonna be the best one too... So part three will have to wait until I go home from university for Christmas, sorry! Got loads of great photos (especially of Scarefest) so I promise it will be worth the wait! I hope. Cheers, see some of you at the Christ

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

An Efteling Review Part 2

Efteling is more than just about the rides, especially when a large chunk of park comprises of the Fairy Tale Forest. The Fairy Tale Forest is a massive forested area in the park which features a large array of animatronics and models telling the story of numerous fairy tales. There are different types of settings, some that are outdoors, others that are inside and some that are somewhat a mixture of both. Some have said to me how you can spend hours looking around the whole area. Believe me,

Matt 236

Matt 236

An Efteling Review

For the best part of at least three years, I have been looking at spiralling out of the UK circle of Theme Parks. Though doing Tivoli World many times [part of annual family holidays], it wasn't really to count as at the end of the day it was little more than a glorified fair ground [though the shows & fountains were half decent]. It was not until this year where I managed my first large non UK park in the form of DLP which was achieved in April this year, however this was to only mark the

Matt 236

Matt 236

Month of Halloween: 3rd October-3rd November

October is behind us, taking with it potentially the biggest time of the year for events all over the country! Each year I have slowly been doing more trips relating to Halloween events and this year was no different. Like previously, it's great to start off at Tulleys on the first Saturday of the month. Tulleys is a great, well established Halloween event and really shows where you can end up from starting with selling pumpkins (this seems to be a recurring story, more on that later!). Providi



Imindetonator's Halloween Awards 2015!

I'm gonna start a annual Halloween awards, its gonna be quite a long post so lets start! Most Awful Maze: Honourable Mentions- The Volt,My Bloody Valentine Big Top- Big Top is awful. Big Flop starts off in a dull tent with dull black walls with little to no theming. And even funner 1 actor, IN THE WHOLE TENT. The Second Tent is ok, but with barely any actors in this tents it falls flat it in its face. Third Tent is good, but I had a couple of runs when I've saw no chainsaw. IMO Big Flop is th



Howl For Halloween

For several years now, there's been something on my theme park bucket I've always been wanting to tick off now for a long time. No, not Baron 1898 [although soon hopefully], not Europa Park either I'm afraid, however keep an eye out for MC16 which is happening soon, some hints to what this may even appear in this very blog entry. This something is of course on home soil and relatively simplistic in all honesty. It's Chessington's Howl O ween event. It's been something I've planned for over tw

Matt 236

Matt 236

The Disappearance! Part Two - Drayton Manor and Adventure Island

Hi again, managed to get Windows 8 to play ball so I can upload my photos from since September Early September me and SCB headed up north to Drayton Manor for my first time. It was a cold, damp day, but we got loads of rides done, including the "humpty bumpty oddity" that is G-Force, and my first standing coaster (Shockwave) that was... Challenging to get into due to being a little bit short :pardon:Eventually developed a technique by the end of the day though and really enjoyed it Also enjo

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

The Disappearance! Part One (Holland, Summer Nights, Oakwood, moving house, moving out)

Hey again nerds! I kinda went AWOL for a bit. I'm sorry. I disappeared somewhere around July but I'm back again! And I have so many blogs to catch up on... So I'm gonna try and smoosh them all into one So late July I went to Holland with cadets to do my 100-mile hike. Owch, my god it was painful. But so rewarding This year I did it as a member of the British military contingent, so we had to stay on this camp with the 5000 other military personnel from all over the world. On the first d

Celia Mae

Celia Mae

Imindetonator's Trip To Alton Towers Scarefest

So Scarefest is back! And it's better than ever! Day 1: So I started the day by a small drive of 3 HOURS! We arrived about 3ish, we got our maze tickets and then we were off. We got on Blivvy quickly due to the long que of 5 minutes.. After that we went to sonic-flopball which had along que due to it raining and only 3 per car. Then we went over to our first maze.. TOTT! Great maze: 9/10 Then we walked over to Molly. Unique maze 8/10 Sub Species The End Games:



Thorpe Parks twitter blocking

Thorpe park apparently have been blocking people who tweet Thorpes twitter about the new ride. (WC16) Even if they are correct or not (about the theme), Thorpe instantly blocks them meaning other viewers of Thorpes tweet are not able to see what the person commented. I just think its slightly unfair, people should be allowed to guess what the new rides about? Without being blocked? People are technically not doing anything wrong... just guessing their opinions of what the ride could be. I just t



Trolley Dollies Guide to... Alton Towers Scarefest 2015

Good Afternoon TPM! I'm starting a new series called 'Trolley Dollies Guide to...' which will be my take on reviewing/trip reports. To start, lets begin with the UK's most premium Halloween event; ALTON TOWERS SCAREFEST 2015 The Park This year saw new theming added to Towers Street, including the new 'Scarefest' sign which saw as the back drop too many families photos this year, it felt very refreshing and exciting to walk down with the new audio & new decorations. The lighting through

Liam T

Liam T

2015 Containment Review

Captain Obvious Alert - This blog may contain spoilers. So on Sunday, I did Containment, the new escape experience at Thorpe. I've never done one of these escape room things, and I've always been a bit sceptical about the idea - so many things can go wrong which can ruin the experience. But nonetheless, I was still excited to try it out... One thing which is worth noting was our group was made up of only 6 people (4 TPMers and 2 randomers), rather than the full 10. This was at the 4pm slot, so



Thorpe park Fright Night 16.10.15 My Review

SPOILERS AHEAD! So in the last week FN has been running, I sadly couldn't go until today but here's my review.. Big Top: Now, people have said this maze is awful, but you may expect me to say Big Top is bad but... I liked it, IMO Big Top is good.. It isn't perfect with sections feeling a little unispired with loads of black curtians from IKEA.. IMO the only bad part of Big Top is the first tent, it just lacks scares. The second tent is confusing and full of strobes and dead ends. The third



Fright Nights 2015

SPOILERS AHEAD Sunday 11th October 2015 Went to Thorpe Park on Sunday from 10:30 till 10. Operations were really good all day, and didn't see any rides break down all day. Queues were minimal in the day, and all rides were walk on from 4 onwards. To give you an idea of how quiet it was, Stealth was on 1 train and the gate was still left open on the platform. MBV was walk on a lot of the night, and SAW Alive were allowing us to go on again, straight through the fast track queue. It was a shame



Fright Nights smells

[spoilerS AHEAD] Now you may embark on reading this thinking it's going to be a crushing article on how disappointed I was with my first ever attempt at fright night mazes, however, it really isn't. Today, for the first time I braved up enough to actually try the mazes at Thorpe Park. I've been to Fright Nights several times before but have only done 2 mazes once, and that shook my soul, so I wasn't expecting to do any mazes, simply because I was too pussy frightened to do so. The day was spe



Tulleys the howl

Tulleys the howl is a new scream park at mead open farm. Tonight was preview night, here's my review! Haunted House: Haunted House is beautifully themed, with dark rooms and eerie sounds it is very similar to HH in Shocktoberfest. The maze was full of rooms and actors staring at us, overall a very creepy maze. 3/5 The Shed: The Shed is a great maze, with scares similar to the cellar. It is very impressive with scares being impressive overall. One section was similar to the cellar having a infl



Oh Blast..

Some rides hit you right in the gut with their immediacy in impressing you. Over the years I've done countless rides and things like The Hollywood Hotel Tower of Terror or Katun will give that immediate buzz from the get go. From ride to ride, you come away with the immense feeling of doing something at the top of the tree. Some rides take a little longer; it's why I never judge a ride solely on the first go. On this list are things like Rush, Thirteen and one that is rapidly becoming one of m



Tulleys Farm Shocktoberfest 2015 3 October

Tulleys farm is one of the best scream parks in the UK, and this year Tulleys has expanded to 8 attractions! Here's my review, sorry not many photos, but I was having so much fun I forgot. The Nightshade Circus: Nightshade replaces Twisted from last year, it is very similar in some ways. But also very different, the maze was full of curtians. With loads of other things too..including VERY uneven floors, a spinning tunnel, and a bag squish section (I call it the fanny). Another change is th



BelGerAnd Day 8 - Bobbejaanland

The last day of BelGerAnd is here! And unfortunately it's not ending with a bang, but rather a slur of 'b's and 'a's in one word - Bobbejaanland. For those curious, it's pronounced Bob-e-yan-land (we didn't fully know this until about half way through the day). Being close to the park meant that after our free breakfast, we arrived with plenty of time for the 10am opening. We got there at about 9:45 and let through the main gates, where we were immediately bombarded by a costumed character a



BelGerAnd Days 6-7 - Efteling

Better late than never ey? I've condensed down this entry so that it's easier for me to write / more people read it / I actually decide to write it... With Baron already ridden, and 2 full days (10-8) at Efteling left, we knew we'd be able to take our time with the park, and were in no rush to do anything straight away. We covered the whole park easily within those two days, and had plenty of time to reride our favourites too. So, to cut to the chase, I adored Efteling. I wasn't expecting to lo



Roman Roaming: Highlights from Italy, Part 2

Roman Roaming: Highlights from Italy, Part 2   Ciao! You've found Part 2 of my Roman Roaming Trip Report - if you've not yet seen Part 1, it's worth checking that out first. Part 2 continues with the tour around the land of pizza, pasta and Mario Balotelli, and includes the following Parks:   Part 2 Mirabilandia, Ravenna Ai Pioppi, Treviso Etnaland, Sicily     Bellissimo. Let's dive straight in!   Mirabilandia  



Roman Roaming: Highlights from Italy, Part 1

Roman Roaming: Highlights from Italy, Part 1   Ciao! You may well consider that writing up a two-week, 3,500km road trip around the coasters of Italy, covering 16 parks, 6 fairs and thousands of photos, would be quite the drawn out process - and you'd be right. So please forgive me for opting to showcase the highlights here instead; the stand-out, the fun, and the unusual.   Italy is a fantastic place to be a tourist - from the 2,000 year old ruins of Pompeii, to the narrow b



BelGerAnd Day 5 - Hello Netherlands

*Once again, a long time between entries into this trip - sorry to anyone who is still reading this! Reports will probably be shorter from now on so I can finish this thing before Christmas...* After a nice sleep in Dusseldorf, we said out goodbyes to Germany and ventured into The Netherlands. Out first stop was Toverland, which, despite being a relatively small park, was one I was looking forward to a lot. The 10-6 opening time would surely give plenty of time to give everything a couple of ri



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