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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Pickles


    I clicked the 2.0 one cause on the import one instead of dates I just got numbers. *Waits for an admin*
  2. Pickles


    Sterling Knight for some reason. I'm having a childish night with such stuff as Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato etc oh and to make me a really young naive kid I've got a bit of Justin Beiber going (Y)
  3. See Daniel has the right approach he said that he put the effort in whereas you Josh did not. It wasn't a you didn't get your point across it's a the way you said made you sound obnoxious and tbh idiotic so well done for making assumptions. You only corrected yourself on your second post so the ''Yet again, I appear to have not gotten my point across'' was unnecessary.
  4. I'm sorry but Josh really? I was expected to get all C's in my exams I got 1 B, 5 C's, 3 D's and 1 E how do you think I feel? So what if you got 2 marks off full marks think of the people who worked their arse's off and got waaay lower than they expected. I can't stand people who are like oh I only got x amount of A's well well bloody done to you. I worked my arse off and got those grades. I've now done 2 YEARS of AS's and I'm still not moving onto Uni. Be pleased with what you got cause your gonna get further than I am atm.
  5. There are times that people need to learn when opinions are needed or not. Thats my gripe with the forum world.
  6. Everyone these days are getting like 10 GCSE's plus. I've only got 9 and a half well if we do A*-C's then I have 6 and most people I know have gotten like all A*-C's =S
  7. Thats how you spell arrogant I was spelling it with an E instead of a A oops. I guess that shows why my grades are so LOW.
  8. They were meant to be my best mate as well so yeah I got an E so what not like I spent a year torturing myself over it. God I hate A levels after 2 years of AS I'm finally doing 2 A2's which will now put me at a disadvantage at Uni. Point of this is easier or not be proud of what you've achieved and do your best cause in the end it's your grades not theirs.
  9. We need to meet up in our hometown blud! =/ Yah so yah =D

  10. Woo I got told a couple of days ago by someone who wasn't in my Law class OR even took an interest in my education until now tell me that I obviously didn't know the stuff just cause I got an E. I would like to point out that exams to me are unfair as you can have a bad day etc etc I had one caused by said person. I knew everything that I needed to know for my Law exams and I would say you can ask my teacher but that would be mega weird. It just pisses me off cause he came out of school with 2 GCSE's went to work re-did his GCSE's at the age of 20 and just because he got pretty much all A* and A's he thinks he knows everything. God I hate people like that.
  11. I remember Tidal Waves old restaints, they really hurt when you headbutted them. I was small enough to go on and smack my head. It really hurt
  12. Hey GCSE's I think are more important than A Levels, they determine whether or not you do certain A Levels etc. I've encountered so many problems because of mine. I admire you wanting to do as well as you can and I can only wish that I'd been more like you when I did my GCSE's.
  13. ABDE?!?!?!?! I'm sorry but you've got yourself 160 points there. I've only got 90 after 2 years. Count yourself lucky girl.
  14. I personally would have a major problem with Alton towers the the designated smoking areas. Thorpes rules are no where in the queue lines etc and not near any buildings. I can do that and Chessie is pretty much the same other than Land of the Dragons and another area thats slipped my mind. They work for me, it's nice to be able to walk round the park and just light up instead of saying you need a cigarette, finding a place add all that up with a large group of you and it's gets pretty ridiculous.
  15. Friggin teacher training stuff, they go on about PGDE's and TT..somethings and stuff its like the actual teacher training site doesn't go above secondary, do they really think I could handle teaching a bunch of mouthy people who are exactly like me! There is a perfect couse I can do and I'm going to do it but I wouldn't be a qualified teacher I would still have alot to do to get QTS! Translations: PGDE: Professional Graduate Diploma in EducationTT..something: Teacher train course type thingQTS: Qualified Teacher Status or something like that All I wanna do is teacher at a college I'm being smart though and doing a combined degree so if teachings not for me I still have a combined degree in Education Studies and English so were cool (Y)Oh and I only have a YEAR to sort this out. I left it waaaaay too late.
  16. Anyone who was around last year knows that I messed up and needed to beg to be let back in. Well it's this time of year and I'm back on my knees grovelling once again because I messed up again, luckily it was only one subject instead of 3 but still.

  18. 1. The money comes from where? 2. The benches would not work on most rides. 3. The permanent audience wouldn't work because it would once again be too costly and most of the shows they get have other things to do during the year plus it creates better publicity for the park IE special appearences. As for the smoking, it doesnt actually work because most the time the operators and platformers are too busy with guest safety then to bother with smoking. Queue jumpings another thing that does work.
  19. HUG ME MIKEYYY! *hugs* x

  20. Compooter: My DadsPhone: Samsung F210 I thinkkk soon to be samsung tocco lite hopefully!Music: Ipod nano 8gb (teh one before the video one)Games: Old school nintendo ds, Xbox 360 elite and PS3 either 60 or 80gbI think thats it.
  21. XD only you could think of that. I MISS YOUUUU xxx

  22. Pickles


    Bloody womens friggin shops etc can't find one decent pair of shoes. Tbh I think I'm just too picky =P
  23. I can't go on at all, if my head hits the restraint once it's a migraine for me so =( pity I used to really enjoy the ride.
  24. Pickles


    For once I've been fine =DEdit: Actually just remembered that I have a broken bed and am now sleeping on a matress. Ignore previous comment >.<
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