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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Just wait, it gets worse. Spesh guys.
  2. Right just to say the amount of times I've seen great spelt as grate. I'm sorry but its not hard to look up how a word is spelt, yes I know I have made mistakes but atleast there not common words.
  3. Tell me about it, walking to college I got someone throwing one at me. Luckily it missed and hit the wall. It's still like grow up.
  4. I hate people. Someone can be your bestest mate and then they turn around and purposly blank you. Then you have ex's, yeah (swearword) them. If any friend ever tells you they will be there no matter what, you can always count on them to FAIL.
  5. You can add another repsonsible adult to the list =D I love being 18, IMMMA ADULTUSSSS.But yeah anyway, I will start saving my 50p a week pocket money xx
  6. Pickles


    I love Chris immensly and well hells I love everyone else! Merry new year and all that crap. 18's fun btw, well worth the wait, NOT.
  7. It's okay my AS exams which I've done so much work for could poss be reschedulaed for June. Recieved news, thus grab the drinking and taking a break from revising until more ifo.
  8. See I just tend to rant about the small things I'm not extremely bothered about, I decided to tell my 'best' friend what was really going on and she said she understood but then we got into an arguement and suddenly she doesn't anymore. There are many things which I could sit here and say but even if it was my other best mate I couldn't say due to the persecution I've recieved over the years about my problems.
  9. See this is a grey area that pisses me off cause tbh who knows what people are feeling on the inside, you could find the happyest person on earth and they might feel like sh!t on the inside. You just don't know. Everyone has their own reactions to things that happen in lives so what may be nothing to one person like a stupid comment might tear another person up inside, you just don't know. Therefore people saying 'oh thats nothing' etc pisses me off.
  10. Pickles


    Chris!! I'm only 18! Byatch!
  11. Pickles


    I'm remembering the days when this had like 3 pages lol. I feel old and yet I'm counted as a youngster. Haha.
  12. Hi there my names Holly and I'm 18, I'm an alcoholic, smokaholic and anything else that comes with -holic at the end. Have a nice christmas and new year and I will see you all in 2134! x
  13. PM me ya number and we shall meet! xx

  14. -People talking behind my back-People-People-PeopleI'm not a people person AT all and tbh ARGH. Bloody gr tbh no more best mate cause of a friggin GUY. 15 years thrown away cayuse of a GUY.;A FRIGGIN GUY.
  15. Pickles

    Forum Posts

    Wow drama queen alert. At thus as this year draws to a close I am still amazed at the stupidity of our lovely country. The 'agency' has no possible way of stopping this stuff. And tbh its only like it when your around due to the comments that are not needed. Remember me now? Yes I'll be the one of whom you reported me because you didn't like the fact people voted for you for bad thing. 'Most likely to be banned in 2009' and what my dearest happened in 2009, oh yeah you got banned.
  16. Pickles

    This Or That

    Head lice, less sensitive lol. Dr Gutmann or Dr King?
  17. Pickles


    No were not cause we have lives.
  18. I don't think Rich's comment was very fair as alot of us hasn't experienced things that others have, also everyone has their own worries and you never know what goes on behind closed doors. I believe that to one person someones problems may seem small and insignificant but to the person its THEIR problems thus the only thing they know is that its a problem and its theirs so no one can really say stop saying this that and this when in reality we have no idea what goes on. We have no idea what a persons life is like off the forum, this topic for me is somewhere where I can come and rant when I have something to rant about I don't expect to be told what Rich said. Never know this maybe the only place they can voice things like it.
  19. I agree, I currently have 1B, 6C's, 2D's and 1E at GCSE but its not holding me back, but I was put in the wrong sets and it annoyed me thus making just not try. Last year I failed not because I couldn't keep up with the demanding work at AS levels but because I had freedom and I used it. Now I'm back to 3 AS levels and I am struggling a bit but I'm getting the help I need and currently keeping my target grades. I didn't get the help I needed at all at GCSEs, for me atm AS levels are easier than GCSE for me.
  20. Pickles


    Limp Bizkit - Behind blue eyes Always a good one to listen to =D
  21. Physics doesn't click with most people lol. I remember those stressful times! Good luck! x
  22. I'm in my second year of college and I'm re-doing my a levels, so yah its tough but I do understand where he's coming from.
  23. do I get yer help with 2009 tpm awards?

  24. I have many rants but hey whats the point? Whats gonna be done about them. One person can change it all but wont. So why should I even bother?
  25. My tips are no matter how unfriendly someone is be nice to them cause it will cause you less hassle.Don't attack anyone who critises(sp?) you.Most off all if you need any help contact a mod or admin or even an older member.
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