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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. OH MY GOD BENIN, you had to pick Reading. Sorry but with this debate I'm just going to end this one here and say with the current economy some places have become down trodden and 'Tacky' to voice ones opinion is not a crime. It's fact that a fair bit of England is not very nice anymore. It's gotten to a point where you can't get offended because you may as well get offended by various countrys calling England a sh!thole. But you don't. Now then, I've never been to Blackpool, been Southport I believe but never Blackpool. I must do that one day.
  2. I was on Rocky Express for like 5 minutes because it wouldn't stop. Just going round and round, listening to the music. You guys wonder why it's my fave ride XD Due to queues that day I stayed on it the whole day, was fun chatting to the attendant. Just for clarification I was with a friend.
  3. Wait you were only meant to wink at people? Uh oh...
  4. Can't promise, you will just have to wait and see *evil laugh*
  5. I like chicken. I am mebbe as always. The further away the more likely cause then I can save up and be all like yaya let's go but for now I am mebbe. AND I AM KING.
  6. Due to the fact that I need to go to either hospital or walk in clinic as I fell downstairs I cannot attend this I'm afraid.
  7. The reason why I will never go on another again
  8. I'm actually rather excited to visit Chessie and see these new developments
  9. Many people have said about how Thorpe aren't going in the right direction for the Thrill Seeker angle. Has anyone considered that they haven't been plugging it very much lately and that they may want to head in a 360 turn because they found it didn't work?
  10. Detonator (5) Loggers Leap (3) Nemesis Inferno (7) Quantum (5) Rush (5) Slammer (7) Stealth (4) Tidal Wave (5) X (5) Loggers + Detty -
  11. Pickles

    TPM Awards 2013!

    Yeah, pity that, out of us two who won what? Can't say much when it's like this...
  12. Pickles

    TPM Awards 2013!

    Please I will snatch back, with nails
  13. I may be able to grace you guys finally with my presence just a little over a year since the last time... Depends of when I get paid.
  14. Pickles

    TPM Awards 2013!

    In all fairness right now I am just wondering who Benin is?
  15. Pickles

    TPM Awards 2013!

    Noooo I mean in this topic right now
  16. Screw Chessie Mania, Alton Mania pls
  17. Pickles

    TPM Awards 2013!

    Hello Dean, just to let you know that post quality and not quantity is a highlight of this forum. Please don't bring that down. And to Myk I don't know who half the people on this forum are, I've only been on here for 7 years. Whoops, who are you? To all my friends here, bitchiest member award next year? I'll take that crown thanks.
  18. Whaaaaat? I've only been on here for 7 years XD
  19. Hi my names Holly and I am new.
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