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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. They're actually significantly better than most of the Alton Towers toilets.
  2. Dan9


    But it hasn't run forwards yet...
  3. Dan9

    The Smiler

    At the moment the construction site is so big simply because they can. By opening the track will all be in, as will most of the larger theming elements so I still think there's a good chance most of it will be as accessible as it normally is.
  4. Dan9


    It doesn't anymore, because I just took it off. See how easy that is?
  5. Yes, that's why I assume someone said it. Because it would be pointless. That's the joke.
  6. Nah, took it from another forum. Standard.
  7. Dan9


    You must love Wigan. European away days are the dream, but it looks like I'll only have Górnik Zabrze to look forward to next year judging by Arsenal's current form, good times.
  8. Who do you think this has cost a considerable amount of money? It was probably something discussed between Thorpe and B&M before the ride was even finished. Anyway, Thorpe have said that this isn't the only change happening, an X:\ 'refurb' is still looking likely.
  9. Indeed, I suspect it was something discussed between Thorpe and B&M before the ride was even finished. Generally I'm not crazy about backwards rides but I think the more 'floaty' nature of Swarm's elements could allow it to work pretty well. One of the things most praised about The Swarm when it opened was that almost every seat offers a unique experience and this 'mutation' will surely only enhance that further? And if it ends up being a load of-, then it probably won't last further than this season. I guess my point is... DON'T PANIC!
  10. Dan9

    2013 Changes

    No. Yes. Just a suggestion... sometimes, you literally only have to read a few posts or so above yours to find what you're looking for. Correct. About 15 years ago...
  11. They tend to do this with all major new rides. It's what Saw: Alive was to the ride, and anyone remember 'Stealth 1.1'?...
  12. No one was arguing. It's just a difference of opinion. But obviously if you make an obviously controversial statement and then label it is 'OFFICIAL!!!1!', people are going to take issue with it. There is no official winner when it comes to this, it's down to personal taste. Some might argue that Vampire, Rattlensnake or Nemesis have better theming in the UK, and that Raptor is better themed than Swarm, but that's just their opinion.
  13. I'm not talking about the reaction now, I'm saying theoretically if the reaction was poor when it's open.
  14. As expected. I don't think the change was at all necessary either, but don't knock it until you've tried it. At least if the experience is worse and reaction is poor enough, it'll be just as easy to turn it back around the 'right' way again. I imagine they will listen closely to feedback, they'll have a PR issue on their hands though...
  15. It's definitely new - 'the mangled metal of a devastated billboard.'
  16. Dan9

    The Smiler

    I don't personally know what the reaction was, but the rest of his post was spot on. This line in the press release is especially brilliant: "The Smiler is an all-knowing controlling force that will make riders compliant until they become a smiling advocate." This kind of name and theme is definitely something no one was expecting and it's all for the better. After Saw and Th13teen, it's great to see Merlin still have it in them to create a backdrop story full of originality and intrigue such as The Swarm and now The Smiler.
  17. Dan9

    The Smiler

    The Smiler themed hotel rooms will be erm, comforting...
  18. Dan9

    2013 Changes

    Hence why they left a whole train out in the snow. Indeed, which is why I'm suspecting this might be advertised as a limited time thing. Obviously not as limited as one weekend, but it means they won't be stuck with it if it ends up failing. Likewise as you said, if it ends up being really good, then great.
  19. Dan9

    The Smiler

    Some of the alternatives to Stealth were classic, THE HUMDINGER. I really hope this now becomes the name out of nowhere. I think a name like 'The Smiler' could work really well. When I first heard it, no I didn't think 'big scary rollercoaster' but I was instantly intrigued and wanted to know what it was about, and I think a lot of the general public will be the same. The fact that it's so odd works in their favour in terms of marketing. It's a whole lot more interesting than Th13teen anyway.
  20. Dan9

    2013 Changes

    Batman backwards being adveritsed as a 'limited time engagement' means this might also be a possibility with the way they advertise the Swarm changes. If the feedback is then positive, they could make the changes a more permanent feature. At least that way if the experience isn't improved they'll have a get out of jail card. Would make sense to me considering Six Flags have done the same.
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