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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Many possibilities. Colossus struggles to make it around the final corner in low temperatures, and in temperatures as low as we're seeing it's got a too high likelihood of it valleying for it to open. Stealth doesn't have this problem, as it only has to launch it's way around a 13 second circuit to the brakes. Of course it still has the risk of rolling back, but this seems to happen less frequently nowadays, and when it does it's considerably easier to recover than Colossus. Other reasons could be that they're different ages and different types of rides, for example maybe Colossus's lift motor has problems in low temperatures just like Saw's does. Stealth again wouldn't have the same problem as they use different systems which might be able to deal with the cold weather. As for it failing to open in years gone by, we can only really make assumptions. Maybe as Intamin have developed, they've replaced older parts with newer ones more able to withstand colder temperatures? Maybe it just gets better maintenance now than it did before?
  2. Dan9


    It tested on two swings in the morning but was only open on one. When it was open it barely reached 90 degrees too.
  3. Dan9


    Slammer update. Rain, sleet, snow, blizzard, 2C - running all day.
  4. Inferno was roaring away through the sleet and snow (which became a blizzard at one point) on two trains today, and was probably the most consistently popular ride in the park
  5. So glad I found this out before I got there, today will be all about Inferno love.
  6. Would rather Pixar worked on more original stories rather than just constant sequels. As much as I loved Toy Story do we really need a 4th?
  7. Yes, I know what it is. I only worded it that way so it was clear which part I was talking about.
  8. Good to see you're ignoring my post for the sake of your own convenience.
  9. I've always been fond of the Colossus rattle off the lift hill. It's one of my first memories of the place when I first visited, and for a 9 year old it was probably the most intimidating thing imaginable.
  10. Apart from all the improvements and upgrades they've made which you decided to disregard.
  11. Or the ride TPM don't want at Thorpe the least.
  12. Painting over rust won't remove it. Plus I don't think rusting is the cause of roughness anyway, I used to find it rougher back when the track still looked in fairly good condition.
  13. It might be worse depending on where you sit, but I've definitely felt the large jolt on pretty much every ride I've ever had on it.
  14. It's the first we've heard of the mist not working this year, it could easily be back tomorrow. Chill...
  15. Dan9

    Early Ride Time

    Nothing's been said officially but apparently The Swarm opened at 9:15 for Crash Pad guests today, so they could be trialling it. No idea how long it was 'exclusive' for as they often open the park early when a certain amount of rides are ready.
  16. A Mack mega coaster called Alpina Blitz is coming to Nigloland (near Troyes, France) in 2014.
  17. Stranded on a train for almost 3 hours. Left at 8, just got to Clapham. Good start.
  18. I believe Saw and Colossus had a fair bit of downtime.
  19. Evidently it was broken, it doesn't look like a design choice. Hopefully it won't remain that way for the rest of its days...
  20. Tomorrow, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are all forecast to be even colder or as cold as today. Hmm...
  21. Ugh, everything about this place...
  22. Am I on there? I can't seem to remember this being organised but damn I'll want my dinner. Also yes, the forecast has changed! 1C...
  23. There are a lot of other factors. Proof being that The Swarm can't have been that badly received if Merlin have just bought their third wing-rider for Heide Park...
  24. 'Realise that it's the ride car going round the track that is bumpy and rough' ...so, you think everyone else had been throwing themselves around the seat on purpose? I'm pretty sure most people who are irritated by Saw's bashing are so because they've tried to keep themselves under control or 'hold themselves still' as you put it, but failed to. Because it's too rough. If people could hold themselves still, they would do so.
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