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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    This Or That

    Moon - spiritual much?! ;)Resistor or Capacitor?Sorry, that sucks
  2. Alex

    This Or That

    Age of Empires 3 *shrugs*Tabloid and Broadsheet are types of Newspaper dear ...and yes, Lynx is 'orrid, just stinks of adolescence ;)Ermmm, beer or larger?
  3. Alex

    This Or That

    Well I would've said Mac, shouldn't have banned me ey Phill :rolleyes:SonyTabloid or Broadsheet
  4. Alex

    This Or That

    Dell:rolleyes:5.1 or 2.1Phill Comment: Watch it wise guy
  5. Alex

    This Or That

    I'm not sure Mike understands the game
  6. Alex

    This Or That

    Drugs are bad.USB or Firewire.
  7. Alex

    This Or That

    Mobile Phone.AMD or Intel?
  8. Alex

    This Or That

    Fer Sure MaybeMac or PC
  9. Alex


    Holly dear, didn't you only just get back to school?! LAWD!
  10. Alex


    Shut up Seb dear.Thnx.
  11. Alex


    Comin' at ya live from the Wii - Opera Powered!
  12. Alex


    Yay Ikea!I'M MR BRIGHTSIDEbtw:)
  13. Alex

    Songs And Lyrics

    Reminded me of...Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes!All this feels strange and untrueAnd I won't waste a minute without youMy bones ache, my skin feels coldAnd I'm getting so tired and so oldOLD?! MOI?! THE CHEEK OF IT! TUH!
  14. Alex

    Songs And Lyrics

    You're irresistible - natural, physicalIt's indefinable - magical, illigicalSo make-you-mineableThe Corrs - IrresistibleSee where I'm going with this one Mike?! Goodnight internets!Edit: Just to clarify, it ain't what it looks! Kthnx bye x
  15. Alex


    Chaz - what is and isn't spam is subjective, it depends on the person, and their point on view, therefore only blatant spam is deleted.You don't know that there is nothing to be defended from. Some people take what others think of them very personally, and could therefore be upset by what you've said, effectively calling them spammers.Precisely Seb, any further posts on the topic will be deleted.
  16. Alex


    Wasn't me Sorry Chaz, but that is provocative, and you know it. You're not stupid; you know full well how that comes across. If there was an exclamation mark or a wink, then it'd be taken differently, but there isn't. This isn't real life; we can't sense you're tone of 'voice'.As you've said, this is a petty argument. This is the random topic, people can post what they like and it isn't considered spam. If people are friends off the boards that's great, I personally don't mind the odd private joke in specific topics, but evidentially that irritates some members, so if that could please stop as of now it would be appreciated.I appreciate that Holly feels the need to defend herself and Maxi, and she is more than entitled to do so. Chaz you might think this is only a message board, but different people react to things differently, for all you know person X or Y might get extremely upset by people being negative towards them. It's plausible.But as I said, this is silly, anything the admin team feels is spam will be dealt with accordingly. This ends now, thanks.
  17. Alex


    Standards only fall as far as you let them. Not everyone knows as much as you might Seb, so it's a case of having to educate sometimes. Everyone's a newbie at some point.Make a serious post, nice weighty few paragraphs full of good juicy point all backed up and explained, I'm sure you'll get an intelligent reply sooner or later.Infact, thats a point, everyone remember SEX. State, Evidence, eXplain.Peace out.
  18. Alex


    Be friends or you're all banned, comprende?
  19. Alex


    Oh common gang, play nice!
  20. It's basically an inline twist/heartline roll prior to the lift hill.
  21. Alex


    Birds are singing, the sun is rising. How utterly bizzare. I'm going to bed now, night!
  22. Alex


    My quote of the day:" "Bugger, perhaps I should've gone to Chessington afterall
  23. Alex


    3 o'clock, rly?
  24. Isn't Seb delightful.Happy birthday.
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