Wasn't me
Sorry Chaz, but that is provocative, and you know it. You're not stupid; you know full well how that comes across. If there was an exclamation mark or a wink, then it'd be taken differently, but there isn't. This isn't real life; we can't sense you're tone of 'voice'.As you've said, this is a petty argument. This is the random topic, people can post what they like and it isn't considered spam. If people are friends off the boards that's great, I personally don't mind the odd private joke in specific topics, but evidentially that irritates some members, so if that could please stop as of now it would be appreciated.I appreciate that Holly feels the need to defend herself and Maxi, and she is more than entitled to do so. Chaz you might think this is only a message board, but different people react to things differently, for all you know person X or Y might get extremely upset by people being negative towards them. It's plausible.But as I said, this is silly, anything the admin team feels is spam will be dealt with accordingly. This ends now, thanks.