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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    Your Setup

    Made a few changes, most notably to the dock, nicer icons!
  2. Alex

    Your Setup

    Lol, 103% - YAY EXPLODING RAMS!!111!111!ONE
  3. Alex


    I am soon to be jetting off to Portugal, Faro to be precise. Some place North of Faro to be slightly more precise. So, I bid you farewell, have a nice few weeks everyone, and enjoy that Thorpe trip you got planning!Oh, and if I get back to a loada spam, there will be hell to pay! :PBye byes!
  4. Alex

    Your Setup

    Shut it Caudell
  5. Alex

    Your Setup

    I can has Macintosh?!
  6. Alex

    Songs And Lyrics

    But thoughts they change and times they rearrange I don't know who you are anymoreLoves come and go and this I know I'm not who you recall anymoreBut I must confess you're so much more than I rememberCan't help but entertain these thoughts, thoughts of us togetherAnberlin - A Day LateCutes song.
  7. Alex

    This Or That

    Clothes.Left or Right?
  8. Care to share some more info about the park? I've heard of it, but not to any great extent.
  9. Or anywhere, for that matter
  10. "Ensure that your Blaster remains in it's holster until you leave the station."I do believe that is something along the lines of the Tomb Blaster one.
  11. Vampire isn't going anywhere. Removing it would be a pointless endeavour, because nothing could be built in it's place.
  12. It's the little things that really make Alton a fantastic experiance. Provided they keep the park and the rides looking good and the atmosphere remains, Alton will always be #1 in my book.
  13. Alex


    So much for my early night.
  14. Alex


    Haha, aww, W00 from me!
  15. Alex

    This Or That

    Pepsi.Life or Death?
  16. Alex

    This Or That

    Despise.Green or blue?
  17. Alex

    This Or That

    ITV Digital MONKEY!Tea - Tetley or PG Tips?
  18. Alex

    This Or That

    Notes.Old Wembley or New Wembley?
  19. I do whatever I likes. I'm rad like that.
  20. Alex


    Arguing gets little boys banned. Yes, you too Mark.
  21. By that I assume you mean crappy capacity?Yup, thats what I thought.
  22. Alex

    This Or That

    Nemesis. Glad that one's sorted.Samsung or Nokia?
  23. Alex


    Oh Mike, what are we gonna do with you ey!Chin up mate, you'll get through it.
  24. Alex

    This Or That

    Slim PS2... but don't read into that, because that would make me appear a stereotypical, chauvinistic pr*ck :rolleyes:Erm...Flat Head or Phillips?
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