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Everything posted by Will

  1. I was really nervous on my first meet-up so its normal.
  2. I used to be scared of this ride when I was 8 - and I thought it went a lot higher. I used to hate the weightlessness feeling but it's amazing and I still love this ride.
  3. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    I really like the temple-themed screamin' squirrel
  4. If Timr can get one, anyone going would like to share it with me 35 split for £17/18
  5. I most likely will be going.I don't have an AP and don't really want to pay £35, does anyone have a half-price ticket or something I could use. I'd have to pay about £6-8 for the train and £3 for the bus there and back (£6) and then it's £10 on f&b.
  6. Will


    I was supposed to go Paintballing today, and was supposed to meet mates at 09:00 but train was delayed. Some person I asked gave me the wrong directions and had me at this paintballing place, which there were 3.I didn't bother going in the end and the worst part my friend whose 18th it is, told us the place is 5 minutes away.
  7. It would be nice to see Joe, the first and last time I saw Joe was my first meet-up.
  8. We're on a huge hill:I meant that to get from my house to Raynes Park, it's 15 minutes. The hill from the wimbledon town to the village by walking, takes about 5 minutes. I live on the otherside of Wimbledon.
  9. Why?The only reason I can think of, is that they are advertising their new ride, so close to CWoA.
  10. Will

    I hope you do come to Thorpe Park 30th August

  11. Will

    You live in Worster Park? I live in Raynes Park which is like 20 mins away. So close...

  12. I hope Rich and Ian come, at least I'll know some people. It's good that the new people are coming and you don't have to feel shy and intimidated.
  13. What is annoying me is drivers:We were passing roundabout in Wimbledon and another driver raced over the roundabout and nearly went into us. Another time, this lady raced passed this zebra-crossing when this old lady who was crossing the road. She fell backwards as she was shocked and the lady drove past but stopped to see if she was OK. People can't drive these days.It's stupid these drivers, standards should be made stricter. My friend Will drives and he told me he's scared when he drives and another two friends race each other - they're both very good drivers but they race.Back to parking:Our area / neighbourhood is on a big slop and drivers who want to go to Wimbledon Common or Wimbledon Village have to drive up this massive hill. We live 15 minutes (by walking) / 3 roads from town (Raynes Park) and we live 2 roads / 5 minutes (by walking) from the nearest bus stop.You follow so far? Our road is a cul-de-sac and is therefore very quiet and the road that is in-between the main road (where the bus stop is) and our cul-de-sac road (where our house is on) is, is really quiet. The point being, cars hardly come-by (4-5 cars per minute) and therefore is quite safe. However, on the edge of our road branching onto that middle road, our road curves and cars choose to park on this corner. The hazard is that since our road is on a slope, our drivers who reverse downwards cannot see other drivers who drive on this connecting road and in the past crashes have occured.Another problem, is this is made worse as since our area is private and very quiet, drivers passing-by race down the road and you can see what happens next. But yet...people still choose to park here.Another thing, which annoys us is that people who live on that middle road, park on our road and their road is very long and they have tons of space. The problem with our cul-de-sac road is that it's narrow at the top and makes it hard to park or reverse, so our people park downwards, where we live (we live towards the bottom of the road). We cannot have cars that park on both sides of our narrow road, otherwise it will be hard to drive and bumps and dents and scratches and ruined paint jobs will happen.This just frustrates me and it'll probably frustrate / confuse you when you read this.
  14. Will


    I expect to see a LTDP quite soon because Alton got theirs out. I personally think and this is my opinion that we'd see a plan for Aug/Sept even into Late Sept.
  15. Yes very true and I agree 100% because it doesnt matter as, if someone you go out with is drop-dead gorgeous, if the personality is crap, it wont work. Or if you go out with someone who is 7/8/9/10 out of 10 and they abuse/beat you up, it's bad.What I do find, is that most young people are into looks more.
  16. I might be going, I haven't been to Thorpe since Jadey's b-day and I thought it would be nice to meet some of the new people.Maybe it's a different Joe?
  17. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    Vortex could work at Chessington as there is a shortage of rides for older people, since CWoA is aimed at providing fun for all ages such as children, teenagers, adults, etc. If people go on Ramses Revenge, then they will most likely go on Vortex.
  18. No, what I am trying to say is that as you get older you realise what is important in life and what's not. People realise that being shallow and caring about looks is unimportant and that personality is what is important. I'm saying that as you get older, you become wiser.
  19. Girls say that personality is the most important but that usually isn't true. How it is supposed to work, is that a girl is attracted to a guy and looks are the most common factor. She is attracted to his good looks and then they decide to get to know each other. They find things in common, he asks her out on a date and then it goes from there.I know girls who went out with guys just to make jealous or boost to others, you could say that people are young, stupid and naive. But as people get older, it is about personality. It gets to that age where women are desperate to find love and settle down. They want to start a family and there is a deadline for when they can't have anymore children unless they freeze eggs.The point is, where now teenagers/young adults are like that, when they get older it changes as they get more mature and realise what is important.
  20. There are hot girls who have great personalities but what I can tell you that many girls who are hot are shallow, bitchy and shallow. I have plenty of friends who are girls and are hot and are shallow.E.g. A close friend of mine (girl) only looks at a guy if he is wearing skinny jeans. If he is hot and doesn't wear skinny jeans, she won't and she has a friend who went out with a guy because he is an A&F model. I don't go for drop-dead gorgeous girls because they probably have like 1,000 other guys after them and I'm not DDG, so they might be unfaithful. Then...my friends told me the RULE where guys go for girls two points below them - scale 1 - 10.
  21. There are probably as many gay/lesbian people as straight people. It could be that many straight people are bisexual but are able to hide it away OR the straight side is dominant over the gay/lesbian side.Another idea, could be that a noticeable percentage of people, who are straight are gay/lesbian but are living in denial or are trying to supress it and hoping that they will meet someone who is the opposite sex and then any same-sex feelings/impulses will fade away.A theory I have, might be a little hard to understand:My theory is that there a noticeable percentage of good-looking guys are gay/bi but pretend that they are straight. As they are so good looking, the girls can't help but be attracted to them. Whereas average-looking guys, don't have the girls attracted to them as much, as the girls are attracted to the secretly gay/bi guys who are pretending to be straight.So the consequence, is the average guys think there must be a reason why they aren't lucky and they think that they might/must be gay but carry out being straight as they are in denial or are stubborn and they believe that girls will become attracted to them in the future. Another possibility is that the average-looking guys become open-minded and decide to better their luck by going bi. By doing this, they will hope that they will have better luck, they haven't given up on girls but are open to the idea of dating the same sex. So I think that by this, that some or many average-looking straight guys are giving-up on relationships with girls because girls are attracted to the very good-looking guys, who are straight but might secretly be gay/bi and that there isn't enough to go around. What do you think?
  22. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    I never said that I didn't like your ideas presented in this topic, in a matter of fact I do . I really like the Lake Noire idea especially bringing back the Witche's Haunt ride and creating a mine train concept that has got nothing to do with the wild west or sinister temples . It's a good thing to break away from the Wild West and try something new.Q: The Booster ride called Flow, where would these props/themeing be placed? You said that each times it passes in and out of the station, you pass a clock and a witch.
  23. Like you said, they're chavs, who probably poor come from some broken home (both ways) I.e. family problems and state of estate area (generalisation). Their lives are probs bad and don't have a good future whereas you DO.You just have to say or shout to them that you are better than them, which "coinkidinkley" you are
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