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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will


    I wonder if you'll look different from when I see you next. You might be like MJ, one minute one colour, the next another.Ricky the Chameleon
  2. Will


    I dont understand anything about Politics other than the BNP are apparent racists.
  3. Shame! (Prof Msg)

  4. Haha!I suppose they are similar but my Q is about the emphasize about brilliantly-themed flat ride.
  5. With all these 4-dimensional coaster designs out there (Intamin, S&S) how do you think this will affect other manufacturers, like B&M which have you have been rumoured to be working with?You started working on theme parks with Chessington, where will you go from there? Will there be a time, when you've decided that Chessington WoA doesn't need you anymore?Nemesis and the Forbidden Valley was one of your greatest pieces, do you think we will see you, re-creating that magic at the other Merlin parks specifically Thorpe Park?There is a huge emphasize on rollercoasters, will we ever see you / would you ever want to create a flat ride, that is totally jaw-dropping and themed brilliantly?After working on Thirteen, what do you plan to do next?What do your family and friends think of what you do?
  6. Will


    See you Andrew!My sis went skiing once, I hope to go when in the future. I'm worried I'd break my ankle.
  7. Will


    Haha!Thorpe Park could never be like Adventure Island or Paulton's Park. I think Thorpe Park and Chessington are both doing a lot better than they have done previously. Alton Towers is definately the better side. But with Thorpe and Chessie, it's a win-win situation. I'll agree to disagree
  8. I will be going next year and I can't bloody wait!!!
  9. I have absolutely had enough and I'm beyond furious. I am sick and bloody tired of how much **** I get from some people on these forums, being told I'm annoying. I don't think people actually understand, that I can't help being annoying. I'm not annoying all the time or even most of the time but actually occasionally.If no-one on here knew, I have Autism, it is a social and communication disability and about four people on these forums have what I have. Who they are, I won't say and will respect their privacy. But it makes me unbelievably upset and enraged when people who have been here a long time or even short-time, know I have this problem and still give me stick for it.Like I said, I can be annoying occasionally just like everyone can be annoying but is that enough reason to hate me? Does anyone know on here know what hate is or how to hate someone? One person whose been here a long time, said he hates me because I'm annoying. He said he knows it's not my fault but yet he still hates me. Just because someone is annoying, that's enough of a reason to hate someone? Unless people here have Aspergers, they don't know how it feels to have it. How it feels to feel like a freak, an outsider, that people are talking crap about them behind their back.I'm not a bad person by far and I know I am a very good person. If I was such a horrible, hate-inducing person, would I have friends, family that love me and love around me?I don't like talking on MSN or on Facebook because I don't understand the context, in which something is said, like when people use exclamation marks, use sarcasm or talk in capitals, but yet..I try to overcome this. I don't know what to say and sometimes say things which are inappropiate but yet I try to think before I speak. I didn't come to the meet-up last Sunday because I didn't have money and I didn't think anyone would've been happy to see me or would have wanted to hang around with me. It makes me feel inadequate, depressed because I feel I am a horrible, hateful person and I feel akward in social situations. I didn't come to the meet-up because it's painful and I think some people are too, too nice to say anything. However, I will speak up!There are people who don't talk to me anymore because I am annoying. I never knew how prejudice or alienation people like me recieved. It's not my fault, I don't do it on purpose, I'm not an attention seeker nor do I feel sorry for myself but it's really getting me down and yet..I try to improve and become a better person. I do this because I want to become a better person. There are many of you lot on here that are beyond annoying but I don't say anything, I accept it and take the good with the bad, but yet it doesn't work that way with me. The truth is, I really like you guys a hell-of-a-lot and think the world of you, because I feel that I fit in here with you guys / girls at TPM and but at the same time, I feel weird and like an outsider.Where is Lady Gaga, when I need her to liberate me, from my fears and insecurities and to stop feeling like a ****ing freak?
  10. Will


    The video was leaked online and a friend of mine, whose good at these type of things, pointed me to it.
  11. Will


    It was leaked last night and I managed to get sent the file. I was so happy, I've been waiting for so long and finally I can get on with my life and wait until 'Alejandro' (confirmed 3rd single) comes out.
  12. Will


    I stayed up last night, until 2am so I can watch the video. It's really good and has a very-important message.The vid shows Gaga and Beyonce poisioning a group of people in a diner. The food that the people in the diner are eating is fame and Lady Gaga and Beyonce are symbolic metaphors m of American Fame (because of the American attire) leaving a trail of destruction. The police that is after them, is symbolic to public criticism trying to punish it but somehow, it gets through.I thought it was really funny when the transvestite prison guard said 'I told you, she doesn't have a d*ck' and the other guard said 'too bad' :unsure:I thought Beyonce was funny.What do you think?
  13. ^ Likes Twickenham and likes West Ham FC
  14. Will

    Are you and Peter related?

  15. I'm going there next year - so excited. By that time everything will be open, tested and more reliable. Whose going this year? It's rumoured to be opening in May 2010.
  16. Aliens:I find it incredibly hard to believe that throughout the entire galaxy, there is not life on a planet other than Mars. I think there is and that the government doesn't think we're ready for something like this.Iluminati:One of Jay-Z's album covers, show him making these hand signs that are apparently Illuminati-like. Him and Kanye West have been making these signs. Lady GaGa makes these eye signs and hands coverering eyes, which could be to do with the all-seeing eye.It might be and probably is nothing at all, people make hands signs all the time. Most don't mean anything but some do.9/11The Bush and Hussein family are apparently rival-oil companies and I was told that GWB Jr knew about the terrorist attacks but used it as a diversion, so he could capture Saddam; something his Father GWB Sr. tried to do and failed. A conspiracy theory is that the Middle East controls the world's oil supply and if they tried something dirty, they could hold US's oil hostage, etc.So to avoid a future problem from occuring, GWB Jr. went in Iraq to preven that event from happening.Another theory is that Bin Laden is not dead but in a cave in Pakistan. It's better than a hole in the middle of nowhere. I just hope Osama has a emergency, back-door exit :PDiana:With Diana, I think people these days have a huge problem with middle-eastern people. A theory I've heard is that our Royal family didn't want Diana to marry or be involved with someone as powerful and influential as the son of Al Fayed. Another one, was that Diana was pregnant with the son of Dodi and he would be the next heir or something...These are just theories I've heard from authors, lecturers and media people I know
  17. I really like what's being done with the entrance. I respect how they've made an effort to improve general infrstructure.
  18. Will


    I'm looking at a new phone to get, can I anyone here think of any good ones (contract) and I'm with O2 and finished a 18-month contract with them in Jan '10 and can upgrade my phone.
  19. Short rant:I feel that I have no time for anything. I need to do coursework, which is very important and then I went to a Uni day and I'm going to more Uni open days which is a big thing. My Mum is badgering me on, to look at phone contracts and now my Dad is pestering me to look for jobs. I also need some time for myself. I don't have much time to do other things. I've practically stopped coming on TPM with a few exceptions. I feel that I'm going to be later and waking up earlier, so I can extend the time I have and I'm trying to manage my time better.
  20. Will


    There are 3 coasters and they all look like the drops are at an angle...what is this?
  21. It was a mis-understanding, lets kiss and make up shall we?
  22. I couldn't cope with GCSEs, I had below-par teaching, had work pilled on. was in the worst classes, was getting badly bullied and just made it. There were many students who were in depression and some committed suicide.If someone is stressed, this can lead to depression and even having nervous breakdowns. When someone is stressed, they need to be able to relax, otherwise they will get worse. Those years are some of the hardest years in a teenager's life.So Gemma, it is unlucky that you are feel stressed and feeling the pressure. I hope you can use this Mika concert to cool down, become happier and get back to your normal self. I wish you the best in your GCSEs and just know that if you do A* Levels, there will be more work and harder but...there will be less subjects and more freedom.Keep your chin up Gem!
  23. One of Mum's best friends died Today. She was diagonosed with Stomach Cancer in June and she passed away Today. I knew her since I was about 3-4 years old and she was a really nice person. She had a very-good life, had many successes including two married daughters, a married Son and another son, 10-yrs old (too young to understand).IMO she was much-loved, will be dreadfully missed and never forgotten. She no longer suffers.R.I.P Aunt RiffetIt will be hard for my Mum because she was one of her best friends. It's also strange since her adopted sister and brother also died of Cancer. My Dad stopped smoking on New Year's Day. Another cancer death avoided?New Year, new lease on life?I personally am a little sad but then again didn't know her as well as my Mum did, nor saw her often. I know she's O.KKids..don't smoke - you're just killing yourselves slowly
  24. She was invited, then the cheecky bastard told Gemma's friend, that Gemma wasn't invited because he'd invited too many people. He invited the friend and Gemma but then ditched them for friends that he don't even know.
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