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Everything posted by Will

  1. If she has texted / facebooked her friends and not you, I would be a little worried. Why would her friends be more important than her boyfriend (you).There are too many contributing factors that might break the relationship and then people influence you, or maybe they are jealous that you're happy and they're not. In high school / college, there many contributing factors such as education, people being immature, rumours being spread, jealousy, not enough time to balance priorities, part-time job, friends and other interests (sports / tv / video games). I am happy I've never had any proper girlfriends in high school, (went to an all-boys) most school relationships don't work out. I'm genuinely happy for all my friend's relationships, for what kind of a friend would I be, if I werent happy or supportive of them.My only advice is to not rush into things or immediately think that you're in love (when most young people don't know what love is) and just take things nice and easy.
  2. Will


    Some people are allergic or have allergic skin reactions to bread / wheat / oat - wheat allergies or maybe you have sensitive skin
  3. Found someone to share 2-1 voucher with ^^ phew
  4. I will be coming as I have the necessary funds, but I won't be going to FNI have two 2-1 vouchers, I could use someone to share it with.
  5. Will


    I spoke to Keith today and it's hard getting him to come on MSN - what with his 2K-word essays. I suprised you have finger left Keith.
  6. Will

    Bad Injuries!

    I was in a park near to where I live, I was about 5/6 years old. Someone in front of me opened this big metal gate to go into the slides and swings area. The door slipped from the person's hand and it caught my middle finger.I pulled my finger away and it got ripped open with blood pouring out of my finger and had to have stitches. Ambulance had to be called now I have a stitch on my finger.
  7. I am currently in my second and last year at college studying business and computing and in class today, our lecturer announced the 2nd unit / topic of our 1st term , which happens to be Creative Promotional Advertising.I really enjoyed learning about Marketing and Marketing Research last year and we just found out that our main task (Distinction criteria / A-grade crit) in this unit, is to design a promotional advert which can be about anything and as crazy as possible.She (lecturer) said it's her favourite unit and I can see that I will enjoy it a lot but the lengths that we'd have to go. She said we'd have to go as far as create a backing music track, film the advert as well as edit it. I'm just thinking maybe it's a bit too advanced for what we are doing in this course and in the time frame we have.
  8. Oli Sykes is not good looking - he makes me sick with his piercings and mass amount of tattoos. :D

  9. Will


    I watched Drag Me to Hell, it was so funny. The part where she is scared by a cloth and then attacked by the old lady.
  10. Disney bought Marvel Comics for $4 Billion as a major blow to to Universal Studios and also for revenge for getting Harry Potter. However Islands of Adventure has Super Hero Marvel land but apparently in final negotiations with the contract, they said that it doesn't affect the IOA themed-land because it's like 15 acres - it would last for another 20-30 years.Universal Studios gunned down by this is going to retaliate by unleashing major details about their new land and their new major dark ride on September 15th.Screamscape reported that WDW Magic leaked reports that if Universal released the major details about their project, Disney will release their major details about the new expansions / new rides coming to each of their parks.
  11. I'm hoping to get a part-time job soon and I said to Mum said I'll buy her one for Xmas £95.

  12. It thought it would be the end of September
  13. Looks like I'll buy you another one, for double action + it comes with that yellow ball for better use and manuverability.

  14. Gaga is re-realising her Fame album called Fame: The Monster which features 6 new songs and will be released end of Oct '09 - she is also back in studios with RedOne (Just Dance / Poker Face)

  15. I think I'll buy you a Dyson Hoover. :)

  16. Will

    I happen to know something very interesting about you :P

  17. Dan-Rush said it's apparantly waiting for a new part to come down from Alton Towers. I don't know who got the Electrician thing from.
  18. Will


    For example, I have really bad hayfever / phlem but it's not just pollen (flowers) but dust and air-pollution and smoke from cars. I have this nose spray which I have to use 3 times a day.When I use it, it sometimes gets into my throat from my nose, so I cough it up and it tastes horrible. However luckily I only have to use it when it feels stuffy or when I feel I need to. And when spring/summer is over, on comes autumn and winter where sore thoats, flu's and blocked noses are the norm with me.
  19. It's not a big deal because it's not like where Thorpe Park, where the rides are Chessington's only asset. Chessington have many different rides and have different forms of entertainment like the Zoo, Sea Life, Ent Shows. And it's the 1st September and people are back at work and school / college starts in like a week for most people.Point is, it's not a big deal and in general, accidents happen all the time - Vampire is quite old but Chessington are taking care of their rides in the best way possible and their staff are more that capable.
  20. The GaGa is my woman! :D

    And she is bluffin with her muffin - chocolate muffin that is :)

  21. I enjoyed today and it happened to be one of the better meet-ups. Really enjoyed meeting the likes of Ellerby, Jack, Ryan, Steve, Keith, Chantelle, Ricky, Jamie and Sam.And re-meeting the familiar faces of Rich, Marc, Freddy, Andrew, Chris, Peaj, Dan. I left with Chantelle around half 7pm, tired and feet hurting and been up since half 6.I look to see you all again in Thorpe Blast or at the London Trip, I don't think I will be coming Frite Nites.
  22. I expect the park to be quite busy since the weather is going to be nice but Reading Festival should make things a lot less busier than it would w/o the festival.
  23. Ride host, do you mean by in-charge of a ride. You need to be 18 to manage a ride just like you'd have to 18 to cook in Food & Bev.
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