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Everything posted by Will

  1. Gemma did state that the guy-friend told her friend that Gemma wasn't invited because he had already invited too many people. He invited her (Gemma), then told the friend that Gemma wasn't invited.That's inviting someone, then uninviting that person later.
  2. Gemma:That friend of yours is an actual ****!You are his friend and he needed to copy the Biology work. If you didn't let him copy the work, he would have gone to someone else or would have gotten into trouble...so he should be grateful, that he has a friend as nice and kind as yourself. You helped him out and you only wanted a small piece, whereas Miss I'ma-s*** ponces over, and gets a huge!! piece for waving her assets around. Some people these days do not know how good-a-friend they have.You should've or should let him know at the time, because unless you do, he won't know that he's offended youAnd...you should have told him its unfair that he invited you, then uninvited you. It's wrong and he can't do that. Ask him why he invited people he don't know over, the people he does know. Don't text your friend, just ask him directly, you will get a direct answer. You need to know who your real friends are.Josh:If a friend who ignores you, wants to copy your work, tell them no! You should tell them no because they only talk to you, when they want to copy your work and they're not a good friend, because they use you. And if people always use you and get their own way, you'll be a push-over.You need to stand up for yourself and tell it like it is. You'll feel better knowing that stood up for yourself, you'll feel more confident and they will see how wrong they were. They might be a little annoyed / angry / pissed but..they will know what they did was wrong. They might not say anything but they will know.
  3. Jack, I'm your friend and I'm single - forgot about me ay?-I've been single for a number of years and to be honest, there's no point in having relationships that young because you're not ready to commit and being able to commit is not something that people can do at such a young age, it takes maturity and experience to do - you need to know what you're heading into. The truth is, there are many people who aren't able to commit because they don't take being in a relationship too seriosuly or that they've played the field too much that, they can't get used to not playing the field.Me? I'm ready to commit to a relationship but not till I'm in Uni.
  4. Will


    Has Southparks disbanded?
  5. Will


    Some artists lip-synch because they dance like Britney Spears. She can actually sing but she doesn't have a lot of range. She's not really good and she dances / performs better and that's why she's famous and also that she's really good-looking and sex sells.Madonna is the same, she can dance, sing and perform but she's better at performing and she was one of the icon artists of the generation before us.
  6. Will


    She said she wants to be making music for the next 20 years.
  7. I wish there were more curvy-women. I dont know why women between 8-10 stonne think they're fat. Men love beyonce and kirsty from location, location, location and like girls who are sophisicated, smart and respect themselves (learnt this from snog, marry, avoid). I wish women could see themselves as themselves and not as they want them to be.I wish there were more curvy women on catwalks and in the fashiona and glossy magazines.
  8. Will


    I watch Glee, I forgot what day and times it's on :wub:I'm watching LOST this Friday on SkyOne and Desperate Housewives on Channel 4 Wednesday
  9. Will


    I wanted Black Eyed Peas to win a grammy but not best pop vocal album. Kelly Clarkson and P!nk are much better singers and they write their own songs; their meaningful and people like me and MikeyT can relate to them.I am happy Taylor Swift won as many as she did and that Beyonce has the record of winning 6 awards in one night. I am happy GaGa won 2 even thought she should have won at least one more but then again, she's only been here 1 year and she aims to be here for the next 20 years.Love the Elton John and GaGa performance and P!nk's was amazing!!
  10. Mikey, you know I've been there for you and you can always talk to me; you've my mob number / msn. I can understand that you don't like to tell your friends because you don't want to get them down and that might I add, is very considerate and something caring that I love about you. You don't need to be afraid of telling people, I'm 20 and can most definately understand many of the things you're going through and I'm telling you now...you can tell your friends.We're here for you, the ones who have your back are the ones you can rely on and with people like Aero, Keith and me you can be certain that you will get through with it. Just think how amazing it will be later on this year, the memories you will make and fun you'll have. Keep your chin up and just think it's just another obstacle which you WILL overcome.
  11. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    I would really love for mod rights, just about know ^^ Time to launch the Mod Signal (M)! Your post needs spaces, I lost concentration trying to read the post and it would have been easier to read that way. Rumba Rapids is removed and in it's place, there is what? Aqua Wars - I don't like the name and a wet ride that gets you completely soaked is not suitable especially in GB weatherCrossbone Coast: - Good nameMaelstrom - Nice idea for a flat ride and it's good it's build a flat away from the old Lost CityShipwreck - I like the idea of a simulator, but who is it aimed at? Is it family-thrilling? Is the ride & building enclosed? Where's the queueline?Cannon - I like the idea of a watercoaster and it's a nice family-thrilling additionWitches' Curse and Mona Lisa's Curse?Topple Towers - Sea Storm like CWOA & Zoo's ride?I like the additions, good ideas with just a few corrections here and there
  12. The truth is it probably won't go for at least a long time, but it will be removed some day, as every rollercoaster can only do so much before it does become really unreliable and costly. Vampire was build in 1990 and around 2000 it started to age and cause problems and the ride re-furbished with new trains in 2001 with a new lease on life.The new ride opened in 2001 and it's now been 9 years since the refurbished Vampire opened. I don't see anything wrong with Vampire but it has been 20-years and I'd be suprised if Vampire lasted more than 10-years. I personally love Vampire because it was the very first coaster I rode and I hope it stays as long as possible.
  13. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    This is what really annoys me, everyone slates Thorpe Park saying that they have crap reliability but most of the time it's not their fault. Since Merlin have arrived they have changed in more ways than one and their rate of reliability has improved compared to 2006/2007.Thorpe Park run their rides to the manufacturer's description and Slammer / Rush, they did the same but the rides are new and there will be kinks. Thorpe Park are known for investing in world / europe-first rides / new-invented rides that often have bad reliability. It's not Thorpe's fault, they are just investing in products that no-one or a few parks have. They just came into success around 2002 and after that...4 major coasters, 2 few-of-its-kind flat rides and it's already 2010. Most parks never invest in a big coaster because most don't have financial backing as great as Merlin / Blackstone. 2002 - Colossus2003 - Nemesis Inferno - How many theme parks build another major coaster after already building one the previous year? Hardly any2005 - Slammer & Rush2006 - Stealth2009 - SAW: The RideThorpe Park have grown very-fast and I can't imagine what will happen next and the fact they have had better reliability shows how fast they are growing, getting better and learning from previous mistakes made. They made have had bad reliability but it will only gett better and better.
  14. I think I'm similar in some ways. I've always liked girls and I've been this way since I was about 4 years old. My best friend when I was in primary school was this girl who was really pretty and now at this present moment, she is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. I've always found it easy to talk to girls and act normal, most guys pretend to be something that they're not, or they try too hard to impress a girl or get her attention.I've always thought of myself as straight, but I am open-minded and am not singling out those things. I intend to get married and have a wife and kids. It's not because it's normal, it's what I want. I've come from a small family with parents and sister, a cousin I rarely see and about 12-16 cousins / nephew / nieces over in Malaysia / Singapore where Mum's family live. Having a wife and kids is something on my long-term list.I am not looking for a relationship at the moment because I don't think I am ready. I need to grow-up more, take more responsibility and change a few things here and there. I've never been in a relationship, so I don't know what I like. I admittedly, have done things in high school but it was a mistake, I was very vulnerable and it was the lowest-points in my life. Those experiences made me even more confused.I don't want people to categorize me because I am not like everyone else. I've never been in a relationship and I won't know if I am straight or bi until something happens. I am not looking for a boyfriend but if someone who really took me by suprise came along, and was different, then I don't know what could happen; but I do know, I will always like girls. I don't think that anyone can rule out being bi/gay unless they have had some experience, that convinces them they aren't. The reason for this, is that you won't know unless you've tried. I hate curry and I know I hate currey because I've tried and I find it to be disgusting - same rule? Girls and boys play spin the bottle and in some cases, a same sex kiss occurs and if you liked it, you liked it and if you hated it, you hated it. But then, you might be in denial and might have liked it, but don't want to admit it, in fear that you become socially-rejected by friends.
  15. Will

    Video Games.

    I have Assassin's Creed 2 which has been described as bigger, better and more beautiful, which is amazing. I really liked the game company / developer's theory that Adam & Eve might not have been the first two humans on Earth and that the apple from the tree is symbolic, and that greed and weapons (all kinds throughout history) will envitably lead to mankind's downfall. I got the game in December and have been playing it for over a month; it's quite lengthy.I recently got Darksiders: Wrath of War, which is a post-apocalyptic Zelda meets Metroid Prime, which is absolutly fantastic and even playing on Easy-mode is challenging. I got the game on Monday and am two-thirds through and it is so varied with the gameplay, the game offers. The game got 8.0 out of 10, which is really good since SAW: The Game got 6.5. I am going to get Dante's Inferno in early Feb, which is a journey via the 9 circles of hell, to rescue a long-lost loved one. The game has had a lot of marketing and promotion, which shows that the company are bothering with the game and want to make it a success.Another game, is BIOSHOCK II which is beyond amazing and should be a must for any platformer / action / advernture / RPG lover. Game is set underwater in some apparent perfect-society, with the incorporation of plasmids (needle-injected powers) and only the best of the brightest and the richest could live in Rapture and be free from social restraints. Everything went downhill and it was your job to undercover the mysteries of the society, the city and the Big Daddies (divind suit beings). The second game takes 10 years after and you play the prototype big daddy, that can think and has free-will. A new mechanic is the ability to use weapons and plasmid powers at the same time. Mysteries such as the disappearance of little girls, who and what is Sofia Lamb, the mystery of the Big Sister and with the introduction of a full-length multiplayer campaign, with it's own individual storyline, makes Bioshock 2, an eagerly-awaited sequel that is sure to go down well. One game that is renowned for its greatness is GOD OF WAR III, which is the final in the trilogy and makes its debut on the PS3. The game shows Kratos's (protagonist) conquest for revenge and answers and this time, he rages a war against the gods and goddesses of Olympus. A game that is a legend in its own right, which the new game mechanic of being able to fight on the back of the Titans (moving levels) - a floor you might walk on, might soon become a wall or a ceiling. The fitting conclusion to a game that is making Microsoft worried and also answer many people's question of why there is no more Greek Mythology.Other eagerly-awaited games such as a new Zelda game on the Wii, Dead Space 2 (which takes place in a city as opposed to an 'abandoned mining ship in the 1st game), Batman: Arkham Asylum II which is the sequel to the game, which became the best-selling video game of 2009, which outsold Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Demon's Souls which was voted the best console game of 2009 (poll) and is the famous owner of being the most hardest video game to have come out in a long-time. The game introduced first-of-it's-kind gaming mechanics such as being able to see the final moments of other players and learn from their mistakes and working together with other players, without being able to speak (type) and only be able to communicate by the use emoticons. The developers of Demon's Souls wanted to push players and their controllers (smash / throw their controller) to their limit, by making the game insanely-hard, in order to make every success feel well-deserved.
  16. He didn't say bi's look like ****s, he said that there are people, who they think are hot and are all that because they are kissing another boy / girl. There are people who are genuinely bi and people who are either pretending or putting on a front.I think what he's saying, is that there are people who pretend to be bi, in order to look good or think it's a trend. It's the same with smoking, there are people who smoke because they think it makes them look good and it's an image thing. It just so happens, people go or say they are bisexual because they think it's 'IN', it's trendy and the latest craze and it makes them look good to all their friends and class mates. Those people are not genuinely bisexual and are just pretenders, just like there are also straight people, who kiss other boys / girls because it makes them look cool.
  17. Well Jack, that is utterly disgusting and I would rather be friends with you, than some weed-smoking druggie and I wouldn't have you any other way. I appreciate and respect you because you have the confidence, the maturity and the acceptance in yourself to face the world and become openly-gay.And btw, I left that beast a message on your profile, when you have the time..take a look-see :angry:GaGa would be proud of me!JoshC, I don't mean to come down on you that much but, I can't believe you're complaining that you got a A*, A's, B's and C's and even a few D's, when that's really good and you're right to have high standards but not as high as that. You're right people would kill for grades like that but, you should be happy, lucky and satisified because there are thousands of students who don't get grades as high as that.Think of yourself as well-of, don't put so much pressure on yourself or otherwise that will ruin you
  18. If you're disappointed, then maybe.. I should jump off a building because I am sooo depressed, emotional ( ) and upset because I got B in French, CC in Double Science, C in Maths, C in English, D in English Literature, E in Religious Ed, E in ICT and F in History, but somehow I am doing really well.JoshC, getting grades like that are AMAZING!!! Why the hell should you be disappointed? You have no reason to be depressed, for I wish 6 years ago, I had grades like that. You don't need to beat yourself down at all and you should be anything but disappointed.So by YOUR standards you expect yourself to get what? All A*'s? That is impossible! Furthermore JoshC, you're acting very stuck-up and snobbish, that getting grades like that are't good.
  19. It's a rumour that BPB might be getting a Mack Spinner or a compact Mack Launch Coaster. BPB have too many old coasters and it would be good to see a modernised theme park, pier-style. If anything like this happens, I will be so happy for the park and hope one day to visit.
  20. Will


    I think there is a trend: :lol:Beyonce > Sasha FiercePeter Parker > SpidermanMikeyT > I wonder who???
  21. Will


    And I don't make things interesting? heheOn a serious note, Dan is right, without all these people the forums would be boring, over-run, sans sarcastic humour and would be unintelligible.
  22. Hello, you had a good Christmas & New Yr?

  23. Will

    Your Thorpe Park

    What's the point of Stealth, if there's Nightmare coaster?
  24. I totally get what you're saying Holly!Past problems I go through, I have tried to tell my college friends, parents and sister but they most don't understand and are not open-minded. They make it out like it's nothing and it's not that bad. I have Aspergers & A.D.D and they make it out like it's not that bad, my Dad doesnt even believe I have this problem and that I was misdiagonised. That's just an example of problems I have, and people think they're nothing.. I mean, how do they know how it feels for me, it might feel like nothing but everyone handles everything different and it's that exact bloody closed-mindness which causes me to dislike my parents and people who dont understand; they just dismiss this stuff. I feel suffocated that I can't deal with it and it's neverending, that sometimes I feel there's only one solution, which is not a good solution, if you read in-between the lines. One of the ways I deal with my problems, is that I write songs to vent my anger, express my rare happiness, feelings about people, my beliefs, society, injustice. And it works, but I still feel that's not enough. Part 2:I'm going through a bunch of really crap things, I obviously cant tell my parents or my sister. I've told a backstabber friend a bunch of stuff, who is straight-talking, average girl but is quite smart. I just found she's been telling people stuff I told her in private and I feel stupid for not realising it. I just want to have a week or even a month (dare I say), where everything is OK for once. I really was glad to have no problems with friends and now I've messed up 3 friendships: one friend that I stay in contact with, one is a good friend and the other one is a really-good friend. On the friendship situation, (as the first of many problems) I'm beginning to understand that because I lost my best friend and some really-good friends, I'm trying to make up for that, by trying to have more friends. However, the problem is that I'm too much. I know that I can be annoying sometimes even though I can't help it at times (obvious reason explained), I know I'm a good person who have many good qualities; people tell me this. I can't understand why people don't see I'm a good person; maybe some people are blind (not literally) and refuse to see the good in me, because all they concentrate on, is me being annoying. I can honestly say, occasionally be annoying is the only thing that I know of, that people dislike about me. If there's other problems, I don't know - people don't always tell me (busy, etc).I can't stress how much I would like to start the year with a fresh plate.
  25. I'm having a problem, I'm anxious and worried because I always have a habit of offending someone. I've offended like 3 people already and I just think I'm horrible person but I know in my heart that I am a really good, nice person. Most of my friends say I'm a really good person who would bend over backwards for my friends, some small amount of people give me the impression I'm tiring, annoying, etcI'm so confused and quite worried. I mean I'm sincere, loyal, caring, nice, there for my friends, funny, trustworthy and what not. I have a minor problem with socialising with people, as part of Asperger's I sometimes say stuff which is unacceptable - but people can't really hold that against me? If someone who had Tourettes was racist to me, I wouldnt hold that against them but I dont know why people hold that against me. TBH, most stuff are in some way a misunderstanding but people wont listen.Times like this I wish, either I wasnt born or didnt have Aspergers. It's like a trade-off since everyone who has Aspegers are highly-intelligent but have social and communication problems. Then, there's the ADD/ADHD which is a concentration and hyper problem. I can't sit still and act like I'm on speed - it's chaos.I need some friendly ( ) advice, which is important because I want to have a good start to this year - preferbly before the year begins.
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