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Everything posted by Will

  1. My point exactly: You would have expected a world famous star to get a movie company on-board for a major ride and here is ThorpePark which is not as famous as half the theme parks in the world, and they do majorly better.£13.5M is a lot of money though
  2. £13.5 million? Costed more than Mystery Mine. ThorpePark are so famous that not even Dolly Parton (Dollywood) can get a major film company on-board. Most expensive coaster in Thorpe history and more than stealth. Then again, the film company probs did the investing.
  3. Will

    HeyLo Mdme Kels. Nice to finally have you on our forums :D

  4. Ull never mould me! :D

  5. Will

    Rofl >>>picture

  6. That's really annoying, the amount of times, I have been beeped is unbelievable.
  7. Will

    This Or That

    Living on a prayer (Bon Jovi)Bath or shower?
  8. There have been plenty of times, where I'm at the crossing by my college. It takes me 5 mins to cross the road because it's a busy road and no-one stops. I have to like time my crossing carefully.
  9. Will


    I'm applying for either Odeon Wimbledon or Tesco NewMalden
  10. Will

    This Or That

    Russel BrandChris Rock or Sarah Silverman
  11. Will

    This Or That

    ImmelmannBritney Spear's Womanzier or Pink So What
  12. Will

    This Or That

    Neither --> :PGirls with nice backside or chest?
  13. Hopefully? Of course you'll get into uni. It's like ur dumb or going to get bad grades.As long as you work hard and go to exams and do reasonably well, you'll get in.
  14. There are 40 yr olds still paying their loans.
  15. Yeh school life sucks really bad BUT however, when you do go to Uni, then it get's really good. There will people you can talk to that share the same interests as you. Uni is for smart people or people with a lot of money - good point though.
  16. I'm going provided I get paid otherwise, I'll just borrow some money from family LOL
  17. Will

    Hello Jadey! Loved stealthing with you. Guess we got a rollback :P awws one day we'll ride stealth all day till we get a rollback.

  18. Will

    I voted SiaT out, come and get me :D

  19. It seems to me that ur teacher cant make up her bloody mind .
  20. A good understanding of the theme park industry - OK (learnt that from work)Willingness to work with others and a strong team attitude - OK (learnt that from work)Reasonable grasp of the English language - OKRespect other peoples opinions even if they differ from your own - Something to work onThe ability to be firm but fair, with no favourites. - OKI have mixed feelings about wanting to become a mod. I feel that I might not be ready and that I have things that I can work on. Also, that there are others that might be more suitable but I also feel that because I am grown-up and have a lot of the skills required due to where I work and the enivroment I work in that might make me a suitable candidate.I feel that stepping into this role, will allow to be have a sense of responsibility and maturity and that can help me grow into the type of good person that I will one day become in the future. I am in no way perfect but I hope that this can be my first step in my journey.However, I think that Seb for example has demonstrated many occasions that he is a suitable candidate and that he could benefit from something like this. He knows loads about the industry and fills all the catagories. So he has my vote
  21. Will

    This Or That

    ThisBlind or Deaf?
  22. Will


    I wish that could be their new poster.
  23. Stop being an arse hole and bullying Tommy, otherwise you'll have me on ur back.

  24. My problem with u, is that you come on these forums and spam the forum up with your s**t. You know that we all hate it when you go Colo, Lossy, Sami, etc and you do it on purpose. You have even said that you do it coz we hate it and it annoys us. And you expect to be taken seriously. LOL you must be so thick if you think that's the way to be liked and be respected and have friends around here

  25. Two things:1) I got sent home early, so I decided to come on park with friends but they were busy, one mate wanted to come on park so I said I would go with her and found out that she doesn't like rides. OMG! I wasted 2 hrs for nothing. I also heard that some of our lot from here (TPM) would be on-park but couldnt find them because 1) Don't have their number obv forgot to ask them for it and 2) No battery. I was incredibly useless and forgot to charge my phone and I feel like kicking myself in the head. OMG I am sooooo stupid. It's been a crap week, a really crap one!2) First of all, I fail at being straight - I am straight, I like girls and couldn't see it any other way. I want to be a father and have a nice amount of kids n have a wifey one day. When I see guys who are uglier/treat girls like s**t/not nice/racist etc all the bad things/qualities that I am NOT and they have girlfriends I wonder wtf is wrong with me? I get really self-concious and paranoid. I think to myself: Am I fat? Am I ugly? What do I do wrong? Am I just not funny even though everyone at in class at college says I am.There are times when I feel like giving up but yet I just think and feel that the best things are worth waiting for, so I hold on for the good things that may come. I feel that my lucky might change and meet a girl that well you know...you get the picture.
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