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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Not everyone's out to con you, RideAddict. Some people are fwendly.
  2. First time ever at Chessington a couple of days ago. It's a great little park.
  3. The letter m obvz. jokes it's e.
  4. I reckon you can do it on your own Han. x
  5. Awkward when, by complete chance, I was at the station yesterday... Casually read The Metro... Saw this photo... Thought exactly the same thing. It's not as bad as you might think Sarah or Ian! But it is quite funny
  6. Put me down as a maybe for now Peaj!
  7. **** Dora. I want Dory back. November 2015. Let's go find her.
  8. I've never got the train there. If it's that short a walk I'll give the bus a miss too
  9. Haha, don't worry about it Peaj. Will get the train to Chessington South and then bus it.
  10. Dibs on a seat in Peaj's carrrrrrrrrr. Love yhoo Peaj
  11. Sidders


  12. I get the feeling Smiler's air-time bunny hop thing will deliver more air-time than Saw's ~50ft jobby.
  13. And that certain people really, really don't "get" that "message"...
  14. This seems like such a waste of energy in itself. I'm not digging or anything, but it genuinely makes me a bit sad inside that someone goes to such length to feel something like hate. Why focus so much effort on trying to hate someone? It seems like such a waste of your own time and energy only to put yourself in a bad mood.
  15. The hypodermic needles aren't in place yet are they? By my reckonings, the leg being put in place will have The Flasher on it. The needle-looking thing is a hydraulic pump isn't it?
  16. It's true! The ride is actually enormous. It's certainly looks like the most compact coaster in the world but when you're actually there, this thing feels like it dwarfs Oblivion. The track is huge - much bigger and wider than Saw's - and the pictures (not even this recent aerial shot!) really don't capture the size of The Smiler.
  17. The meet today was really really good despite being so so cold! Tidal Wave twice in 0 degrees with Peaj was pretty insane, and of course that great Loggers photoand the Detonator marathon was a brilliant ending to an all-round brilliant day. Oh and I totally didnt copy Peaj and lose my wallet.
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