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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Aha! Yeah, it was really funny when that disabled guy spoke so frankly about his first sexual encounter after losing movement in his lower body - "I pissed on her and fell off the bed". I felt so happy someone gave such an untabooed response to a personal question.AND THEN Gladys in the Bingo Hall! What a laugh she was! Knocking down any kind of remotely ageist comment by saying - "I have a healthy sex life and I'm 68, but I like 69 better!" I love her.But OMG when all those students were like "I'd be afraid if they came on to me" when they were asked how they'd react if a friend came out as homosexual and I just thought - Oh yeah, just because he's gay he instantly fancies you and every other boy in the school. Get your head out of your arse, danke. Then they have the nerve to try and guess who's a lesbian in a line up of naked models just by looking at them! Just goes to show you can't prejudge anyone seeing as none of the students chose the naked model who was in fact a lesbian. They then said (because they were surprised) that "she looks like a family mum". EXCUSE ME? Exactly what does your average "family mum" look like?Just get out. INNIT.
  2. Obviously, none of these links are reliable sources, but as JamesB said, "various music forums" have 'comfirmed' it, by stating that GaGa has announced the release at her Monster Ball Tour, but trust me when I say - GagaDaily is about as trustworthy as a one-bob note. Just because they update regularly doesn't make them reliable - they said GaGa was releasing 'Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)' as an international single, and that she was going to think about giving 'Dance In The Dark' a release in 'Telephone's place.http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=1270058http://poponandon.com/?p=3583http://atrl.net/forums/showthread.php?t=89854http://www.popjustice.com/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=237&topic=23438.msg%msg_id%http://ladygaga.wikia.com/wiki/Dance_in_the_Dark_(song)http://ladygagalive.net/2010/05/29/dance-in-the-dark-to-be-4th-single-from-the-fame-monster/ (I actually commented in this post; look for my other alias, 'OddOne')So yeah just to re-iterate, nothing is confirmed until there's proof from GaGa herself, these are just some rumours that have been going around since the end of June 2010.
  3. Sidders


    babes omgz lyk innit iv found dis wel sik choon u gotta hear it its lyk wel bangin n wil do so wel in da charts cuz its bi an artists dats propa fit n popular, lisen 2 it now omds its actual wel gd. ite peace out bludd brappp. xxxxWell that's pretty much her demographic right? I daren't say her name, for she is the Spawn of the Devil.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MP9YU2ZuAM For your viewing *ahem* pleasure... Enjoy!
  4. It's true to say it would have one stonkingly good video... but if you ask me, whilst she's done some very depthy video's for 'Telephone' and 'Alejandro', they just aren't as good as 'Bad Romance'. I'm okay with watever she releasing next as long as it's DEFINITELY 'Speechless'. 'Dance In The Dark' will suffice, but I feel her detractors are going to hate her and claim she's swagger-jacking Madonna 'yet again', if she releases 'Speechless' she will appeal to casual fans as well as a whole new demographic.
  5. Sidders


    From what I know (feel free to correct me, I've only just come back), the reasons Thorpe have deemed a Wooden Coaster inappropriate stand thus:A) The support structures are too dense. This means if you tried to look through the supports your view is noticeably impaired, whereas the slender, steel supports of Nemesis Inferno, Stealth, Colossus, and SAW - The Ride allow maximum visibilty when looking through the coaster and it's supports because they are 'minimal' compared to the complex structure of a Wooden Coaster.B ) Thorpe Park is built on reclaimed land, meaning it was not a naturally occuring isolated land mass surrounded by lakes - the lakes are artificial because back in 1976-1978, RMC re-claimed the land for infilling, but decided it would be cheaper to just flood the surroundings. Because of RMC's laziness, the land is particularly unstable as the water table is very high, and if a heavy, complex structure like a Wooden Coaster's extensive support system was to be placed on the new infills, the land would not be able to support the weight. Thorpe's best bet to overcome this is to build a Wooden Coaster where an existing ride is, so to ensure the land it's built on is settled, and has been there for 10+ years. But this still doesn't solve the issue of support density.C) A pretty petty excuse, but I believe Runnymede deemed a Wooden Coaster too noisy if it were placed on an exposed extremity of Thorpe (รก la Treasure Island). I think they requested new trees to be planted to diminish the sound for SAW - The Ride as the noise would travel too easily into the neighbouring villages.Funny thing is, Thorpe claim that re-planting trees is their way of giving back to the environment what they took, but odd's are they re-plant the trees because Runnymede told them to.Hope that clears things up, much as I'd like a Wooden Coaster, the negative impacts combined are enough for Runnymede to just snort at the idea.
  6. Oh sorry, typo - I meant to say "I know 'Bad Romance' was leaked, I never said it wasn't"My bad. *slaps wrist*
  7. Now that I would've loved to have seen!
  8. I'd like to think it's on the record, because I think it showcases her songwriting skills and versatility as an artists, which is something her detractors lament her for: the fact she's only released dance-pop material.
  9. There's a suspect in every school m'dear... usually decided by the pupils of course -_-On a completely separate rant. OMG WHY WAS THE 'HAVE YOU HAD A **** TODAY?' TOPIC REMOVED!? Who would've thought that would happen. :L
  10. Sidders


    Well.... They're beyond uncomfortable (don't usually care about comfort but Vekoma take the muffin) and I'd rather see a beasty box-track than a curly, skeletal snake spine sort of track. Mind you, there are some Vekoma coasters that are passable, I.e. Stealth (California's Great America).
  11. Thorpe Park on the 25th.... should be mildly amusing.

  12. 1) When you jump at the chance to get a free SAW pen.2) When you wait on sweaty anticipation for a Stealth rollback3) When you write THORPE PARK
  13. I know 'Bad Romance' wasn't leaked, I never said it was, nor did I say that any track from 'The Fame Monster' was deliberately released; both 'Alejandro' and 'Bad Romance' were leaked illegally, the former was remixed last minute for the album version, I guess it being the lead single made GaGa decide rather than re-work it, just let it create a bit of buzz (รก la 'Night Work, the Scissor Sisters' new album, which quite frankly is amazing) for the album and the single itself. For some reason Haus of GaGa have released an official demo for the third album in the form of 'Then You Love Me'... Lord knows why.And I'm sure it's okay not to like it now: it's not the finished version - the leaked version of 'Alejandro' was dull, repetitive, had a different vocal melody for the verses and was also low quality.We can see 'Then You Love Me' is definitely not finished, but I think it's got some legs, and it could be included on the album once re-worked... but then again this is GaGa, regardless of whether of not it was released by Haus of GaGa, it's the Lady herself who's in control of what goes on the album. Oooh the suspense... *Starts a countdown to New Year's Day*
  14. Sidders


    I'll be disappointed of they pick Vekoma, I actually hate Vekoma and they're fast becoming muscled out of the 'big' coaster industry. B&M for me, but they're not cheap, so Intamin will suffice. And seeing as they ivented the Wing Rider market with Furius Baco, it does seem likely because they'll have experience in the design. B&M need to do market research, prototypes, modelling, re-touching, computer-generated concepts etc, etc. to ensure they're own design is flawless, which no doubt will add to the cost... that Gardaland will have to pay.Hopefully Thorpe go sensible and choose B&M, they should get the second 4-D coaster cheaper as it won't be the prototype.
  15. You go sistahhh! We had teacher who used to touch himself under the desk in our classrooms! O.oWe also had a real flirty male teacher who'd take his top off and brag about his body whenever he could.They both got fired.
  16. Yes Chris that is very true, but 'Then You Love Me' was released by the Haus of GaGa itself, so it looks promising to be on the third album, along with 'You & I'.
  17. Sidders


    I vote that song for president. Alas, JLS and 'The Club Is Not Alive' will be #1 this Sunday... I really don't see what's to like about it. It's a mess.
  18. And a lot of those videos on YouTube saying 'This song is for her new album' are more than likely wrong because even if they were for the album, when GaGa realises they've been leaked, she's not the kind to just say 'Oh well'; she'd probably end up taking it off the album or remixing it so it's different to the leaked version - that's what she did for 'Alejandro' before 'The Fame Monster' came out. It means whilst everyone may have the leaked version of 'Alejandro', they won't have the official version because she'd have remixed it just before the release.The ONLY song that look likely to appear on GaGa's third album is 'Then You Love Me', because the Haus Of GaGa released a low quality, unfinished track, with half the verses' lyrics missing and the song's whole structure mixed up, since then, computer whizzes have put the song in what they believe to be the right order and post it on YouTube, DigitalSpy and ThatGrapeJuice to name few of many websites. But knowing GaGa, she could change her mind and remove it from the track listing last minute, despite what the Haus of GaGa have said, because we all know how much she likes to make decisions herself (the 'Alejandro' and 'Dance In The Dark' debacle).'You & I' is the only song GaGa herself has confirmed will be on the album.
  19. I remember she said she wanted 'Speechless' to be a single but that was back before even 'Telephone'. :|She's extended her Monster Ball Tour to April 2011, so I expect we'll see a lead single from her third album around May 2011, because there'd be no point promoting the third album, whilst touring her second. Also, yes Will she has confirmed the name of her third album will be tatooed on her and that she would upload a photo of the tatoo and post it on her website on New Year's Day. My money on the album's name is 'Born This Way'. She said herself that would be the title of her Biographical Film were one ever to arise, and that she wnated it tatooed on her... Hmm..I'm still for 'Speechless' though, and for those of you who haven't heard 'You & I':http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWmgZowpIWEWas that not delicious?
  20. Well we all know who she is now, and you may have her album, so which track are you hoping will get the all-important single release to follow-up 'Alejandro'?Personally, as a casual fan, I'd like to see 'Speechless' released, because it shows off her song-writing and singing abilties greater than any other track onthe album, and it's a change of musical direction for GaGa. We've seen her do dance and dance-pop, now let her show the detractors she can do Queen-esque rock ballads.as for 'Dance In The Dark', many want it released, and she's been saying at her live shows since June 28 that this is her next single. Unfortunately there's no confirmation yet so treat this as a rumour, I know I will because whilst I like it I would rather have 'Speechless'.Und du?
  21. Sidders


    LOL at the Pinfari joke. I actually did laugh, so that's good. ;PYeah, I agree, it's going to be B&M all the way, Vekoma aren't popular with Merlin, and as you said James, B&M will probably want a slice of the Wing Rider market as Intamin is the only manufacturer of them at the moment. I see this being to protoype going to Gardaland next year and an 'all-flaws-fixed' version arriving at Thorpe once B&M sort out the (most likely) very small flaws of the prototype.
  22. Oh, trust me that wouldn't be the only reason, Mark. There's plenty of reason as to why it should be removed, like the fact it's throughput is very poor; it's most popular on sunny days; the space could be better used; it's getting old etc, etc.
  23. Hello, Matthew, you may not remember me because you first posted on my profile saying hello back in September last year! Sorry I couldn't reply my internet was down for ages but I'm back now, I was a regular on here so it's always nice to see someone new. :) How are you?

  24. Not too bad, looking forawrd to my first TP trip in about two years, I think I'm actually excited! woop! and yeah just finished my gcse's and strangely I'm missing school :L mostly because of my friends I'd like to think, but I had some epic teachers for my last year. ;) und du?

  25. In the same way sitting or a nail gun is fun.
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