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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. 3 swings? I'm pretty sure the counterweights would fail if there were three swings, not to mention the 'top' of Rush would inevitably snap due to the strain of the middle swing. And besides, where would the pistons for the middle swing go?
  2. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    No, I mean all the '2009' plans are what I would've done during the closed season. If you want, ignore those plans and read onwards.
  3. Sidders


    Omds, it annoys me when my entire family like football but I don't and there all ignoring me now because something big is going on apparently. They do this every time someone kicks a ball.
  4. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    Well, after looking at the MTDP for 2010-2016, I can make a better informed decision as to what I would do if I owned Thorpe Park. Big years of major interest and spending are 2010, 2011, 2014 and 2016. 2010 is basically themeing consistency being sorted out in Canada Creek, 2011 is preparation for the Olympics, 2014 deals with the re-theme of SAW, and 2016 aims to open the world's first B&M 4-D coaster.2009) General tidy-up with rides being rethemed, and preparations for 2012 coaster begin. > Close Samurai and ship it back to Monidal for melting down or spare parts use. Old gal's time is up in this game. On the last day riders are invited to write their good-bye's on her body for sentimental values. SHARPIE MOMENT. > Flatten the area and prepare for 'new' ride. > Begin infill for new land extension in Manor Lake (Area 'A' on the MTDP) > SAW Alive is opened for Fright Nights will special effects, saws, knives etc. and dummies with blood (or similar) sacks and scream sounds effects for when the dummies get sawn or whatever. > The Curse', and 'SAW Alive' horror mazes are discontinued. > Remove Quantum as The Lost City is too crowded and replace it with a green area, the sale of the ride will finance the replanting. Any excess funds will be put forward to the 2012 coaster. > X:\No Way Out's roof is lifted. Because the park are weird, they auction various pieces of the track (five or six feet of track at most) and the dummies, to help expenses of the coming years. > Zodiac leaves us indefinately.2010) Park aims to improve overall EXPERIENCE at Thorpe (partly because of Olympics), and sorts out the problem with the themes. Plus, very little information on the 2012 coaster is released. > Clean-up Amity Cove and Canada Creek, sort out the bins and FIX THE AUDIO AROUND CALYPSO QUAY. Much obliged. > Actually put the Grand-Stand in for Stealth. With flags poles and speakers like the concpet art. All this revamping Amity Cove is because of future plans and it being the centre of attention for 2012 because tourists will want to ride Stealth and SAW the most for obvious reasons. > Continued infill on Area 'A'. Because of the Olympics in 2012, it is announced the park decide to plan for a 100ft+ coaster to be ready for 2012, on the extended area. The coaster receives heavy promotion around the park. By the end of the year, the infill is finished and the soil is beginning to set. > Work on the bridge connecting the mainland to Area 'A' is started. > Canada Creek's Kiddie's rides are cleared out, apart from the Canada Creek Railway, which is temporarily closed. > ALL of Canada Creek is rethemed around SAW with a completely rethemed Zodiac eventually replacing Samurai's spot for the beginning of the season. Zodiac's spokes are now rusty 'chain'-styled with buzzsaws replacing where the suns and moons that were on the 2005 Zodiac. This dissappoints many as they thought they were getting a completely new ride. However, Zodiac spins faster now, at about 30rpm and also comes into close contact with SAW's Immelmann Turn, a la Samurai. (R.I.P.) > Slammer is sent back to S&S in the 2009 Closed Season for a revamp. It comes back as a SAW trap similar to what has been done to Zodiac, with a rusty paint job and spikes on the outside of the main supports and spikes all around the smaller supports. The seats aren't red and yellow, they match the rustic brown and look like they are desinged to keep people locked in for torture, not safety: Blunted spikes pointing upwards on the shoulder restraints, seats painted red in the bottoms (pools of blood), spatter of blood on the gangways between the seats, and staff will have to dress as mental patients for their shifts in the area, etc. Themeing in the surroundings will be like the SAW queue-line, but with more bloods stains on the props. > Both Zodiac and Slammer receive new soundtracks, specifically Slammer which now has a loud creaking sounds accompanied with chains being rattled as the ride rises and lowers. Distant screams would also work. (: > The bulk of X:\No Way Out's auction money has been spent on removing it; the area is flattened and TURFED, not paved, making The Lost City far more green overall, in addition to the shrubbery which will be added in 2011. > Canada Creek is now called 'Jigsaw's Lair'... or something better until the contract is denounced. > The park hope to widen the Entrance Bridge for the next season.2011) BIG YEAR (completely because of Olympics) > Plans for the 2012 coaster are submitted to the Runnymede Borough Council. They do not reveal the theme for the new 100ft+ coaster to fans. At the request of Merlin Attractions, the website download links are blocked to casual viewers and fans. Only member's of the council can view it. The full plans are sent via post to the surrounding area's residents who can object on the website via a keyword submitted in the paperwork they receive. The rest is kept under raps and NO-ONE knows what the coaster will be; all that the fanboys are left with are the ambiguous layouts to deliberate over for the next 5 months. > The new bridge will be completed by June. It will redirect guests directly underneath the Top-Hat of Stealth. A race-track themed tube/tunnel is built underneath Stealth to prevent injuries from falling objects. This will also keep H&S at bay. > During 2010's Closed Season, The Flying Fish waved bye-bye. Watta shame. It WILL NOT return this time. Thorpe, as I said, is becoming a THRILL capital. > Because of the Flying Fish's departure, final plans for Neptune's Kingdom are revealed: Merlin plans to remove the Kiddie's area and re-name it for 2013. They leave it until then because they realise the Olympics will bring in a few more families and if they were to begin reconstruction now, 2012 visitors would see a construction site instead of anything for the surplus of familes. > Supports and track for the 2012 coaster arrive in September. The park have decided to go very 'Oblivion'-esque and not reveal much more about the coaster's features; online track layouts appear ambiguous. All that fans can see is that the track is that of a B&M coaster, and is grass green in colour, a la The Incredible Hulk coaster. > Continued clean-up of park over the closed season, as well as the construction of the 2012 coaster being heavily advertised on TV using visuals and animation, whilst not revealing the coaster type. > As far as ride maintainence goes, Nemesis Inferno's tunnel is cleaned out, smoke effects are fixed, the area's rocks and bricks are repainted. Colossus' track is 'repaired' and new wheels arrive for her. The delay follows into the next season's 'Thrill Chill' but she's ready for the proper 2012 season. > The horrible nets around Colossus are themed with golden suns, stars (just like the old Zodiac) and vines are woven through them to hide the manufactured quality which ruins the theme. > Vortex and Detonator are revamped and cleaned up. With more palm trees being planted around where Quantum was and where Vortex will stay. > Rush is given an new lick of paint, to make it ready for the Olympic swarms which will no doubt still cause it issues. Merlin realise they must go all out to ensure the Olympics visitors don't regret their trips. This is why they are spending so much money this year. > Despite all these expenses, they still haven't widened the Entrance Bridge.2012) NEW COASTER DEBUTS > Year of the Olympics. Visitors to Thorpe are greeted with a new addition to the Thorpe Skyline. A 151ft, green Flying Coaster which is only partly built over water, for emergency reasons.> The area: It is themed around a fantasy land, called 'Shroom Valley' (don't laugh, suggest better if you can, please). The separate island will feature themeing such as HUGE, brightly coloured mushrooms (hence, 'shroom') that bend and twist to about 15ft high at the entrance to the world. There is a forest of mushrooms which the Flyer passes through as interaction. There will be rockeries with running waterfalls...It's all very Andy Warhol meets Willy Wonka. There are tails of giant fish models poking out of the ground, giant frogs, lollipops, bubble machines in the rocks, treasure chests, water cannons, sweet shops, giant whack the mole type-games etc. And EVERYTHING is coloured wrongly and very vividly (e.g. - blue mushrooms with pink spots). It's meant to be a completely incomprehencible world that has absolutely no meaning.> The coaster: It features a drop which flips the riders upside down as soon they disembark the lift hill, by simply falling foward into what would be a Pretzel Loop, but the entry to it is the lift hill, so it does count as an inversion. The drop is what makes it a world first. It also features 2 Corkscrews and a Zero-G Roll, plus numerous close encounters to the ground and water below AT SPEED (-glares at Air), a la Manta. The ride takes you through the mushroom forest, close to the real forest at the edge of the island and over all the crazy scenery. The ride is meant to be aimed for people who enjoy Nemesis Inferno and Nemesis, so in a sense, more extreme than Air but less so than Stealth. It becomes a big hit, and brings the park's inversion count to a total of 21. This puts Thorpe Park 2nd in the world for most inversions in one park. However, the RIDE theme is not completely apparent and areas are still unfinished... because it's Merlin. (the cars are standard, the station is similar to Inferno's, but you can't see the unfinished aspect because it faces across the lake, but the effects are kept well because of the new budget Merlin have received for ride themes). The water cannons allow the spectators to interact with the riders, making the experience even more enjoyable. > During the 2011 Closed Season, Stealth, SAW, Nemesis Inferno, and the newly revamped Colossus are given the once over, to make sure increased number of hourly riders doesn't mean increased downtime.2013) Fairly low-key in comparison to previous years because of the big Olympic year but the gross revenue from all the vistors help keep the park alfoat whilst they relax and gather more money throughout the next year. > Remove the bulk of Neptune's Kingdom (Wet, Wet, Wet, Depth Charge, Neptune's Beach etc.) and make place for a large outdoor eating area connected to Port Atlantis. We don't want too many rides now do we? > Continued TV advertisement of the new Flying Coaster though to July. > During the Closed Season, Tidal Wave receives another paint job and the sponsorship with Original Source is terminated. (If it has not already been done). That rediculous Soak Zone painting is removed and the 'Amity Heat Wave' booths are now free (if they cost). > All staff get a pay rise because the park are now swimming. Fun, fun, fun! > The park advertises the 'most terrifying walk-through experience in the world' will be coming to Thorpe Park will the revival of 'Jigsaw's Lair'. > Area 'C' on the MTDP is beginning to be infilled.2014) SAW Franchise contract runs out. Due to lots of money, and extra themeing expenses, Thorpe aim to 'redicule the SAW Franchise with a world even more terrifying'. > 'Jigsaw's Lair' (formerly Canada Creek) cannot be called 'Jigsaw's Lair' anymore, so it is announced that the new name is 'Bedlam Village'. (yes, I KNOW IT'S CRAP) > The SAW building is extended to accomodate what looks like a bigger queueline. The new building will stretch further out onto the lake and will be widened to incorperate the bigger 'queue-line'. Many sceptics think that Thorpe are being over-ambitious. The new building also encloses the entire prelude section of the coaster and half of the lift hill. > The saws at the bottom of the drop are enclosed in the promised shed-type thing to hide them from view. > At the opening of the season, fansboys, realise that only half of the queue is being used - the original half that was used for SAW. The new extension is closed off with warning signs. Rumours fly off the handle. > After the contract with the SAW franchise runs out, the exclusively SAW traps will have to be removed and some replaced. The village will then be re-themed around an German asylum village with thatched roof shops and houses and abandoned carts, of similar concept to 'Sleepy Hollow', but less populated and with an 'asylum' at the centre (which will be Jigsaw's building once the contract runs out). The area will be renamed 'Bedlam Village' and be centrally themed around the 'asylum' called 'Bedlam Halls', SAW - The Ride will need to be renamed as well. > Former CCR is now re-opened as a horror train, (not linked to SAW). Tunnel will be heavily themed, not dissimilar to SAW's original building interior - blood, rusty metal things, barbed wire fences, etc. > The new theme would also be extremely gory, even more-so than SAW; the people of the village are deranged and cannibalistic, and would actually be scary. >] For Fright Nights, the full asylum queue, that was previously unused is openend, featuring the sectioned rooms: 'Meat Haus', 'Hell Haus', 'Mad Haus' and 'Broiler Haus', each room is themed very heavily, the extended queue-line is critically acclaimed for it's themeing content. It is separate to the roller-coaster. Guests can either queue for the walk-through, or the ride, neither leads onto the other.> 'Meat Haus' - the butcher of the village is seriously deranged and cannibalistic. He owns a small shop and invites people in, similar to Sweeney Todd. Videos are shown of a news report about a case of mass genocide before they go in. When entering the room, sensitory themeing (smells) are obvious. The butcher is cutting up a dummy with a bagged head, chained to a chair (he has a stash of bagged bodies in the corner) and starts cutting slowly as the poeple come in, to hook the pieces up. He notices the people and stares at them, blood dripping from his mouth and from his knife, he them runs at them wielding the knife, screaming. Various body parts are hung up by large butcher's hooks and chains: arms, legs, another barely alive victim (live actor), and in the corner a dead horse dummy is hooked up by it's hind legs, stomach ripped open and guts spilling out.> 'Hell Haus' - This room will be heated to 35-37 degrees, and will feature centrally a beautiful, period set table with a dead man sprawled over it at the end. Upon entry, the man's head rises, showing heavy blood and bruising make-up and white contact lenses and a contorted facial expression. He creeps out of the chair in a very robotic, 'stiff bones' way and lurches and grunts as he moves towards the guests. Previously un-noticed, the red walls camoflauge other, strapped up, blood-stained live actors who reach and grab the guests when they back away far enough. The all scream when they catch someone and once they catch a guest, the man previously sat at the table picks up a knife, and moves towards the victim, still displaying the facial expression similar to Lady GaGa's 'Bad Romance' growl. The actor holding the victim would then let go (pretending to be hurt by the inevitable kicks and screams). As the actor let go, every actor in the room would scream (in pain for some reason) and clutch their ears, with quick, contorted movements.> 'Mad Haus' - This room is basically a long corridor, stretching around the back of the asylum, spanning the length of the building, on an infill used to extend the area for the extension of the building. The room has cages on either side with one long gangway through the centre from one end to the other. The sensitory theming is a large bass drum sounding similar to the start of Lady GaGa's 'Telephone' video, the lights flicker on and off frantically with the sound. When the guests have moved forward, they see into the cages. Prisoners in hospital gowns are cowering in the corner, with blood smears on the floor and the traditional ball and chain. Some actors are trying to lure the people into unlocking the doors, some are standing motionless, other's are frothing at the mouth, screaming and begging to be released. When the guests reach the near end of the corridor, the lights turn off with a loud bang from the speakers. Whispers from the actors are the only sounds heard, all the screams have stopped. The sound of sliding doors and a loud clang signal the doors have flung open. The actors begin to scream excitedly and the lights return to see all of them moving towards the guests, screaming, thrust their out-reaching arms, some falling over their chains.> 'Broiler Haus' - This is the biggest, most heavily themed room. At first it appears dark and is a simple labyrinth; because of the machinery there is only one passage through. It is a factory which specialises in killing animals, ready for eating. Some animals (chickens, goats, even dogs, NOT CATS) are hung up from the ceiling, but there are also humans in see-through, plastic bags with pools of blood gathering in the bottoms of the bags, hung up by the door. As the guests enter, there is one man dressed in rags with a dirty, bloody cloth wrapped around his head, hiding his face and his vision. He stands like an old man and is mopping up what looks like bloody mince-meat. When he sees the guests, he stops, and pulls a heavy switch with a loud grunt. The whole factory starts up, with bright lights (which, in contrast to the darker previous rooms will be very disorientating) the pipes on the walls hiss air out of leaks, cogs grind, and levers pull. The whole room is very loud, the guests cannot hear each other because of the sirens, the bangs, and flashing red alarm lights. As they continue through the room, they see blood on the floor, giving the impression something bleeding was being dragged, the blood-trail clearly shows humans hand prints in it. Moving on, another man jumps out of nowhere, he is human, and grabs one of the guests pleads at them in German. Suddenly lots of other men, wearing the same face cloths as the first man reveal themselves and grab them man, completely ignoring the guests and wrestle him to the ground without once seeming human-like. They then tie him up and drag him to hte machines. They tie him up and send him through, and disappear behind the machine. The victim is seen moving along the production line and into the mouth of the machine, though a black curtain. Whilst he is gone from view (in the machine), he screams and pretends to die as 'blood' leaks out of the bottom of the machine. Sound effects of slicing meat are heard from the speakers. The other side of the machinery begins to spout more mince-meat from it's out-put funnel. The room is then darkened once more and is nothing but silence. Then the light's come back on and the guests see the 'men' are standing just a few feet from the, holding chains, shovels and rope. The begin to move towards the guests just as the final door is unlocked and they escape. The whole experience is very graphic and guests are advised not to go on if they have weak stomachs. > All the rooms effects will have to be reset after every party of 10 people passes through, and every actor will have to resume their original positions. Yes, this through-put is not very effective and is the one downside to the experience. > The walk-through will only operate at Fright Nights, but all the themeing is permanent and stays all-year-round, it is just closed off during the non-Fright Nights season. > Around Bedlam Village, live actors on peak holidays and for the Fright Nights would roam aimlessly, occasionally clutching people, warning them etc. whilst looking similarly mental/deformed/bloody to the girl in Alton's 'Ti13teen' advert. So basically, I want Bedlam Village to be somewhere that is actually a scary place to be in from the moment you leave the Lost City. > Due to extensive moaning, complete the new forest and water area underneath the Flying Coaster in Shroom Valley with tube-slides, stained orange pools (non-toxic, and something that doesn't stain the skin), snack bars rubber rings and deck chairs for hire, and lots of water cannons to help interaction of the new coaster and for relaxing on hot days without having to go on Tidal Wave. This will also ease the ride's queue-line. > The Fright Nights new attraction, 'Bedlam Halls' is very heavily advertised using TV, radio, interent, park announcements and posters in the surrounding areas. The year ends with a bang as 'Bedlam Halls' are hailed as the 'greatest walk-through experience in the world'. > Aside from all the promotion of the new area, planning permission is submitted at the beginning of the year for the 2015/2016 coaster, whilst the infill on Area 'C' continues.2015) Planning permission for two new flats rides and construction of the new coaster beginning construction in about May. > The new coaster's height is confirmed, they plan to build a 125ft B&M coaster, making it the third B&M in the park. The park plan to extend 'Shroom Valley' onto Area 'C' which will accomodate the new coaster. Details on the ride layout and type are kept secret for now. > Thorpe's official plans for two new flats to be placed on two of the nine possible location as pointed out on the MTDP are leaked onto the internet. They show that a ride, of similar scale to Slammer will occupy a 'RIDE' spot highlighted on the MTDP on Area 'A', which is now Shroom Valley, featuring the second tallest flying coaster in the world. (2nd to Tatsu (170ft), but taller than Manta (140ft)). > The second 'RIDE' spot will also be in Shroom Valley and will serve as the fourth extreme thrill in the area. Plans for exactly what both rides are remain under raps. > Continued clean-up and general tidiness of park. Bins are cleaned, and Bedlam Village now features bagged 'bodies' impailed on spikes around the area similar to Stealth at Fright Nights in 2008. > The park purchase better stereos for clearer announcements and better sound quality for the ride themes. The Nemesis Inferno 2005 dispatch theme is brought back. > By the end of the year, planning permission is granted and the first of the flat rides arrives at the park. Fans see it is a Huss Topple Tower of epic proportions, which was custom built for Thorpe Park. The second ride did not arrive by season close. > Plans for the coaster's layout are submitted, as the coaster is not accompnied by a completely new area a la Shroom Valley's Flying Coaster, the plan are kept less secretively. The layout, concept art and the 3-D visuals are posted online and show that the new coaster is made by B&M and that it is the promised 4-D coaster with similar seating to 'Furius Baco' at Port Aventura, minus the launch. > The 4-D coaster receives similar amounts of advertising to it's area-sharing, neighbour coaster as construction begin around late May/early June.2016) Thorpe Park promises overall visitor experience to be the best yet, with the installation of the new flat ride/s, new coaster, and upkeeping of effects. > During the 2015 Closed Season, the park promises a 'Best Ever' park experience for the new year. This creates many sceptics. > After the proper season starts, the second flat ride still hasn't arrived, but the Colossus pit is cleaned, the Medusa's head is fixed, Shroom Valley's interactive effects and waterfalls are kept running, Rumba Rapids's showers and waterfalls are working, Nemesis Inferno's water jets work every time, and Bedlam Village keeps it's horrific themeing with peak days featuring live acotors. The Tidal Wave fire effect has not returned because of Stealth though. It's nice to see that the park did put the themeing money to good use then eh? Sceptics are silenced. > The Huss Topple Tower opens. It's the biggest ride of it's kind in the world. It seats 50, (as opposed to 36 standard), spins at 8rpm, (as opposed to 5rpm standard) and stands at 108ft (as opposed to 85ft standard). It is themed to fit perfectly into Shroom Valley and is basically a giant mushroom with the brightly coloured cap at the top of the tower, with the gondola rising up and down the tower at the end and start of the cycle. > The new Topple Tower opens for the Thrill Chill and is indeed much more thrilling than others in the world due to the size, it has a through-put of 900pph (as opposed to 770pph standard). After the ride has risen, it 'topples' and spins whilst bringing the riders very close to the trees and the Flying Coaster. It's minimum height restriction is 1.3 metres. > Merlin orders new, clearer electronic notice boards which show 3 numbers for queue times. All of them are themed according to the area they are put in.> The new 4-D coaster: Not so much depth and thought on the story front, but the theme of Shroom Valley is still strong throughout the coaster, with interactions from water-cannons below. The ride station is inside a large mountain simialar to Nemesis Inferno's volcano, albeit finished. The ride consists or a 125ft lift hill, a near-vertical drop with a twist in it, a la 'Expedition GeForce', a Vertical Loop, Dive Loop, various Air-Time Hills, an Inclined Loop and a Corkscrew. The ride leaves the mountain before running the courses, and returning into the mountain for the first twisted Air-Time Hill, which runs straight into the Inclined Loop so the only the apex of the loop is exposed, whilst the rest is hidden inside the mountain. As the ride leaves the mountain again, it runs the rest of the course, before returning to the station. The ride is aimed at people who enjoy the re-named Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter (previously SAW), Colossus and Stealth. It's minimum ride restriction is 1.4 metres. Many fans go wild for the coaster and say the, because of the themeing topping it off, the new 4-D coaster is the best ride in the park. They also agree that the combined forces of all the rides in Shroom Valley, make it the best area. > Unfortunately, despite planning permission being passed, the second flat ride for Shroom Valley did still hasn't arrived. No-one except for Merlin and the ride's manufacturer, knew what that ride was going to be.'Shroom Valley', 'Bedlam Village' and more specifically 'Bedlam Halls' (the asylum horror maze in the extended (previously) SAW queue) will be Thorpe's most ambitiously themed projects to date. It will cost a bucket to build, but the income at the end of it will counter for it.'Bedlam Halls' will return every year for Fright Nights and is truly horror themed and REALLY does redicule the SAW franchise and Lionsgate's attempt at themeing.Notice I added drawbacks because the park is hardly going to go through the next 4 years unabashed and on schedule.Also, feel free to name the Flying Coaster, the Topple Tower, and the 4-D Coaster. (:Now THAT Mr.man, is a LONG POST. Kudos for anyone bothered to read it all, it took me four days to write it.
  5. Sidders


    Woah Adam, you wanna watch it, I hear these government types don't like vigilantes In other news, 'Kick-Ass' is V GOOD. And so is the soundtrack. (Y) You must see and hear.
  6. I don't believe he's stuck up, and believe me, I doubt it's his attitude that makes people hate him. I'm sure he's a sterling guy but it's his music that divides people faster than the filter system in London's Underground. I want him to leave our sights and come back able to play an instrument, because then he'd be less annoying even if he wasn't the best singer. Which he's not, because all his songs are auto-tuned and if he contributed to writing the songs he might be more respected. Writing songs about REAL THINGS is important, I'm not too sure how American gals are, but I get the distinct impression that if he were to squeak BABY, BABY, BABY, OH! up at someone random British girl any older than 5, he'd get a weighty hand-bag over the head and some ripe language. This I would like to see. (:
  7. Sidders


    Good to be back JoshC. Thanks for the link but it seems when I click it asks me to download it, which isn't all that weird but when I click Open, it opens a Google Chrome browser which conitually opens about 10 tabs a second. :|Help? Please?
  8. Sidders

    This Or That

    B&M, lovely and smoooooooothVekoma or Gerstlauer?
  9. Sidders


    Is it your birthday? If so...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMESIf it isn't..HOW DARE YOU EMBARRASS ME SO:L
  10. Roberts22, please be less blunt about your posts because everyone makes mistakes. You should know this.
  11. Yeah, I've had the same dissappoinment, I planned to go with two friends, but none of them turned up at my house so I just took my cousin and my twin sister. (:
  12. Sidders

    This Or That

    MILLIBAND!:PHillary or Bush?
  13. Sidders

    This Or That

    west stainsVideo for 'Bad Romance' or video for 'Telephone'?
  14. AHA! Be thankful I'm not insult Goddess GaGa. Mind you, would I? Umm... no. I laaaave Lady GaGa. :PAnd I agree, well done to ste193. After letting it out you should feel better knowing that even if you've never meet us, you can confide in TPM whenever this person gives you stick. We're all friends. (:Tbh I'd give them a stick back.A very weighty one.
  15. I've been lost in the dark in X:No Way Out for ages! I screamed like the ride was actually scary but no-one came.... :o How rude.

    Anyway I'm back now! :) How has Christopher been? FIll me in on the juice please.

  16. Sidders


    The last, backwards 'swat' where the ride is slowing, ready to flip your side forward, is the best swing. Because you're going so slowly, with that much G-Force, you feel you're heads gunna explode. V good (Y)
  17. Give that bloke a cigar. There really is nothing worse than when you're queuing for a rides and some gobby young addidas wearer is cussing about the queues/the prices/the rides etc. It's even worse when they smoke and spit and even pee, especially around the back of Colossus. Anyhoo,GOOD POINTS:Detonator, it may not be themed immcuately, but it's better than any drop tower I've been on.Themeing on Nemesis Inferno, Colossus (nets exempt), Tidal Wave and SAW.Stealth, it's better than Rita.Music is brilliant.Ride annoucements (especially Vortex and SAW's).BAD POINTS:Themeing on Samurai, Slammer, Stealth, Rush, Quantum, ZODIAC, and Vortex.Way too expensive now.Chavs, especially in queue-lines.The walk-about rides in Calypso QuayThe speakers have their on and off days.
  19. Sidders


    Actually, on that subject... can someone post the MTDP? I've been gone for a while so I'm behind the times....
  20. Sidders


    Merlin need to re-think the entire ride.Back in the good ol' cheap Thorpe days, the park didn't have the money to build this ride properly. Merlin just need to either come up with a new concept and then remove the ride (or parts of) during a closed season to make room for a heavily themed ride which FITS into The Lost City.Otherwise, yes, just get rid of it and have a nice bit of space. Thorpe seems to be running short of it and the only time the add more land is to shove a new ride on it.
  21. I do that on Colossus because I find the loop is get rather rickety with its age. I feel a revamp should be in order.
  22. Hey Hey! I'm BACK!

    I see you missed me...

    Nawwwhhhh xxx

  23. HEY HEY! I'm BACK! (YYY)

  24. Sidders

    This Or That

    Not scared,[MIKA]'We Are Golden' or 'Grace Kelly'?[/MIKA]
  25. I was being a snob.. but then I cut it out :D

    tbh I don'r really know what any of it means either :L

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