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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Sidders

    Forum Posts

    I remember once that when I typed in 'Colossus' on here, it would come up as 'Penis' when I posted it. Bit stumped at that was I. :PAll sorted now!
  2. Alex has the right idea! Lion King is by far Disney's greatest feat to date, depsite the film being over 20 years old; it is in my opinion the best animated film ever to come out the film industry.
  3. My tradition is to ride X:\No Way Out every time I go
  4. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    Yes that's what I meant James, thanks for correcting me, I'm being dumb for a bit.
  5. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    It's on the MTDP, which is a rough guideline of what Thorpe plan to do in the near future, it is by no means reliable or precise - look at Air's layout being used for SAW. The LTDP says that a coaster is to replace X:\No Way Out in 2016/2018, but what it does not say is the scale comparison of the coaster (which you claim to be Nemesis Inferno) I could be wrong, but there is no evidence of the coaster size as of yet. If you look at the bottom of the 2003-2009 MTDP, you can see that it was SAW that was to be 'a coaster of the non-looping variety and of a similar scale to Nemesis Inferno'I'm not against you, sam 795, but none of us know what is to be done with X:\No Way Out yet, all I'm saying is that a coaster of a similar scale to Nemesis Inferno would not fit in X:\No Way Out's spot.
  6. Sidders

    Forum Posts

    That annoys me so much, and when people come out with stuff like 'Detanator' or (dare I say it) 'Sami' and 'Lossi', next thing you know it'll be 'SWA'> naughty...
  7. Sidders

    Your Thorpe Park

    It's starting again... I don't mean to be too rude but Thorpe really, really don't need a Top-Spin; Chessington and Alton already have one each. This has been mentioned countless times before. And sam 795, I doubt a ride of Nemesis Inferno's size would fit in X:\No Way Out's spot. Although I like the ideas of repainting/refurbishing certain rides, because some really need a little TLC.
  8. Sidders

    This Or That

    GRAMMYS! Coldplay actually won something... although the Brits are more fun to watch :PTheir, They're or There?
  9. Sidders


    I have to admit, it is a good song, and an even better album.
  10. Sidders

    This Or That

    Rihanna,Viva la Vida or Violet Hill?
  11. I think the brabed wire is a very good idea, its gives out a menacing appearance, and stop chavs queue-jumping. Everyone be happy. And the queueline looks like a very tall maze of cages - very SAW-esque.
  12. I agree with that statement about Colossus, I dont find it rough at all. But Nemesis Inferno is easily the best ride in Thorpe Park in terms of experience, thrill, theming, and atmosphere. The music is absolutley perfect for the ride and the dispatch theme gets me every time!The layout makes good use of a fairly small area and it's elements aren't too generic like larger inverts like Montu, Katun, and Alpengeist were the large inversions come first, brake run, then a pathetic bit of track leading towards the station with the odd corkscrew chucked in somewhere.The front row is far superior to it's older brother, and I'd go so far as to say that the back row is also better on Inferno, especially on the right. If you ask me, Nemesis Inferno will still be my favourite ride after March, as I don't believe that SAW's layout is innovative enough, although the theming looks to be second-to-none anywhere in the UK. [/Nemesis Inferno Nerd]
  13. http://www.thorpeparkguide.com/archives/pr...tos/feb09-9.jpgLook at the fans in that photo; it seems there are motors of some kind attached to the exterior side of them, proposing that they will spin. If you ask me, they look too crisp and fresh, they need roughing up like the damping effect on the wood.
  14. Sidders


    The Saturdays's cover of Depechemode's 'Just Can't Get Enough' has a rather amusing video... it's also a very good cover.
  15. ...And that's just the exterior of the sawmill, the interior and the queue-line sound to be just as promising.
  16. Ahhh... Great track that be; always seems to remind me off E.T.
  17. Sidders


    Here's hoping! Do you think once Merlin have finished SAW and made a profit, that they'll come to think about perking up other rides in the park before blowing all their money on another half-arsed attraction dumped under Stealth's top-hat because there's no more room nor money to theme it?I love Thorpe really...
  18. I never said that the ride was going to be a flop, it will be a success in every aspect of the word. But in terms of layout extremity, Nemesis Inferno comes out on top. Although the Immelman Turn does look quite yummy.
  19. Oooo, SAW - The Ride above Stealth on the official site's rides menu? Thorpe's iconic coaster is being piddled on by a mere Euro-Fighter? Ouch.I can understand why they did it but they shouldn't forget about bigging up their existing coasters, I for one doubt SAW - The Ride, will be a better experience than Nemesis Inferno, simply because a Euro-Fighter isn't 'up there' with the big boys like B&M and Intamin. But 55mph? That's certainly nothing to be sniffed at. :)I suppose we'll have to see what March brings won't we?
  20. We new there was going to be a sixth film, but tbh I'm not going to bother with it, the SAW films are dead.
  21. ...Which had it's power supply cut because of Stealth's installation, not even Thorpe would dare build another coaster that would cause the saws to stop spinning. In any case, I really hope that now that Merlin have built a major ride at Thorpe, they'll take the time to make sure effects and theming are kept in good condition. And maybe, just maybe, Merlin will reapair and refurbish all rides that need their effects fixed in the time between now and their next coaster/flat ride, instead of forking out for a half-decent un-themed ride *glares at Rush*
  22. Just to be sure, is there any sign of the windmill in the revised plans? I mean the ones that show the SAW theme? Because as far as I'm aware, the windmill is no longer part of the plans, and nothing resembling a windmill as been delivered to the site yet; and it looks like there are no footers for it in it's proposed location.And for the record, the blades should spin, there is a cog machanism attached to one side, and what looks like a motor-housing boxing on the main station building. Let's hope H&S see sense...
  23. Sidders

    This Or That

    Cake, yummy!Dolly Parton's '9 to 5', or Bananarama's 'Venus'? (Gotta love those cheesy oldies)
  24. I really annoyed. I cnt see any of my frends cuz its the holidays. :( hope you feel better soon though! *smiles*

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