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Everything posted by AJ

  1. and that's not forget good old heather from easterenders - he chessington regular - she always queues like a normal guest - as well as Jeremy Paxman. Gerry Halliwell at Thorpe Park though was being taken around...
  2. Loving your optimism that you MIGHT get to star in it Ryan
  3. Righty Ho - It's finally time for me to get on with Part 1 of 5 of the Swarm ERT Photo Event Report. Sorry on the delay - will post one everyday until Saturday which will conclude with the official group photo for this meet So on our 3rd adventure of the year - what situations will we find our TPM members in this time? On arrival to the park Sidders became so overjoyed he bounced around like a kid The morning crew of Sidders, Husky, MattoMoo, Mer, Han30 & Mr. Fish say hello before their first ride of the day However Exciteable Sidders cannot wait any longer so rushes to the test seat hoping for it to calm him down When the rest of the morning crew are seen in the distance coming to join us everyone jumps for joy Did I mention this is Han30's first time at Thorpe Park in 11 years . The nerves kick in so Husky drags Han30 into the volcanoe... Finally Sidders along with Peaj get to the front seat of Inferno - Sidders can finally calm down now However disaster struck and the volcano erupted....Hailstones..... Which of course stops when the ride finished! Dara & Peaj come off in pain & very soggy Han30 got on! Her first ever major coaster. Han is joined by Husky & Mr Fish with some random dude who thought he'd try and hog the spot light By the time we got to Colossus - Han30 was an expert to all this coaster riding and just started chilling like a hippie whilst riding Peaj is there too! Sadly for the childly Sidders - He throws a tantrum as he is no longer on his inferno Pluk is like WTF as MattyMoo looks at a handbag in the queueline! And there we leave it - Sidders in a strop. Will he come out of his strop? Will MattyMoo obtain a handbag fetish? And will Pluk cause a fight? All will be seen in the future episodes of the SWARM ERT PHOTOSHOOT EVENT!
  4. I have to say the kudos to all the little patch up's Thorpe Park have done this yeah and it is great to see the smoke back again. Is it just me but when the ride has finished I have never heard before well done for finishing the race - I thought it was a nice touch. Also Zastanawiam się, jak długo to będzie przed Stealth wygląda jak plac budowy, jak Rita. Nie chcemy żadnych urazów z innym przyciągania kablowej mielibyśmy
  5. Frankie & Bennies was the clear winner. If you would like to come to the meal afterwards please PM me you will come so I can ensure there are enough seats booked That will be no problem Matt - I'll make sure there is a seat for you at Frankie & Bennies
  6. Finally got a free moment to catch up with everything that has happened since Friday. Thank you everyone for all those kind messages . A big thank you to THORPE PARK for such a great opportunity. TPM Team in helping me get it together and the community for being extremely co-operative during the entire day. (Plus everyone stayed together throughout the whole meet - whoop - thanks everyone) For me the day was fantastic, apart from the blip of my wallet going walkies which put me in a bit of a situation to where I had to leave the group for an hour getting things sorted, so apologies to everyone that the 5 part trip report may not be as varied as I originally hoped due to me not being there at all points to catch the 'moments' (however I do have some good material) On a more positive note - got a call today, saying my wallet has been found (cashless but only a pitance in there anyway) so I don't need to replace everything now so now quite chuffed. (Thank you Seb) Right I will try my best to do part 1 of the trip report today but If I don't have the time I will give you a double whammy tomorrow
  7. May I take this moment to express an even bigger Thank You to THORPE PARK. Not only have they kindly invited us to this event, THORPE PARK are giving complimentary tickets to all those who do not have annual passes who were on the attendance list we gave to them this lunchtime,for coming to the photoshoot. Non annual pass holders, please make your way to reception on arrival at the park to get your complimentary ticket. Reception is to the right of the turnstiles (it has a sign above it) and you will just need to ring the reception buzzer and wait for the door to buzz. There will be someone in reception between 9am and 5pm so there should be no problems with collection. Once again a big thanks to THORPE PARK for this great opportunity!
  8. We are meeting at THE SWARM by the fire engine. You have my number if you have trouble finding us. By the time the event is finished the parking barriers would of been raised anyway.
  9. On another Thorpe trip, we'll go elsewhere to break it up a bit
  10. AJ

    The Smiler

    It's got quiet as it has been proven that their pottery factory makes more noise than Oblivion - so my guess is now the local residents are standing up to them they know if they stop Oblivion, they're pottery factory would be stopped as well!
  11. You are now on the list! Please feel assured I did not forget about you, but I'm sure you'll appreciate that with 3 events currently in process at the moment - I've been playing a bit of catch up Look forward to seeing you all
  12. There usually is - tomorrow morning I will put a poll up to see what people want to go eat after the park. Edit: Poll is now open. Choices include the venues that are the most popular after a day at Thorpe Park. Please vote away so we can continue the fun after the park shuts. Poll closes on Monday so I can book up tables if need be. Cheers guys.
  13. Personally I would wrap up warm and have a 'spring layer' underneath so if they need a warmer feel at some point you go round on one cycle
  14. I have to say Ryan, on Swarm you look like your a gentleman about to sit down at a tea party...
  15. Thanks for bringing this up Phill - They will need Light colours so you will easily be shown in the photos - If your wearing dark colours like Navy/ blacks and dark greys you'll blend too much into the ride! Personally I would have also thought they would want the 'light' Type of Spring wear as you don't see many photos of promotional material for any rides with people in winter jackets and hats
  16. I've done all of them apart from Space Station Zero & 5th Dimension - I am actually shocked I have done the majority of that, I was expecting not to have ridden as much!
  17. Your votes have been counted and you guys on TPM have spoken. The day of this meet will be on Sunday April 21st - See you all there - If you are attending please PM me
  18. Good news - smoke is now coming out the volcano tops in the queue line - that's been a good few years since I have seen that! So far from what I can see there's lots of minor improvements which make a nice touch
  19. Well today the fastback entrance is for the back and main queue for the front. They then give you a ticket at the bagging area to take to queue where the fence has been cut back halfway where front riders go on per norm and back riders continue down split path. It looks like in the station will work effectively - not sure about the main queue line though.
  20. Just got off it But have to say starting to feel quite queasy ERT will be interesting when I have to drive after haha
  21. The swarm backwards is AMAZING!!!! For me it has made the ride so much better. And put it has a contender for my top priority rides now and as you lot know I haven't been the swarms bigger fan. However I can tell a few goes going backwards will be very sickly whilst making your head throb!
  22. Right people who have requested and contacted me up to this point in time are now on the list - I will be at THORPE PARK tomorrow so if you contact me in the meantime up to tomorrow evening and you don't see you name being added to the list - please do not panic, I will catch up with you. As you see the places are being filled fast, so get yourself a place as a soon as you can! Right I'm now off to Dreamland
  23. Yes Tommy you can bring a friend - I have PMd you about his entry
  24. Don't be silly BBJ - If you wanna come get yourself down there just say yes and Ill give you a place!
  25. Good Evening to all of the fantastic members on here! It is with the greatest pleasure that I can announce this FANTASTIC opportunity we have been given. It is something that none of you will want to miss! Thorpe Park are holding a Swarm Photo Shoot and have invited us to attend it. Date – Friday 15th March Time – 4:30pm to 7pm (Please be there on time) Number of places – 40 Where - The Swarm (Fire Engine) So book the day off work and come (I already have)! The reason for this is they need to take new promotional photography to show off the backwards element of the Swarm and the new billboard. This photography will then be used in all of the parks publicity materials throughout the year and possibly for longer. The images could be used in newspapers, on posters, on leaflets, on social media, Park signage, etc. So if you attend please bear this in mind! If you attend you must wear – light non-branded, non offensive clothing (I.e. no logos or offensive language/slogans) Everyone who takes part must be willing to sign a photography release form to allow us to use them in promotional material. If you are under 18 I will need to send you the form for your parents or guardians to sign that I will need to give to Thorpe Park early next week. Please can I also point out that general pleasant behavior will be expected at all times! You will be required to ride THE SWARM a number of times and there will be breaks in the middle to give riders a breather! Please PM me immediately If you wish to attend as there are a limited amount of places - If you want to come but cannot due to not having a ticket please inform me about this and I will see what I can do about that! Contributing members and those who contact me first will be given priority - for details on how people are chosen for an event please look at this topic http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/9912-what-do-you-wantexpect-from-a-tpm-trip/. However for this event there will be slightly different priorities as we need a good mixture of both genders - Deadline to book your place is on Wednesday 13th March 2013 If you are coming to spend the day at THORPE PARK there will be some additional meeting points for you all to come and join us. Outisde the park entrance before opening at 9:45am, by the stealth rocks at 1:30pm. We will not wait if you are late! attend these meeting points and will still like to meet up beforehand you will all have my number so you can arrange to meet us in park. I think I can speak for everyone that this is just a BRILLIANT thing for THORPE PARK to allow us to come to this event, and would also like to express my Thanks at this point. Attending (34) AliceHuskyRedden +2 (Meeting 9:45am) browneggsandham C1hrisin +1 (Meeting 4:30pm) Dan9 Dodge (Meeting 1:30pm)(or earlier) Ellie (Meeting 1:30pm) Gary (Meeting 4:30pm) Han30 (Meeting 9:45am) IanNem (Meeting 1:30pm) jackstevens217 (Meeting 4:30pm) Jonny392 (Meeting 1:30pm) Marc +1 (whenever Marc wakes up) Mark9 MattyMoo (Meeting 9:45am) Mer (Meeting 9:45am) Michelle (Meeting 1:30pm) Mr Fish (Meeting 9:45am) Peaj +2 (Meeting 9:45am) Phill Pritchard (Meeting 1:30pm) Pluk (Meeting 9:45am) Ricky (whenever Marc pick's him up) Sidders +1 (Meeting 9:45am) Smidget (Meeting 1:30pm) StevenVig (Meeting 9:45am) Stokesyboy (Meeting 1:30pm) ThrillNation (Meeting 1:30pm) TobyNBZ (Meeting group at 2:30pm) Tommy (Meeting at 9:45am, But Not ERT Boo!) 4 Places Spare! PM me if your interested.
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