Wow, some people have had some awful injuries.Mine:- In primary a large girl jumped on my back I fell over landing on my left arm. Because it was BOTH our weight I broke my elbow. The teachers didnt believe me but I showed them when I went back to school a week later with a cast. Ha! On the x ray it showed part of my elbow had broken off.OOooh and I took a bear into surgery with me and the doctor put a bandage on its arm! :DApparently I was in surgery for about 4 hours. It felt like seconds. It's starting to hurt again and it keeps collapsing if I put any weight on it. I should probably do something about it...- I've blanked out and fallen down the stairs at school. Three times in one day. It was weird!! lol- I LOVE climbing and when I had my bunk bed I'd climb all over it. One time I was swinging and it fell over on top of me. We thought I'd broken my wrist but I hadn't. 4/5 hours in A&E to find out a bag of peas would be ok.- When I was still in primary, for the summer I would go to this summer scheme and we were playing outside. I was outside and my shoes fell over the wall side thing that we were stood on. I stepped forward onto a load of broken glass. One of the play workers had to carry me inside and remove all of it. Ouch. hehe. - Again at summer scheme another thing with feet. This boy had grabbed my shoes off me outside and was running around with them. I was chasing him and ran straight over this piece of metal that used to be a fence but was cut down. It cut an L shape in my foot and I had to be carried inside... again... - OOOH when I was in year 8 I was sat on the field with a group of mates at school. And there were these girls messing around. One 'fell over' landing on my back but because I was sat cross legged my back bent right over. I couldn't move for a little while and then a teacher came, dragged me off the floor and made me walk inside. Then when we were waiting for the ambulance car thing I had to have an interview with the girls because they had a camera and had apparently FILMED it. But, because they'd deleted the footage they didnt get punished... Just made to say sorry. Then when the ambulance came it turned out I'd need to go to hospital in an ambulance because I was in so much pain.I was put on a back board with a neck brace. The LOT. It was pretty scary because they had to check I hadnt damaged my spine or neck. Just bruising. Phew.Wow. I wrote a ton. If you read all that you deserve a round of applause. *claps*