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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. You could just... not go Honestly, not going to Thorpe Park is not the worst that could happen
  2. Yes, yes they do. Invigilators are hired on the one main requirement that they are annoying. In my college we have an obese woman who can't walk very fast so wastes your time getting paper and she pants while walking up and down the aisles when just checking. Another woman wears flip flops and because of how she walks trying to keep them on, they flip up and then she stomps down. I've told invigilators to take their shoes off before, it isn't fair! I get extra time due to problems associated with easily losing focus.
  3. If you were a decent learner driver, maybe you'd have done as much as me in my first lesson
  4. Agreed. I had gone around a parked car just after a bollard in a very quiet, 25mph road. Some tosser drives past while approaching another bollard and manages to swerve back in just in time. I was doing no harm to anyone. Ergh some people!
  5. Awww look at that cute little face!
  6. Ellie


    Good luck!! I'm sure you'll do really well. Oh and I still remember you telling me I'd make a creepy possessed little girl
  7. Ellie

    Do I know you?

  8. Ellie


    Weird topic but many people on here like talking about trains and buses so.... discuss here.Today it seems there's an increase in transport police presence and more terrorist 'be vigilant' announcements at train stations. Wondered if there was some kind of warning for trains? (I know we're on high terrorist alert.)And I hate buses. My bus had been sat at the terminus for ages, yet decided to leave five minutes late. Made my train though, woo.
  9. The whole point of this thread is for him to be able to say as much or as little as he wants to to, as quoting the description of the thread, 'get it off his chest'. He has not asked for his post to be criticsed, only that he wanted to share something that has upset him.
  10. I hate accidentally repping posts
  11. Posts like these have been discussed time and time again. Everyone hates ranting and then getting the response that its not that bad. If it's upset someone then yes, it is.
  12. I want to go to Disneyland Paris next year, so much so that I'm looking at prices and thinking 'I reckon I could save up that much...' ever hopeful
  13. Ellie


    Didn't you do any work experience in school?
  14. I have no say in this tbh, Id be hunted down if I wasn't attending.
  15. Ellie


    Someones buying my ticket for £185
  16. People who give their opinions when nobody asked/wanted their input.
  17. Ellie

    Video Games.

    Finished Portal in a total of 6 hours. Next onto Portal 2... but I think maybe I should start that after my last exam
  18. Whenever I'm strapped into Saw: the Ride, on leaving the station I'm quite comfy but when I return, I've usually been crushed to within an inch of my life.
  19. Next time Ellie, when your manager asks if he'd look good in something (including the skin tight cycling outfit) just say yes. It will spare you both the embarrassment!
  20. LOL. When I considered the possibilities of what was on the Apprentice I thought of this myself But she looks just as bad as mine so I'm good
  21. Ellie

    Video Games.

    I posted this ages ago, keep up
  22. I don't watch the Apprentice, enlighten me
  23. Hairdresser has RUINED my hair. The worst part is, I had to PAY to walk away looking like a child took some scissors to my hair (I'd like to point out at this point that this was a toni and guy stylist that should be completely competent to make a decent job of a haircut).Side fringe does not mean, cut my hair into a straight line across my forehead. :| WHAT WAS SHE THINKING. 'I know, she looks like crap, lets add to her crapness and ruin her hair.' I have attempted to salvage it for the sake of my dignity. Lets hope people don't cry with laughter when I leave the house tomorrow.
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