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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan

    Doctor Who

    Yeah I've also heard that, not sure if it's true or not though?
  2. Wait, do you mean, alone in your 'pod' and then other pods had people in?
  3. Sorry but no, what Marc said has applied throughout this whole year and years before.
  4. Ryan

    Doctor Who

    What do you think the big story arc could be?
  5. Never give up, keep trying, I know you probably hate my guts, but please trust me here, don't ever completely give up. It will work out soon enough
  6. Stupidest piece of advice I've heard. If you don't try then you won't get anywhere. Perhaps what you tried was the wrong thing, take a step back, look at the situation and try something else.
  7. Ryan

    News Desk

    If you don't want to use it, then don't
  8. Ryan


    Borrowed from Kabir.
  9. Local schools to me go back this Friday, so for me, yes it is term time.
  10. It's not everyday you get to sumo wrestle with the top dog of tpm Blue: Marc Red: RyanThe video
  11. I doubt it would be that busy, Sunday's in term time are usually quiet, especially September.
  12. Ryan


    Man in crypt: was that it?*Floor cracks*Man in crypt: FUUUUUUUUUUTh13teen is fun
  13. Chase the dream, not the competition.
  14. Ok, I'm sorry but keep these ****ty statistics and what-not to yourself because the last thing I want to here after working my socks off to get the grades I needed is that "Gcse's are now easier". Great little confidence boost for people about to start A levels, thanks Will!
  15. You worshipped that place when you worked there. Same with Thorpe. Probably will be the same with Chessington. Eurgh >_>
  16. Ahh I'm so pleased with my results! Passed every exam and got what I need for college! :DBusiness - A (eeeeeeek )English language - C (Meh)English Literature - B (Got a D for this in my mock so pretty shocked tbh)Maths - B (This has made my year)Science - C (science is my major weak point :L )Additional Science - C (^^)French - C (I struggled with French so quite pleased with this)RE - B (I don't even know... )History - C (Mehh, got A* in the coursework but the exam was just bleurgh)Food Tech - C (Mucked up coursework so the exam has kinda saved me )
  17. I'm actually bricking it, which is stupid really =/
  18. Ryan


    I'm watching the V Festival right now really wishing I could be there, Florence Welch is ridiculously amazing <3 !
  19. Ryan

    The Smiler

    In the valleeeeeyyyyyyyyyy
  20. I assume it's cheaper if you book online or over the phone in advance.
  21. So you say the price is too much, yet you don't know how much a standard room costs? Please try and sort out your Spelling&Grammar in future posts
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