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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. I don't really want to go too much into my reasons why I like Saw, since I've done it before here - http://forum.maniahub.com/blog/10/entry-309-why-saw-is-actually-a-really-good-coaster/ (checky little plug I know ). However, my views have changed a bit (I certainly don't think it's a "really good" coaster ), so just some quick rambles... Saw has an alright mixture of everything you'd want from a great coaster. There's a (admittedly loose) story there. An indoor section with some nice tricks, interactive elements and theming. A snappy outdoor section. People complain about ride time, but it does total up to 100 seconds if you're in the second car, which isn't exactly bad in my opinion. There's inversions, a couple of good drops, a very nice airtime hill (as long as your restraints isn't too tight, you can get very decent airtime) and intensity. However, it seems to fall short at at least two or three of these things for everybody - the intensity can be painful for people. The indoor theming isn't immersive enough. The story isn't really there. The outdoor section feels too short. etc. etc. It has all the right things there, just not enough of it. I will forever say that Saw isn't rough, just intense. I've only ever experienced the 'jolt' on the main drop once for example. But hey, that's all down to opinion. But I do think it's hard to say Saw isn't intense or has no airtime; I would disagree with anyone who says that. The IP has done really well due to the sheer icon status of Saw (like it or not). It's one of the best received rides on park by guests. I quite like the idea of horror-film themed Fright Nights as well, and I do hope that can continue. Though, in saying that, the idea of IP-based rides here, there and everywhere is less of an appeal to me. One or two, fine. Loads of attractions? No thanks.
  2. If Thorpe really wanted to make the actual ride of Saw a death trap, they'd have gone with Intamin, not Gerstlauer. (Too soon? ) On a more serious note, whilst Saw hasn't had any more films for 3 years(?), I wouldn't exactly say it's dead. An 8th film has been widely rumoured for release soon, and it's very iconic - many people would put it up there with Friday the 13th and Scream I'd argue. Even if it's not the greatest franchise ever, it will last. I think given the time it was built (ie - when they were focusing purely on thrills and 16-34 year olds), it was the best IP they could go for if they wanted a horror film.
  3. So I wonder why this has disappeared... Sauce - Xplorer Central Hopefully it's just been temporarily removed because of an issue / they're replacing it with a different model (if there are ones), as opposed to being completely taken out.
  4. JoshC.


    I think that every 3 years Rush gets 'extra work' done over Closed Season, and that would be due this winter. So who knows?
  5. Nemesis Inferno Sub Terra? Go deep underground with the Calypso Quay Explorer's Club and explore some hidden baby volcanoes that are thought to be dormant. Nothing can go wrong surely...
  6. Nothing wrong with adding a picture to the discussion.. Also helps put things in a bit more of a perspective; the Fungle site is quite large after all. If all the trees end up being tagged, I'd be more inclined to think that there's a future development due to happen there then just some work on trees. Perhaps I should have put 'more trees are being tagged' though, since we knew some had been.
  7. Trees around Fungle Safari (especially near Inferno's exit) are being tagged! The space is marked on the MTDP as a potential ride spot remember.
  8. Hope everyone has fun today! Disappointed I couldn't make it as it looks like it could end up being one of the best meets of the year.
  9. It's a great idea, but I just dunno about how feasible it is. The option to water ski, etc. would surely have to take place in Abbey Lake / Fleet Lake (the waters either side on the entrance bridge), but then they've got the competition from Thorpe Waterski. Could they team up with them? Possibly. It's well known that Thorpe do like to support the local community as much as possible as well. I dunno whether that makes the idea more likely (ie - have the two team up) or less likely (let them work independently and don't offer competition). I'd be surprised if the thought hasn't been discussed before though, so who knows? Water-based shows are a nice idea as well, but more difficult to execute. Again, I expect they'd have to take place on Fleet Lake, but then you've got the problem of Saw Alive being in the way (it's less of a problem for fireworks, since they're in the sky, but for something based on the water, more difficult). The amount of times they could do it could be restricted as well, which could complicate matters. I think air shows would probably be less likely given that planes do fly over the park; could cause issues. Personally, I don't think I'd like to see an air show at Thorpe - just doesn't seem to 'fit'. Don't want to come across like I'm picking your post apart th13teen, by the way. I love the idea of the resort being able to offer water sports to guests - certainly seems like a logical step, and maybe even the Flowrider is testing the water for it (pun totally intended) - but it's not something I'd hold my breath for to be able to happen (another pun there as well ).
  10. Thorpe have been focusing more on guest experience and satisfaction lately it seems. From things like Summer Nights (to get people to stay in the park longer, get better ride counts), the performances from artists and the installation of the Flowrider (to get people to get more out of their day than 'just' being in a theme park) to the smaller things like the changes we saw in the Inferno Shop this season. You can tell there's more of a push on park to encourage people to stay longer, come back, enjoy their day more, and not just getting people through the gate, if you will. If Thorpe weren't going to add any new additions (and, say, spend money and doing up rides and areas), then they'd have to create big events. They'll - hopefully - have people wanting to go back from the past couple of seasons, but they'll still need something to get people wanting to come all the more. Saying 'We've given our park a spring clean' or 'Our park is like new now' won't get people wanting to come. Indeed, I'd be put off going, as it suggests that in the past, they haven't cared. They'd need a big, new shiny Easter event, a new, epically long summer event, awesome Fright Nights, half term events, etc. Advertise a good atmosphere on park, along with all the rides they've got, and then people will come. Of course, there could still be new additions. After all, we didn't hear about Angry Birds Land until January!
  11. On the whole 'What makes a theme park' thing - there's a difference between how something was once defined, and how it is now perceived. Whilst a theme park could crudely be defined as a plot of land that has different themed ideas and experiences. You could say that Harry Potter Studios is a theme park. But does anyone say it's a theme park? No one that I've heard at least! These days, when people here the words 'theme park', they'll think of some places with (primarily) roller coasters, along with other rides which are designed to scare/thrill/entertain you. An amusement park with themed rides. They won't think of just a place that has themed areas. And that's the thing, with things like 'theme park' (and 'funfair', 'amusement park' and basically everything in the entertainment industry), they're going to be defined by the public. If the public define a theme park as a place with roller coasters, rides, etc. that has theming, then that's what the industry will have to use - if they're going to create a theme park, it will have to satisfy those needs! Once upon a time, a theme park may have been very different, but that's not what it is now.
  12. The original Smiler artwork - http://threeverywisemonkeys.blogspot.co.uk/ Not quiet sure which I prefer - the concept art or the real thing. The concept art looks much more detailed and complete, but I do like the clean and clinical feel we've got with the main ride. Not to mention to balance between being scary and humour-filled as well; the concept art makes it seem much darker.
  13. Alton and Thorpe seem to have 'Twitter wars' over their rides every once in a while. I guess using '#MerlinRules' could remind people that they're both Merlin parks and are linked, so it works well. Don't really think it's linked to Paramount Park just yet to be honest; as you say, just a tad early.
  14. Before it says its last goodbye, SFMM are giving people the chance to do a 36 hour marathon on Colossus - http://www.thecoasterguy.com/2014/07/29/riders-needed-36-hour-Colossus-marathon-sfmm/ Nice bit of marketing from the park there!
  15. I noticed that Thorpe confirmed on Twitter that Summer Nights will still run between 7pm and 10pm during August (ie - when the main park closes at 7pm). I guess it could be that they noticed people were leaving before half 10, so are closing earlier to maximise how long people stay? Either way, fingers crossed that the cross over between park closure and Summer Nights opening goes down smoothly!
  16. I heard CBeebies cost in the region of £8 million all in all; so definitely the (higher-end) of medium in my eyes! I don't think there's a specific 'rota' any more for any of the parks, but just that we'll - hopefully - see large investments every 3 or 4 years.
  17. Looking back at previous 'biggish' rides, Storm Surge's plans surfaced in early July 2010 and Slammer's in late July 04 (with Rush's in September 04). So it does seem unlikely that a flat ride of some description could be coming our way in time for the start of season (judging from previous applications, at least). Could still see a ride open mid way through the season mind, though I'd prefer that not to happen.
  18. That's the 'artist impression' from when the project was initially unveiled, showing some coasters. I don't think anything has been said either way about whether there will definitely be a coaster or not when the place opens, but if the artist impression shows coasters, I think it's fair to assume that there'll be coasters at some point not far after opening.
  19. G Force's lift is wacky, so I'm gonna have to go for that.
  20. JoshC.


    Posted by AT's Facebook... "World's first horizontal flying coaster". Now no pedantic geek can complain that Air wasn't a world first...
  21. The main trouble with this would be the locals and the council - Thorpe have the agreement to have rides stop at 11pm Monday-Saturday and 10pm on Sundays. Plus they've got the opening of the Dome till 3am for 42 times a year. Taking everything into consideration, Thorpe have it good. But trying to open any later just seems to difficult to negotiate; they have to keep the locals happy, and I imagine a fair few will be against having rides open until midnight on the sheer principle of it all. The last time Thorpe stayed fully open past 10pm was 11 years ago now; all other times (ie Summer Nights and MoS), they've only had a few rides open and marketed as a separate event altogether). I do believe back in 2006/2007 there were plans for opening until midnight (when I think the agreement with the council was different), but they were cancelled? To have the full park open beyond 10pm, and have it marketed to everybody, is a very different kettle of fish in terms of Thorpe being allowed to do it, especially nowadays. I do think that Thorpe would be one of the best parks in the UK to be open very late, but I just can't see it ever happening, more because of the restrictions on the park than the park's own wants.
  22. You're right Callum; the pipes I believe had to be severed for Stealth's construction. It's certainly been talked about that the fire could return side Swarm has fire effects, but there's probably other issues to our as well (could be wildlife living in there; bats live in the water tower for example!).
  23. JoshC.


    And that now gives an answer to what I (and no doubt others) have wondered for a while - "What is Slammer's throughput?". With an experienced team, a cool 384..
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