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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. I feel like turning that into a powered coaster would make it faster and more enjoyable! I guess this is what happens when you do a mirror image of a Vekoma layout though...
  2. I wouldn't necessarily call Smiler rough. The jolt on the cobra roll is, but the rest of the ride isn't. Thing is, whilst the first half of the ride is okay in how it rides, I find the second half to be quite uncomfortable, and after the airtime hill, just not really pleasant. Saw is intense, on the other hand. I've only ever felt the jolt at the bottom of the drop once, never found it rough or uncomfortable like so many people claim it to be.
  3. I expect they'll have loads of wetsuits and that there's certain rules they have to follow for cleaning it. There's Flowriders around, and I guess many of them do have wetsuit hire as an option, so it'll be a problem already thought about and hopefully solved. As long as Thorpe have sought advice about it - which no doubt they will have - then there's nothing to worry about in my opinion.
  4. I wouldn't really say Merlin have ripped off any of their other rides with new projects; just this one. Of course, there's been similar ones (the multiple wing riders and dive machines), but other than Flug using Swarm's train design - which I'd say is more a cost thing, unfortunately - there's been no ripping off. Unlike a train design, things like a font and a tagline shouldn't be that difficult to come up with!
  5. Oblivion's font, Th13teen's tagline and now Nemesis' theme seems likely... What major ride will Gardaland attempt to rip off next?
  6. JoshC.


    Shameless plug ahead... As some of you may know, I'm doing a research project at uni this summer. As an aside, I'm writing a Maths blog, which will (hopefully!) explain some difficult Maths in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Don't worry, there won't be (many) scary equations! Here's the link - http://joshexplainsmaths.wordpress.com/ I appreciate that it probably won't interest many on here, but if people could give it a read, let me know what they think, etc., I'd really appreciate it! Or, if you know anyone interested in Maths (especially if they're thinking of doing Maths as an A Level or at university), pass the link. I'm hoping it will have something for everyone, so do give it a chance. Thanks!
  7. JoshC.

    Youtube Videos

    Theme Park Worldwide video showing as being posted being posted by Xplorer Central? Jeez, electricBill has really let his videos go...
  8. First appeared in 2013 is memory serves me correctly. Great to see the American flag back!
  9. Have fun everyone! And don't get too drunk during MoS...
  10. Alright Sidney Bancroft.
  11. Happy birthday to TPM's sexiest male, our biggest fanboy, the one, the only... MATT CREEK!
  12. Still £5. Only VIP holders get it free.
  13. No doubt they'll have tweaked the maximum numbers / the way the advertised the event. The first few Summer Nights were very quiet (but obviously popular enough to keep going!), and word of mouth probably made the event much more popular then anticipated. They'll have learnt from last year for sure!
  14. There is a 'Preview Event' for all Annual Passholders, where you get into Summer Nights free instead of paying £5 - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/thorpe-park-resorts-summer-nights-preview-for-annual-passholders-tickets-12074235363
  15. JoshC.

    Wicker Man

    http://old.towerstimes.co.uk/history/plans/woodie.htm Withdrew the application due to concerns from the council it would seem. The next two coasters to be installed at Alton Towers ended up being Spinball and Rita. Yay.
  16. I'd say Chessington is in a lot worse position than Thorpe when it comes to land. Thorpe have had the ability to create new land for ages (with the first time being the land for Tidal Wave I think?), so have been able to expand. They've still got an empty island, the island with the Shark Hotel as well as plenty of space in the core of the park for future developments. Surprising they have so much, considering how small the place is! Chessington, on the other hand, don't have many 'dead spots' in the park (like, say, the MHFS spot, CCR station, etc. that Thorpe has), they can't expand outwards much more and they can't go very high or very loud. It seems more difficult to build things there than at Alton Towers too, considering there's all the animal enclosures and the rumours about the land sliding (I don't know if that's true or not?). This is my biggest fear over Chessington. I just can't see physically being able to expand much more. It's all well and good saying they need this, that and the other (and they need a lot!), but then where they're gonna put it is just too difficult to call.
  17. Mark is happy about this news...
  18. Biggest banboy of 2013, joint sexiest ban of 2013 and joint most banicated member 2013 - aimed at Creeky; was too slow! You must go on the ban list. It's the BANLAW.
  19. I didn't even know Fury had temporary approval? Presumably, the temporary approval would have been for 1, 5 or 10 years (all of which have passed), so it's likely to be on permanent approval now.
  20. I seemed to be in the few that actually liked the You're Next characters roaming around the park! They weren't as good as the previous couple of years, but I still quite liked them. I expect we'll see a replacement for Asylum. There's of course the obvious film choice to replacement (clue: it's about chainsaws), but whether we see that or not, I don't remain fully confident. As a wild choice, I'd love to see the park try Hostel as an Asylum replacement. Space would likely be the main problem, but I really think it would work as a great scare attraction, and certainly be the extreme level Thorpe go for for Fright Nights! In saying that, I'm still interested how Fright Nights will be marketed this year. There's been a huge push on a family market this year; could possibly ruin all that by saying 'COME GET SCARED ****LESS WITH OUR HORROR FILM THEMED SCARE MAZES'. I do wonder whether we'll see a more family-orientated attraction (Hunger Games? ), even if it's just with the roaming actors. I wouldn't be surprised if there's minimal money spent on the existing attractions, which would lead the way for more money being able to be spent on any new attractions as well as park-wide appearance and atmosphere. Well, that's the hopes and dreams at least!
  21. JoshC.

    Wicker Man

    Think you're confusing a Zacspin with a Topspin there...
  22. Flamingo Land is pretty bad with Twitter as well; likes to just post EVERYTHING in one hit, then you don't there for another week. So so bad.
  23. More like Probanor Drunk!
  24. JoshC.


    So was looking around old planning applications (I do have a life, promise...), and found this little thing in Slammer's original application... So one of the old MTDPs proposed that an existing water ride could be moved to what is now Slammer's site (as, bare in mind, that MTDP would've been written in the early 2000s). Given the water-based rides at the park during that time, the only feasible option would've been Depth Charge. Unfortunately, the original MTDP plans aren't available (there seems to be a nice habit of removing them off the council's site after a couple of years!), so who knows. But yeah, slightly interesting maybe. Also, near the end of the application, there's a report written by someone from Thorpe about the Sky Swat prototype built in Utah: How true it was that the world became familiar with the Sky Swat, but unfortunately for all the wrong reasons!
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