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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. JoshC.


    So long as your lap bar is done tightly enough, you can quite happily ride Slammer safely. The shoulder restraints are more there for added comfort and peace of mind I'd assume.
  2. Given that the past three Fright Nights have given new mazes with rather special / different twists (isolation rooms, bags on head, multiple routes in small groups), I'd expect something with an equally interesting twist. I don't think it had been confirmed it would be in Asylum's spot yet, so nice to have that officially confirmed. Really do look forward to what Thorpe give us!
  3. If memory serves me correctly, it was either a telephone box or a black sign.
  4. The park's website says that Fright Nights (or at least FN attractions) is only suitable for over 13s, so it seems unlikely. I was interested to see if they would do that, but there's nothing wrong with having a more adult event for a family park, especially for only a couple of weeks.
  5. JoshC.


    Restraint problems aren't uncommon on rides. Happens every so often. Don't fret every time Slammer has a small bit of downtime or opens slightly later. One tiny little problem isn't going to cause it to go to the scrapheap!
  6. Saw is one of the better received rides on park apparently and the film series is certainly iconic. Sure, it's not everyone's cop of tea, and the response is mixed from enthusiasts, but it's definitely been a great investment for the park!
  7. 16 to be a platformer I believe. 18 (and have experience) to operate rides.
  8. I fear for the throughputs. However, the ride itself does look quite fun.
  9. ^I think the point Morgan is making is that since The Marmaliser is the key thematic feature, the station exterior is likely going to be ignored regardless of the theming.
  10. Showing scenes from Saw 3D / Saw VII would also give a brilliant opportunity to utilise the seats during the car trap too!
  11. How was it a last minute investment? It was probably first planned art least a year ago, which I wouldn't call last minute for a small investment.
  12. How do you know that haven't though?
  13. I used Priority Passes to do all the mazes at Fright Nights last season. I've felt unclean ever since.
  14. To be fair, she probably did more than one coaster that day! And Colossus needs more good press than Inferno I'd say
  15. The flaming fire truck (strong sense of irony), the destroyed emergency services vehicles and destroyed church (showing no one can help you and nowhere is safe), the destroyed flying modes of transports (showing The Swarm control the skies), the cries for help from the telephone box, the slight humour of the billboard and more are all great little touches. There's also more. Given that the ride is set AT Thorpe Park, surely the church makes no sense to be there? But no one complains about that. It's one of those things you have to accept for the story, and it happens in all forms if entertainment.
  16. Points out Swarm, Amity Cove, Saw (to a degree) as well as plenty of other little touches around the park.
  17. On the other hand though, most guests won't just ride the coasters. They'll ride the flats, the water rides, etc. Of course, the coasters will be the big draw, but it won't be the only thing which defines a person's visit. I get that for some people, the new system may affect how many times you can reride a coaster or whatever. However, it has the possibility to allow people to get on more rides during their day, which is what most people want at the end of the day! The system has the capability to please more people than displease.
  18. Perfect Day fit well with the You're Next idea (because irony woo), and given some basic knowledge of the film's premise, it would make sense. I do think there are better choices to play around the park though. I always wonder with IPs how much parks expect their guests to know about the franchises. A basic knowledge of the film's premise should be enough (so even if you haven't watched the film, you know the general idea), but then there's also opportunities to extend on the story / replicate ideas from the film (for those who have watched the film). I do think MBV (and maybe even Cabin) failed at this a bit. I knew the general idea MBV for example, but was left confused as to why I was going from mine to hospital to mine to random area to woods to random area. I bet Cabin could have confused others too, what with the random rooms which don't really create a story. Hopefully this can be improved upon, and the new maze also takes this into consideration.
  19. Clearly some people are just not a fan of the system at all (which is fine; everyone can have their own opinion). Perhaps the only way for some to be convinced by it is to see it be a success. From what I can tell on social media (look through Facebook / search for Reserve n' Ride on Twitter), there's been more positive feedback than negative feedback. Given that people are more inclined to post negative feedback on social media, I think that shows some sort of promise for the system, and I'm pretty sure the overall feedback (ie - not just from social media) is more positive than negative at the moment. And that will be based on everyone who's used it at any time. This seems to be one of those things which needs looking at from a casual visitor's perspective: -In the past, on a busy day in the Summer, you may well have queued two hours for Saw, then 20 minutes for Rush, 40 minutes for Loggers (say). RnR could feasibly give rise to a situation where you virtually queue for Saw for just over two hours, whilst also doing Rush with a 50 minute queues and Loggers with a 70 minute queue (since the queues for non-RnR rides will increase) at the same time. -So, previously, you could have done 3 rides in 3 hours. But RnR could let you do 3 rides in just over 2 hours. From a casual visitor's perspective, RnR is better. Even though you queue longer for the flat rides, you get rides done in a shorter time period. Of course, that's all really hypothetical, but it's definitely a plausible outcome of RnR. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Reserve n' Ride has potential to work well. Guests are understanding it, seeing that it works, and the actual system itself is having less technical problems. The trials are promising too. With some more attractions added to the line up to keep guests occupied, I truly do think it can work.
  20. ^Reserve and Ride has been well received actually. They had a bad week or two recently, but other than that, it's been pretty good during the year from what I've heard. The thing is James, not all coasters have 2 hour queues all the time. Most days, you'll see one or two rides with near 2 hour queues (usually Saw and Colossus in my experiences), and the rest between 60-90mins. And that would be at their worst. So, your assumptions are a bit over the top really. We truly won't know the effect it will have on the rest of the rides until they try it for a few days (one day or half a day is just not good enough). For it to be as successful as possible, they'll need more attractions, yes, but I think it can work.
  21. Thanks for all the info; sounds promising! However, bit confused here - did Freezer run elsewhere, since it was only at Thorpe between 2002 and 2004?!
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