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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. JoshC.


    The Conservatives are to blame for yesterday's loss. They were the ones who cut the Defence Budget after all..
  2. I personally see having a 'Rides Unavailable' section as common sense. We all know that these rides aren't easy and can go down at any point. And the park themselves always say in the small print how rides are "subject to availability" or whatever. So why not just update it? It's not hard and is very simplistic - I think a heck of a lot more of the GP would prefer it rather than be against it..
  3. That's one thing I wish could be heard so much more. A real shame.
  4. Again, perfectly true and something I fully think is silly.
  5. More like the morgue. XDIronic thing is, people 'love their country' no matter what, they when they lose, they go right against them. Funny huh?
  6. Another rant..Referring to the German team, German supporters and any anti-English comments as being Nazi-related. I mean, come on, grow up.
  7. To be honest, you don't know how reassuring that is to me. Thanks
  8. Yeah, random I know, but I'd just like to say that that's the one thing I actually admire about you. It takes a lot of guts to be honest and straight to the point, and you're one of about 3 people I actually know who's like that. :)Anyways, my rant..Well, it was my prom last night. As said somewhere else, it was a bit of a fail really. The actual 'prom' event of it (so basically, excluded the awards ceremony) was only decent because they had a mini casino there, which was epicly fun. I decided not to go to an after party, as I do not drink any sort of alcohol for personal reasons which I prefer not to go into. All the after parties seemed to involve people just getting wasted for fun, and I didn't really like the idea of being around loads of people being wasted, nor having people try and spike my drinks. So I didn't go to any. Everyone seemed to be getting on my back about it and asked why I weren't going to any and persuading me to go to there's. Even after I said no they do not stop and it's just peed me off. So yeah, just a bit annoyed really.
  9. JoshC.


    Glad you had a good time! :(Our one was a bit of a fail. The hall looked like an explosion of Poundland. The DJ took no requests and played music most people didn't like. The food was bad. :DThe only good thing about it was the roulette table, where I spent at least 2 hours there (just a shame it weren't real money! )
  10. You know you're a fanperson when...You keep Ride Counts.You take photos of ride in the light.You break the rules theme parks set.You go to theme parks to buy sunglasses and not to go on any rides (like I did today).
  11. Here's a pic from Tuesday:Notice something? The 2 empty seats? The 2 empty seats that at this very time last year would have been filled due to Single Riders? Personally, I think SR needs to come back. It worked very well last year and would obviously make the ride seem more full, and please quite a few of people - not necessarily just fans.
  12. JoshC.


    Yeah, never really thought about it that way. :DAh well. Apparently, the school looks lime Poundland exploded, so it's going to be good fun of course...
  13. JoshC.


    100% agree. Funny that. At my school, we see 'Ball' as American / Australian and 'Prom' as English..
  14. It was used as an excuse about Eurovision. "Sure, you can win a singing contest, but we can win world wars."Honestly.
  15. Wow, great find James! :)Never knew that MBE were the manufacturers. That photo must've been from it's first couple of years, quite surreal looking at that pic actually..
  16. Quantum running fine. Zodiac still down; no engineers in site.Slammer was down, though did start testing at 4-ish.
  17. Copied from RG for ease :PMy first proper PTR (ish)! :(Got to the park pretty early, about 40 minutes before opening. Took some photos of the entrance and that...After hanging around till 9:50, thorpeparkjack arrived. After hellos and that we headed straight to Inferno. This side of the park was dead. Literally no one around. Got first ride of the day on Inferno, front row, to ourselves. Then went straight to the back. 4 rides later our luck had run out and we had to get off. There was no queue and we could have easily gone round again, but couldn't be bothered. Went over to Stealth and had a 5 minute wait for front row on the 'Goalercoaster' car. Then did a rather nice ride on the Teacups, first time on the epic Number 2 for Jack. We both felt sick afterwards and opted for Rumba Rapids. One of the shocks of the day was the fact the lights were on! It shows how the theming has literally just been draped over with black cloth or just left there. Extremely tacky. Of course, photos were taken (sorry about motion blur):Also took a Stealth pic, which I got told off for. (I forget there was about 5 staff watching me )After 3 rides, took another Stealth piccy..Detonator followed, which was as fun as ever. Then a ride on Loggers, which was at it wettest of the season in the tunnel! One ride on Rush and then came X:\WTF...The rumours that were flying around that the lights were turned on in the ride were true. We had a look at the '45min' queue, which ended up being a walk-on. And, amazingly, it was. The idea is a 'trial' for something different. I tried for some photos, but they were all fails. The lights on on dimly, not full-blown. 4 rides later and we went over to Vortex and Quantum. Zodiac would have been done if it weren't for it breaking down..Headed back over to Canada Creek for CCR. Ended up doing photos of Loggers first..Oh, and Saw...And ColossusLunch was had at the Noodle Bar and then CCR came. Saw pics were inevitable..That concludes all the photos.Loggers was done again for another wet go. Trodded over to Rush for another go. Then did X:\WTF for the fifth time. Photos were tried with phone this time, and failed miserably. Ended up doing Flying Fish. The ride op was epicly good and an amazing laugh. The rest of the staff were very friendly as well. Did that twice, with 4 circuits each go. Colossus was saying 20min, so we checked that out. Did that, for a slightly faster and quieter than normal ride. Rush had a short-ish queue, so did that again and called it a day at about 3:30. Was an amazing day. See you next week Thorpe.
  18. JoshC.


    I'm still thinking of a summer job at TP, but have pribably left it too late now! XDIf that fails, it'll end up being a week or so at the account firm I did my work experience...
  19. I could probably do Tuesday if you'd want to meet up Jack?
  20. ERT is for hotel guests only. I think it is just Wild Asia they get entry to, but I don't know that for sure..If you enter at the North entrance (one by Wild Asia), you do get in the park from 9:30 onwards, but you can only queue for rides (or the entrance of Wild Asia) but cannot ride them till 10.
  21. I'm planning a trip on Wednesday; anyone wish to join me?
  22. JoshC.


    Woo! :PSomehow, for prom, my dress shirt has ended up costing more than my suit..Oh, and there was at least 3 grammatical errors on my invitation slip!!
  23. Off to Thorpe today for the morning and for lunch.
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