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Jake C

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Everything posted by Jake C

  1. if your asking does samurai run on manual control, the answer is no. they just run it on a low setting.
  2. Jake C

    Your Thorpe Park

    2013- remove depth charge, wet wet wet and flying fish also continue filling more of the lake for 2014, start advertising the underworld a sort of under water expirence. to make up for loosing 3 rides, put a filler ride behind stealth like a chair swing ride called johnys wizzer and also put a ride near nemessis inferno called T.N.T a smaller version of detonator about 30 ft tall for younger children. 2014-open underworld with and expanded beach with 5 new top of the the range water slides.also 3 rides, a high tracked ride going around the island called the sea side trolly train which starts where the depthcharge picture booth used to be, the station is themed to neptunes castle with dimmed lights and statues, as you leave the station you travle through diffrent aquriums and sets, the second ride uses alot of the flying fishes land and the infilled land it would be family coaster like this the trains would be themed to neptunes body and head, the ride would come out of the alantis themed station. go up a 30 ft lift then into a left turn up to 25ft, then strait down into a 270 right helix, then up a 20 ft air time hiil, then going under ground -10ft then rising up on a right turn over the station, then headding down over the water into another helix this time 340, then go back onto land into a building themed to more alantis stuff, then travling up a second chain this time 40ft, then decent into a spiral 230 then back over the water into a 30ft hill and a shrp turn to left flying over the trolly train ride then into a left turn hill over a path way into another helix then one last hill then into the brakes. and the last ride would be a jump2 ride that would have smoke fire and water effects to make the ride more fun.2015-clean up all rides finish infilling the left side of stealth, also clear out the arena and rangers county for a new land, advertise the new land with signs saying "explorers ready for some real dinosour action!" guests start seeing alot of artafical and real trees up alot of jungle huts and a big wodden hut. another sign is put up stating,"have you ever wonderd waht it would be like to fly." the park never release any usefull information. a new poster is put up with a safari car and alot of dinosours and trees around it with a what looks like a B&M inverted track, with a flying perodactile themed car going over the safari car. for the loss of the arena, carousel and mr monkeys bannan boat also with the topple tower out of operation entrance fees are reduced to 30 pounds on the day.behind stealth infilling is complete for construction for the following year.2016-comming soon
  3. when I see peeking heights I always think to my self, I wish Samurai was still there.
  4. Jake C


    same, I find it moves realy quickly. when queuing yesterday it was fun because I had my ipod. I watched loads of lee evans.
  5. Jake C

    This Or That

    weird towers nred or towers times?
  6. Jake C

    Your Thorpe Park

    2012- the return of x/:way out but the name would change to "chemical-X" the outside queueing area would be demolished, there would be flame throwers on top of the entrance that go off on a cycle the pyramid would be painted green and black. once you enter the queueline you walk through diffrent rooms some with actors in them, the first room is a computer room with alot of new hi tech computers in there, on one of the computers theres a lady talking about a science experiment to do with chemicals reacting to make a super speed vehical. the second room there would be scientist in a lab talking about the risks and things that could go wrong with the experiment. then you wait outside a door when the door opens about 10 people go inside, on a plasma screen a man says, thankyou for comming along to test out what we like to call chemical x he goes on about how it was developed, then he talks about ride saftey like if you are under 1.2 you should not test chemical x and so on. once the video has stoped you enter the batching area, all ride ops are dressed up as scientists. when waiting you are infront of a door once the train is in the station the door opens and green neons light up the seats. you then take your seats in themed cars that look like speed cars, the cars are now controled spin when leaving the station, the train is pulled up in what looks like a garadge, a mechanical scientist then turns around and starts counting down, "3..." then a shouting voice from outside says " wait its not ready let me in!" the scientist says "its to late" the brakes are then released you start plummting down about 30 feet at abut 60 degrees. you then turn up abit then stoped by brakes. you are stoped for about 5 seconds then the controled spinning is turned off, you launch at 50 mph, you then go outside by octupus gardens and do a 40ft banked turn, then you go back into the building up a 30ft hill. you then spiral down 280 degrees into a 25 ft air time hill, then go up into a brake run a voice on the tanoid says I think we can get you off just hold on, now you are facing bacwards, you then start to roll fowards a bit then you go down a 85degree drop backwards, then controlled lock is then turned off, you then make a 360 helix and 2 buny hops into a final brake run you then cruise into an off loading platform and a voice says leave to the left for your final breifing, a video plays and says thankyou for testig chemical x, we are sorry for the problames we expirenced, we have now learnt that we can not let this out of the lab yet. you exit into a shop called the x shop there are diffrent ride themed merchantdise for people to buy such as a medal stating I tested chemical x or a badge stating the same. close off most of neptunes kingdom including the fish and start infilling behind it. for fright nights change hell gate to another name like no way out , keep asylum and keep curse.2013-comming soon
  7. Jake C

    Your Thorpe Park

    I ment reverse bear traps.
  8. Jake C

    Your Thorpe Park

    2010-paint Colossus and nemessis inferno, take down all original sources signs, add a new flat to rangers county prefebly a topple tower add water fountins, permantly restore effects for nemessis inferno, stealth smoke and spend money to redo pipes for tidal wave fire and water affects. put a sign up on saw island stating "the games are back and harder then ever!" start more infilling by the second entrance to saw and complete the bridge. for fright night have all 4 mazes back and put a sort of family monster thing in the 4d cinema till 6pm then at 6.30pm have a horrer film in there.2011-clean up all of the park and park opening would be april time, crr would have a longer route with a bit of a story behind it. get a new speaker system for saw the ride, also open the new attraction themed on some of the games in saw, the ride would be a walk through like the london dungeons it would last about 20 to 30 minutes, your guide would take you into the first room where you would whitness the bathroom sceen, after your guide would suddenly get lost in an ally, the room would black out and when the lights come back on you would find your self in a room with a timer on the door. this game would chalenge you phiscly, you would have to work together, obviously not actuly having to harm yourself or others. if the timer runs out 2 doors will suddenly open and smash the side of the walls a light would flicker behind these doors and a jigsaw puppet would cycle out and say what he says when you fail the game in one of the movies, you would then leave the room and climb a flight of stairs about 30 feet tall then there would be a maxi slide called death slide for those who dont know a maxi slide is a normal vertical slide. for people who may not or if you chose not to ride the slide you go down the stairs and tis would be the end. if you do manage to complete the task before the timer runs out you enter a lift with about 12 seats, you take your seat then a lap bar lowers, and a fake beare mask is lowerd onto your face whilst rising in the lift a tv screen turns on with jigsaw on it, he says "congratulations you are still alive as you may know these are beare masks on your head you have antill this lift reaches the top floor antill they maule your face, let th......." the screen blanks the light turns off, next thing you know your plummmting to the ground from about 50 feet. you hit hte ground the effects used makes you fill like you have crashed, the guide brings out the torch they then finds a button and pushes it, it releasses the lap bars and opens a door you are then let out and thats the end of the ride. the ride would be a 15+. . fright nights this year would lose se7en andd just keep hell gate, asylum and a much better curse. x/:no way out would close mid seasson to be completely redone for next seasson.2012-comming soon...
  9. Jake C


    when I went to universal florida it was $30 each for a fastrack. for one ride on each ride, if that makes sense.
  10. Jake C


    the amount of people at thorpe park talking about rita going 100mph and it being faster then stealth was amazing, I must have over heard about 12 conversations in depth charge, stealth and tidal waves queueline.
  11. the water from the body has been turned off for a while now. well it was turned off today and last time I went.
  12. I think this is the only ride at chessington I have not done.
  13. look's poo only joking but id rather they keep the dueling dragons as they are rather then re-theming them.(I said rather twice in one sentance )
  14. theres 155! I thought there was about 30.I can give you 3409 beach-boysBarbara Ann-beach boysblue moon-jersey boys or beach boys I'm not sureI cant remeber the names of the songs but here are some more.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOdDGsFNW4A...&playnext=1
  15. ohh, then my freind must have been wrong.
  16. I think there was something wrong with brake fins in testing this moarning. but thats a rumer I heard.
  17. the one in dabui looks wicked, I'm not sure whick one it is that goes 150mph at ferrari world. its either the emotion coaster or the f1 coaster. my guess would be f1 coaster.
  18. yep ive seen that. its a bit pointless, cause when you get to them your near the end of the queue with about 10 minuets left of queueing.
  19. Jake C

    This Or That

    kingda ka, ring racer looks horribleispeed(search it up if you dont know it) or maverick?
  20. Jake C

    This Or That

    freinds1,2,3 or 3,2,1
  21. I did 5 in one day, 4 days after opening after school.
  22. I thought mine was good, lol.
  23. best ride at the park by far!
  24. Michael Schumacher rode the ring racer, sorry it in german.
  25. Jake C


    this summer I'm off to potaventure in spain.(5 days at park)in april I'm off to europa park Rust, Baden Wuerttemberg germany.(4 days at park)and in may I'm going to cearpoint.(5 days at park)I'm very lucky and dont worry I wont just be going to the parks, I'm going to germany with my uncle he loves coasters to.
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