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Deleted Users

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Everything posted by Deleted Users

  1. pluk, let me do this. I will be the very best DJ.
  2. I'm actually voting green in local and labour in general.
  3. In Magic Mountain's case, Colossus was made somewhat obsolete when they stopped running both sides and built a much better woodie.
  4. Some of the steel supports are at least getting painted on this project. I think it could look decent for a few weeks after opening.
  5. Sorry Tommy, pluk is right. Paris tower has so much airtime that it is tearing itself apart.
  6. All Towers fall faster than gravity. Only potential difference between Paris and California is if you got a different shaft as they have very minor changes.
  7. You need to do research if you think Cedar Fair treat employees well.
  8. A real fanboy would learn German, get citizenship and buy a house equidistant from Phantasia and Europa.
  9. Not doing a trip report so random thoughts: General: I knew from previous trips that Europa was a great park but I think I forgot the extent of that. It's a park where everything is just done right. It looks beautiful (and their workforce of gardeners and mechanics seem to always be visible), rides run like clockwork, it's reasonably and I enjoy simply being in the park. Even as a 'grizzled fanboy', I picked one thing to do in the park and normally ended up getting distracted by a dozen other attractions along the way. There is so much to do and it's brilliant. The seastorm upgrade is ridiculous. I normally don't care about spin and spew rides at all but this is now excellent and I hope Feria Swinger next door gets the same treatment. Sounds kind of dumb to say this but the rides revolved around fun and British parks in particular forget this at times. Even on the park's 'scariest' attractions, I normally end up laughing all the way around. Except back row Euro Mir. Pure terror. I was worried that blue fire would feel flat after Helix. It isn't as good but it's sufficiently different. The launch has a decent kick, the tophat thing is funky, I love the hangtime in the loop and the last inversion is monstrous. Wodan is completely different now to its opening year. Both the throughput and the ride seem to have sped massively. Where it once died out around the Atlantica turnaround, it now throws you mercilessly throws you around. The ORP point is now one of the scariest parts of the ride. Arthur: I hadn't followed construction - other than knowing it had been delayed - or watched POVs, etc. After my first ride, I was more impressed with the ride system rather than the actual ride. I think this still holds true however like most of Europa's rides, it has grown on me. I still wanted to go on half a dozen times so I guess that's evidence I enjoy it. Unlike Peter Pan, you are actually aware you are underneath the track. This was a big plus for me. The station is beautiful. Shoutout to those Mul Muls. I was surprised but how fast the trains can accelerate/decelerate. Some of the animatronics such as the rat are really impressive, whereas some already look dated. I think the pacing of the ride would be way better if the first outside section was actually inside. I think the first section of the ride is far weaker than the second section. Paradise Alley onwards is great. WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT SPIDER THING BY THE DELI. Europa you are so weird sometimes. Ultimately I think the ride system is a great cheaper alternative to the Forbidden Journey system but I think the requirement of lockers will put some parks off which is a shame.
  10. Without letting personal opinion sway this, a ticket to DLP is like double the price of AT and most food outlets close early anyway.
  11. Best realisation of steampunk since From The Earth To The Moon.
  12. Deleted Users


    Everything Everything are really good but I'm sad they don't wear boilersuits when they play live anymore.
  13. I don't see what the issue is. It's a clone on the other side of the world. Anyway, I'd rather have blue fires as theme park staples than SLCs.
  14. Yeah good on Merlin for even having 1 train running! #feelingblessed
  15. Wait, the plan is to build a wooden coaster next to a Skyride station?
  16. Yep, this definitely looks like the long rumoured Aquatwax
  17. Depends entirely on the restraints/cars used. Based on the layout of the wrapped up track - not much - I'd guess it's going to be similar to Stealth's restraints though. Maybe Intimidator's padded version?
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