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Deleted Users

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Everything posted by Deleted Users

  1. What do you think will happen by 2018? The dark ride will open in 2016 and there is a slim chance a coaster opens in 2017 or 2018. I'm not sure you're going to get hate, just disbelief and confusion.
  2. If you entered the park as a guest then you supported it.
  3. Where is my Takeshi's Castle Honeycomb Horror Maze?
  4. Unreal This can't be the darkest timeline because it has Tucker in it
  5. I really hope Tucker has access to the THORPE PARK account.
  6. Yes they are building something with the intention that no one will like it.
  7. I don't know what I can add to this thread except say it's great so far and I hope that it continues to be.
  8. Another reason why you should adjust your expectations for the 2016 IP.
  9. Well Saw did well. If you ran thorpe wouldn't you try to recreate that success? Kinda interesting you think Disney is 'movie' based. Do you not want any more Big Thunders, Everests, or Mystic Manors?
  10. Banned for not understanding the complexity and sheer bantz of the banning game
  11. So what you are saying is that white lines trigger you?
  12. Oblivion was repainted to make the 'new' area for The Smiler look fresh. Scream is being repainted to make the 'new' area for Twisted Colossus look fresh. Yeah Six Flags truly know how to maintain their rides.
  13. I think the average guest does notice. I've had friends say certain parts of a park feel dated or worn out but not "ride X needing a paint job is ruining the aesthetics of this area". It's the same thing for well presented areas. People will often pick up on it but not give specifics.
  14. Deleted Users


    Wait Mumford headlining?
  15. Maybe Brainiac are charging more this year? Maybe the Feb openings previously were a complete flop? Maybe the MAP has been undervalued for years? Maybe financial pressure has increased after the company has entered the stock market? Maybe the park believes MAP holders will still visit despite the cost? Maybe they want to incentivise the PMAP? Maybe they just want to make more money? If they thought they were going to make less money they wouldn't be doing this. I agree that the event is lacklustre but I'm not going to go just so I can spend the day spending money (I have a PMAP..) doing something I don't want to do just so I can complain on a forum.
  16. No. Fastpass was not created to be charitable. It was created to get people out of queues and in shops/restaurants spending money. RnR is the same. It's not a bad thing because it's incentive for the system to work properly. Also if it's successful, Fast Track can go digital, saving staff and printing costs.
  17. Europa, the world's most visited seasonal park gets 50,000 guests on an extremely busy day. There is no way this is getting near 50,000, especially anywhere near opening.
  18. I mean it is really ugly in comparison to the blues and purples
  19. Kali is one of the best examples of how to not do a rapids ride. Theming is great but the actual layout is bad.
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