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Everything posted by James6

  1. Hello Mark, I was wondering, is there something up with the forum at the moment, in a topic it says my number of posts is 600 and something, but on my profile I have over 900. Was just wondering if something was up :) ? Thanks Mark

  2. Thing is people want the benefits of tourism and business in the area, without everything else, that's not gonna happen.
  3. Oh my god, there are not enough James' in the world, welcome! :PI'm also going to London Dungeons next week, I don't think I've ever been and if I had I would have been young so I'm looking forward to that Once again, welcome
  4. Woo :PVery very excited, been 6 years sicne my last Halloween Hocus Pocus, and back then I was a wee nipper, and everything would've been huge! :lol:Really can not wait, also as some may know, taking some people who've not been before, one of who is 4 and I'm sure he will be in disbelief
  5. James6

    This Or That

    Intamin, but I would guess that if Mack had more big coasters over here and not just powered ones, it would be closer, but probably still IntaminRunaway Mine Train ( AT) Or Runaway Train ( Chessington)
  6. James6

    This Or That

    Sony :lol:Ipod Touch or Nano
  7. James6

    This Or That

    Rabbits! :lol:Bose or JBL speaker ?
  8. Here's my answers Edit: Argh, my spoiler box won't appear! :lol:There we go
  9. James6


    I agree, as has been mentioned in other places, unlike Air and Nemesis, these 2 themes are too close and too different to be that close to each other and I think Rita will definitely be getting a re-theme and hopefully the amount of theming it should have had when it first opened.I also agree with WhiteKnuckle that when seeing those pictures at first, I had almost forgotten there was going to be a main lift and I too surprised me how tall it was.
  10. Ha, oh my god, that is hilarious ;)I bet if anyone saw you they would have been crying with laughter in the middle of an exam!
  11. We've all made that mistake ;)Just think about Thorpe ( or if it was me, Chessington ) during that detention
  12. Ah right, yes that sounds more like my school. I am usually very good with homework and rarely forget, but those few times I do, I'm just glad I do usually remember
  13. Woah, are you schools all uber strict?Very few teachers stress out about homework's being handed in late, Coursework is a different matter however and you are in deep trouble if you forget that, but normal homework, if you hand it in the next lesson, that is usually acceptable but will end up affecting your end of term grade. I know how you feel, ARGH it is so annoying. Once I was there and about 20 kids from the same school, in there uniform were at the cinema, I was there with just a couple of friends, and everyone few minutes someone from their group would shout something absolutely stupid, and they'd all burst into fits of laughter. Absolutely ruined the film. ( It was the latest Harry-Potter as well )
  14. James6


    I was hoping to go too Chessington for mine, and sent off for the application form and everything, but the time my work experience is, is like the one time of year they can't do it. Also it would be expensive to travel there everyday for two weeks.In the end I'm working at the MK Dons Stadium as Assistant Coach So that should still be fun, but not as much so as Thorpe or Chessington would be, good luck Paul!Mine's in a few weeks so that should be pretty awesome
  15. Ha, yes I saw that a few days ago! :)Good bit of publicity there
  16. Fantastic trip report, thanks! :PGreat to hear you had a fantastic day, and if it's this busy on the first Saturday , what's it going to be like during half-term around Halloween!Your review of The Asylum has really made me want to try a scare maze, hopefully when at Alton Towers in a couple of weeks I'll try Terror Of The Towers.Edit: Quantum at 30 mins :)Can the queue even hold that much ?Also out of interest, which 2 rides did you do in the dark ?
  17. James6

    This Or That

    Probably the Mazes , but I would rather be an actor out and about, possibly in the Saw Plaza, would reduce the risk of getting shanked by a chav ;)Queue 1 hour for Saw in the day, or 2 hour's for Saw in the dark.
  18. Ah right Thanks for clearing that up, so you won't have to queue for it or anything?
  19. Ah yes, actually that's a good point, and it does sort of feel like a "team" trying to defeat the different things in each "stage."I was just trying to think how to make that queue move a bit quicker as Duel's does move so quickly
  20. Very sorry for double post but it was a good few weeks ago now :)I've always wondered with Tomb Blaster, would it be able to be converted so it could run single cars like Duel? Tomb Blaster has such a slow moving queue wheras Duel, is probably one of, if not the fastest queue I've been in.
  21. James6

    This Or That

    1 on Dragon's Fury , I love Rattle, and can do it loads but not all at once! Plus Dragon's Fury is just amazing Dragon Falls or Bubbleworks.
  22. James6

    This Or That

    Tomb Blaster, but there both awesome :)Rattlesnake or Rameses Revenge
  23. James6

    This Or That

    Depends what the job was, but I'll go for working at a Theme ParkOn Vampire, Front or Back?
  24. James6

    This Or That

    Depends what the job was, but I'll go for working at a Theme ParkOn Vampire, Front or Back?
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