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Posts posted by thorpeparkjunkie

  1. After having visited many theme parks across the globe I just can't seem to understand why are parks are so badly maintained eg dirty faded tracks, worn out theming and effects etc... Places like port aventura coaster tracks are gleaming all year round year after year but ours are either faded or rusting anyone know why? I am aiming this more at Thorpe as Alton are sorting some of their coasters tracks slowly 

  2. I really reccommend the stealth back stage tour. A bunch of the mania lot, myself included, did it last year and it was extremely interesting. That coupled with Swarm's lift hill was a near perfect day.




    my pics for the day can be found here if your interested.


    WOW! amazing pictures! Thank you so much! I'm 100% going to do it! looks awesome! Thanks again :)

  3. The way it worked last year is you choose a date and tell them where you'd like to see. Of course, there may be limitations, but just ask for what you want and see what happens! I think they give you time though, so they can fit in with other VIP guests and the engineers' schedules.

    The VIP are usually really quick to respond to emails and give as much detail with any questions you have, so if you have any other questions, probably best to ask them directly! :)

    Thank you so much! :)

  4. I was just wondering your guys opinions on this, on wikipedia stealth is considered to be a hypercoaster however I thought the requirements were that a coaster has to have a chain lift in order to be classed as a hypercoaster would you class it as one? I'd love it to be classed as one as it be cool to say I have ridden one :) thank you!

  5. I've always thought that the section with the crossbows would of been improved by having the crushing walls trap there, would of worked well because the walls would start moving in then you would set off just time before the walls hit the track. I love Saw: The Ride and although it is rough in places it is actually one of my favourite coasters at Thorpe and indeed the UK.

  6. They were in there in september time and really scared me as they were banging the walls and getting in your face spolied it for me! the website & adverts both said thats its more terrifying than ever which is why =( I hope there gone next year!

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