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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Thats not *actually* a background now is it?
  2. I am definitely, 100%, without a doubt, attending this meet. Also, after the success of the EoS Meet Meal, I think an evening meal here should definitely happen.I'm confirmed!
  3. StevenVig

    The Dream Factory

    You've spent far too much time around Simps & Boyd. >__>
  4. I Think the only reason Ricky's kicking up a fuss, is because he's always at these restaurants with Marc.
  5. Lets think about this logically, he's already been to the Twynersh 2 days in a row it would seem, so that's off the list. He only drives through to McDonalds, and it seems he is visiting restaurants for sit down meals. So it's got to be a choice between The Carvery or Frankies.I'm going with Frankies
  6. StevenVig


    What confuses me though, is that they say your dreams are linked or related to things you have done recently.Nothing like this has happened to me recently, and I'm sure that hasn't happened to Mikey either.
  7. StevenVig


    Two nights ago I had my first "nightmare" in years. It wasn't scary as such, more confusing and disorientating, to a degree.It started with me in my garden, it was a normal day. I dont know exactly why I was in the garden, but there you go. I then looked towards the back of my garden, to see my shed door swinging back and forth, its a huge door and the inside of the shed looks like a massive black hole from where I was standing. I then randomly, out of nowhere, hear a piano play for a few seconds and a young boys voice laugh. I ran inside the house, scared, and locked the door, I stood at the window watching the shed door swing back and forth, trying to work out if it had any link to what just happened. I went into my front room and both my parents are sitting there. I said to my mum, who was on her laptop, "The weirdest thing just happened to me, I was in the garden and heard a random piano playing and a boys laughter"My mum then looks up from her laptop, with a blank expression and replies, speaking to my dad who was next to me, "Oh My God, that same thing happened to me the other day on my way to work, I think its that ghost"Then I woke up.Weird Stuff.
  8. But even I knew the storyline when going through, yet absolutely nothing, bar the old ride themeing obviously, depicted the storyline at all. At what point of the zone do you see any reference to said two girls? All you see, are actors growling with plastic masks, banging the fence, doing all this with a hell load of smoke and flashing LED Cans.Have you ever listened to other guests coming out of it? 99.99% of the time the same comment is heard, "Is that it!? That was Sh*t!"This zone was absolutely awful, embarrassing infact. If Thorpe are going to attempt a Terror Zone, they need to look at Halloween Horror Nights for example. Granted, they may not be as big and have the budget for something exactly like that, but they can certainly take inspiration from it.
  9. That was me! Had to claim my credit for that.This definitely should happen. Nice little touch me thinks.
  10. StevenVig

    SAW: Alive

    Or it could be due to Entertainment Laws? In terms of the number of hours the actors can work for.
  11. I Promise you it is, ive heard it start in the mornings when I was on the early.
  12. The music in Market Square is not different Chris
  13. I Can assure you that the photo your talking about, has no relevance to Chessington at all. I can confirm that because that was taken at my work, and I know the person in the costume!
  14. This is easily on par with the Xmas Meet 2009, same levels.Absolutely fantastic day, by far the best meet at Thorpe so far, by far.My hat goes off to Ian for his immense Organisation, and keeping the group together and everyone included. I Have been told that alot of effort was enforced into this meet, and I dear say, if this is what the outcome is, then that effort definitely pays off, and can continue to pay off.In a few words: Today was the clear definition of what a TPM Meet should have always been & should be100/10!!!
  15. StevenVig


    HAOtherway round Outfin
  16. Well, I'm sorry, THORPE PARK doesn't have a McDonalds, so you'll have to deal with it. But I will certainly follow you to any other place you may like
  17. KFC In the evening! They better accept my damn card this time, Ricky will support me in this one.
  18. I Say this day in day out on the phone.Tickets are non refundable, non transferable and other terms and conditions do apply which can be seen online at www.merlinentertainments.bizIt's part of the T&C's you agreed to when purchasing.Sorry.
  19. This is one of the funniest posts I have ever read on this forum. Especially your first sentence there. What has Thi3teen being busy got to do with Rita, in any form?
  20. Yes, that's exactly what I just said....
  21. But that's completely different, because all the themeing in Beanoland was themed *to* The Beano, they couldn't have kept it even if they wanted to. Why would they gut a ride of its themeing, when what it has now is working so well for so many people? The themeing itself, doesnt link/relate to Imperial Leather, unlike BL.
  22. I Dont trust anything the Official App says anymore, it's hardly updated. Although, having said that, Stealth has a tendancy to play up during Fright Nights. I mean look at the 7th, as soon as it hit 4pm, Stealth went down
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