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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. StevenVig


    Random post is random.
  2. Amen to that!And the ironic thing is, his own website has tips on beating queues without buying fastrack! *Ahem*
  3. So your impatience is costing you a ridiculous amount of money, this is exactly how Fastrack works, so you've clearly been easily persuaded into the system.This brings me right back to my original point, I'm not going to give the park more money for something that can be free, even if it does mean waiting 90 minutes. Fastrack hasn't always proven to be value for money either, I can remember a few times when Fastrack queues weren't so fast.Specifically for someone such as yourself, who visits Thorpe every other weekend, why pay to ride something that you've already ridden well over 100 times anyway?* *Quoting something you said to me last year if I recall
  4. Because I can just jump into the Main Queue, which is free?I'm not paying £5 for Stealth so I can save 10 minutes of my life.
  5. Still not paying £5 for something thats free....
  6. StevenVig


    You did, you just dont remember it. Every single person dreams, every single night. We just remember some dreams and forget others.
  7. Yeah sorry, I skim read Holly's I had to dash out before I done it. lol
  8. And Keith is meant to be the one who is correct and accurate.
  9. I hope Marc reads this. That, or Benin made you realise again, how sad that is, and now your covering your sad mistakes. Just a thought.
  10. I will come, though theres absolutely no way I'm skating.I Say skating, I'll say more, falling on the floor every 20 seconds
  11. StevenVig


    Basically you wish you were black.
  12. Why so you could check out the guys in the locker room?
  13. StevenVig


    You shouldn't have really been playing with it in the first place.
  14. StevenVig

    SAW: Alive

    Its nothing like CATCF
  15. Also dont be a n00b and post questions with obvious answers.Cheers.
  16. StevenVig


    Slough vs. Hounslow, Slough is the lesser of two evils.
  17. StevenVig

    SAW: Alive

    No, you really did used to get an electric shock. This was disabled shortly after over H&S Concerns.
  18. Please spell my husbands name correctly. Bieber*
  19. StevenVig

    Nicki Minaj

    Cher is a legend in music?
  20. StevenVig


    Yes, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, that sorta stuff, you know the drill.
  21. StevenVig

    Nicki Minaj

    Thats not me, thats one of my many husbands. Liam Payne, from One Directrion.LUSH
  22. StevenVig

    Nicki Minaj

    If you dont even know who she is, then you lot need to get with the times! I know people that hate her genre, yet still know of her!
  23. StevenVig


    I live in Hounslow, but I'm always in central.
  24. StevenVig


    Why does it have to be at Thorpe Park for you to do it? There is a world outside of that island....
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