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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Its reads itself lovely Chris! xD

  2. www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk will be able to answer all questions based on Ride Info & Statistics.
  3. StevenVig


    My Settings > Profile > Manage Ignored UsersBut don't block Seb, he's a legend!
  4. StevenVig


    Ive Just woken up, because I can
  5. Ha you wish!

    Hows the snow for ya? My college is ****ing open. Gahhh!!!

  6. Any chance of seeing the 1990 one at all please Neil?
  7. Ricky thats the same park!It just proves my point, the park is just in a state now! Nobody can tell that theyre the same!
  8. The Park realized the amount of profit they could've potentially had made, and so they crept the price up experimenting with the sales. The Sales stayed the same and £1.50 is now the set price. We Sold 60,000 in 2 Weeks!
  9. Neil, I think you may actually become my new best friend! What other special images are you keeping from us!? :)This Entrance has always been a memory I have never forgotten from my childhood, I used to be terrified when she was animated. Although it was just her head moving from side to side, the attention to detail in the design is immense. Perhaps there was a time when Thorpe knew how to get it right, if only I was 17 in 1990.
  10. Its comparisons like that, that just make me feel ashamed of the park.
  11. I Nearly cried with happiness when I saw these, thanks Neil! Except Slammer these are my 3 main rides that I want to operate someday.
  12. Ive never been to Alton before, sadly.But tbh I think it fits quite nicely, if anyones ever played the games before the ride does represent Sonic.
  13. StevenVig


    Money is Money Jake C!Alot of people (like me) would kill for that £42 a week.
  14. But we cant expect Thorpe to do anything Disney does, because Disney just know how to perfect it.
  15. StevenVig


    Dan you are still able to get a job at the age of 15, provided that you are in Year 11.I cannot wait until March, back to LEGOLAND Windsor. It gets quite tedious having no money, and sometimes having nothing to do.
  16. StevenVig


    Car Insurance for Male Drivers is always more because the company's stereotype that Male Drivers are more likely to crash than Female Drivers.
  17. In terms of effects, I think all thorpe have really done is stuck a hose pipe on the entrance to the tunnel, literally.
  18. I used to be terrified of Thunder River, not sure why though, ha.Rumba will never live up to any of the other Rapids that are around. Take Vikings River Splash at LEGOLAND Windsor (non-biased), there are so many great effects on it, and they work! Its got Animatronics in it too!
  19. For anyone that's wondering, that's Legoland from an Airplane.
  20. I had one pretty nearly every shift I worked during fireworks, so, yes, I have HA!
  21. It probably can be replaced easily, it's just low on Chessington's Priorities.
  22. Well first id recommend using Firefox! Might *actually* workSecond, you seem to already have an avatar, an indication that perhaps you can upload photos?
  23. StevenVig


    SO THATS what the speaker is there for! haha
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