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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Saw: The Ride is now included in the Ultimate Fastrack Package
  2. its roughly 6 minutes, travelling 3 miles.the first bus from the park to the station leaves at 3:30pm and there on every 15 minutes, until one hour after the park closes
  3. StevenVig


    I dont understand how you can be sick on this ride, its not even moving half the time.
  4. The Tidal Wave Speaker, just above the Information Desk is quite intermittent. It started playing WWTP from 1pm the other day, no music all morning, while the others were working.
  5. There were no concerts today
  6. Thats really good, Thorpe should play that. I liked it
  7. There are TPM Meetups to Merlin Attractions in London that stay open during the winter, such as The Dungeons and Madame Tussauds
  8. StevenVig


    Anyone recognize someone from this photo?
  9. Just to clear up confusion, your not actually "lying down" in the Sweeny Todd scene. Its a circle of large wooden chairs.
  10. No I havent, but this is why you shouldn't take cameras on this ride, if that 2p was a camera god knows what would've happened. I'm not saying that you peronsally take them on rides, I'm just saying for anyone that does. It seems like a good moment to mention that
  11. ultimate is worth the money definately. the pass works like normal fastrack at THORPE PARK, where you just enter a special express pass queue. However some rides and attractions will require you to enter via the ride exit as they dont have a special expres spass queue. Ultimate Express Passes are worth the money, especially with 20% off if your a Merlin Entertainments Group Annual Pass Holder
  12. Quencher bottles are by far one of the best things you will buy £5 and you get refills all day. Bargain if you ask me.
  13. it wouldnt have played in the station. End of Day only plays in Ride Areas. Its not played in Stations or Queuelines.
  14. Learn to type. You need to use Capital Letters, Punctuation & Grammar correctly. Your posts are barely readable and just look like one giant mess. I think it may be a good idea for you to attend Primary Level English Classes.

  15. because the link is rubbish?
  16. I'm definitely making this one. Ive booked a day off especially for it infact. I should be going with my boyfriend! Most of you know him as themeparkmad
  17. The Merlin Entertainments Group Annual Pass workds out cheaper. Just a heads up
  18. StevenVig


    As a Ride Host it will be your duty to prevent the above and more, as well as meeting your daily targets. If you are worried about the things you have listed, you may as well save yourself the hassle of applying because you will be rejected otherwise. Just a heads up.
  19. That was an easy one, but a clear winner :(
  20. Its not an old fashioned method. Its a cleaver method that is still implied today. Nemesis Inferno has a red phone next to the fastrack entrance. Both Stealth and Saw: The Ride platforms have phones for the operator to communicate with hosts. I think the flying fish has a phone too (the new one that is)so theme park bloke, its not an old fashioned method. Its a cleaver method.
  21. It was running fine at lunchtime.
  22. Theyre called Walkers. Colossus get access to Saw and Colossus of course. Mega get Tidal Rumba and Loggers and the Beach. I was selling ponchos in Loggers and Rumba queues the other week.
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