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Everything posted by Topsyturvy15

  1. Colossus (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator (5) Flying Fish (5) Loggers Leap (5) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (3) Rush (5) Samurai (4) SAW: The Ride (5) Slammer (7) Stealth (5) Storm in a Teacup (2) Swarm (7) Tidal Wave (5) X (6) Rumba -1 Storm in a teacup +1
  2. Dragon's Fury (5) Vampire (5) Rattlesnake (6) Runaway Train (5) Dragon Falls (5) Bubbleworks (5) Black Buccaneer (5) Kobra (5) Monkey Swinger (5) Peeking Heights (4) Rameses Revenge (6) Tomb Blaster (5) Safari Skyway (5) Seastorm (5) Carousel (5) Flying Jumbos (5) Jungle Bouncers (5) Madagascar Show (5) Jungle Bus (4) Tuk Tuk Turmoil (5) Griffin's Galleon (5) Canopy Capers (5) Toadie's Crazy Cars (5) Hocus Pocus Hall (5) Zufari (5) Runaway train +1 Peeking Heights -1
  3. Is there an error on the final MOS date??
  4. Great to see the return of the best event of 2013
  5. Colossus (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator (5) Flying Fish (3) Loggers Leap (5) Banana Ride (4) Nemesis Inferno (5) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (5) Samurai (5) SAW: The Ride (5) Slammer (7) Stealth (6) Storm in a Teacup (5) Swarm (6) Tidal Wave (5) X (5) Saw + Banana -
  6. The appalling reviews are correct! There is nothing to see inside it but the track, such a let down!
  7. Scores reset Air (5) Battle Galleons (5) Driving School (5) Doodle Doo Derby (5) Duel (5) Enterprise (5) Frog Hopper (5) Galloper's Carousel (5) Heave Ho! (5) Hex (5) Ice Age 4D (5) Marauders Mayhem (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis Sub Terra (6) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (5) Rita (5) Riverbank Eye Spy (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) Twirling Toadstool (5) Blade (5) The Flume (5) The Smiler (5) Th13teen (5) Sonic Spinball (5) Skyride (5) Squirrell Nutty Ride (5) Submission (4) Submission -1 Sub Terra +1
  8. Colossus (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator (5) Flying Fish (5) Loggers Leap (5) Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (4) Rush (5) Samurai (5) Saw: The Ride (5) Slammer (6) Stealth (5) Storm in a teacup (5) Swarm (5) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (3) X (6) Vortex +1 Rumba -1
  9. Dragon's Fury (6) Vampire (6) Rattlesnake (8) Runaway Train (3) Dragon Falls (5) Bubbleworks (5) Black Buccaneer (5) Kobra (5) Monkey Swinger (5) Peeking Heights (3) Rameses Revenge (6) Tomb Blaster (5) Safari Skyway (5) Seastorm (5) Carousel (5) Flying Jumbos (5) Jungle Bouncers (5) Madagascar Show (5) Jungle Bus (5) Tuk Tuk Turmoil (5) Griffin's Galleon (6) Canopy Capers (5) Toadie's Crazy Cars (4) Hocus Pocus Hall (5) Tiny Truckers (2) Zufari (5) Tiny Truckers +1 Peeking Heights -1
  10. Album of the year Right Thoughts Right Words Right Actions - Franz Ferdinand (Best album they've done since their original) Song of the year Evil Eye - Franz Ferdinand (Best song on the best album - the only song they've done that can even come close to Take Me Out) Music Video of the year If only I watched music vids!!! Film of the year Jurassic Park 3D - I didn't even get the chance to see it but its my favourite film of all time and sounds like it was even better in 3D, GUTTED to have missed it TV Show of the year I'm a celebrity - Brilliant series ATM Sporting Moment of the year Crystal Palace getting promoted to the Prem - how could I vote for anything else!!! Personal Moment of the year The sad answer would be exam results day :s the better answer would be going to Oakwood in August and the many great memories I came away with!
  11. Dragon's Fury (6) Vampire (6) Rattlesnake (8) Runaway Train (3) Dragon Falls (5) Bubbleworks (5) Black Buccaneer (5) Kobra (5) Monkey Swinger (5) Peeking Heights (4) Rameses Revenge (5) Tomb Blaster (5) Safari Skyway (5) Seastorm (5) Carousel (5) Flying Jumbos (5) Jungle Bouncers (5) Madagascar Show (5) Jungle Bus (5) Tuk Tuk Turmoil (5) Griffin's Galleon (5) Canopy Capers (5) Toadie's Crazy Cars (4) Hocus Pocus Hall (5) Tiny Truckers (3) Zufari (5) Tiny Truckers +1 Peeking Heights -1
  12. Geez these questions are as hard as the quiz!!! I dont know any manufacturers :s
  13. In my opinion the Swarm theming (along with the ride - dont get me started on that) is pretty average!!! Although the theming works the lack of any indoor section or station means that ride lacks the ability to set the scene. You never really leave the theme park and enter the Swarms world perse! The queueline lacks atmosphere and the best effects are all missed as they're based around the ride area and not the queue. Short ride, average theming, grumble grumble grumble :s
  14. Anyone fancy setting up a mini-meet for this is everyone wants to try and do it the same time???
  15. Winter wonderland ride price formula = x (cost at normal fairs) + y (cost of winter novelty - a premium of a fiver per ride) + (transport cost - can only assume first class) + 100i (I being the inflation rate)
  16. Half term 2014 line up: http://www.altontowers.com/events/half-term/ Not bad bar Thirteen, Rita and Oblivion!
  17. Its awesome but confusing if your not German and don't speak the language
  18. http://www.thorpepark.com/ministryofsound/ Is it just me or does it look like only Saw and Vortex will be open on the 9th???
  19. The hocus pocus doors are gone they used to be a great little addition and good way to win stuff
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