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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Regarding the roughness in the final section, when the trim was on in April/May 2009 when it was having all the blocking issues, it was still rough. To remove the roughness from the final section I think you'd have to trim it so severely it wouldn't make it through the dive loop. I think it's just the shaping of those elements - the turn into the brake run certainly looks a bit skewed so I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few imperfections in the dive loop too.
  2. I was totally getting ready to be given an awesome view of the helicopter... Disappointment.Cool video nonetheless.
  3. It's best member-worthy in my book Although I honestly wonder what kind of a person would vote for it anyway...
  4. Oooh excellent! Ahem btw guys, I think a fair system to save Sidders some work would be to just specify votes that aren't for me rather than copying my username 20 times
  5. I spy with my little eye something beginning with PLANE!
  6. Considering the HRRR DVDs at Universal are $30 from terminals with no staff costs, even if they got rid of the physical DVD they'd still screw you over for it.
  7. Not 'news', but random bored time has lead me to the conclusion that Krake is a cute little coaster
  8. DP but steel has arrived at PA for Shambala! Already creating consternation in some quarters, but I absolutely love it!
  9. Well I admit actually that was slightly factually incorrect, but in terms of trains one is just as easy as the other
  10. That angle doesn't actually even make it seem as big as some of the others do, but my god it's huge. And that drop is ridiculous stupid steep.
  11. I H8 VAMPIRE. BUBBL3W0RX IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN RUBB1SH!![/troll] ;)But I guess I could apply there too! Thorpe would actually be easier for me though despite Chessie being marginally closer.
  12. They have a giant Immelmann and a sexy figure of eight - the height is immaterial I agree though, I've been looking at it and wondering a similar thing. It's deceptive, depends on the angle you're looking at - plus that lift hill messes up the perspective a bit.
  13. Just filled out my profile and submitted my 2012 registration form...
  14. Stop being so damn pedantic. He said it because you implied they were terrible and no good came of them with all the 'cough cough' rubbish, when that is patently not true in most cases. He just used new words to say that because that's how the conversation, you know, moves on
  15. Thrill Network recently got a backstage tour of Wild Eagle and suffice to say, I am VERY jealous.From http://www.thrillnetwork.com/construction-rumors-27/71162-wild-eagle-dollywood-2012-a-69.htmlAll I can say, is
  16. Actually Jamal is right, it will be the left - if you look at coming up on the inside or 'bottom' of the turn, the riders on the left will get stupidly close before being rotated. The people on the right will be miles away by comparison.
  17. AdamY


    I just noticed the navigation menu at the bottom is now gone as well? All I have is the "Back to ______" button, but the menu where you could flick back to any forum in one click seems to be gone. Will this be coming back? It was really useful.
  18. Very nice, I remember seeing Raptor's one. Good to see the tower going up too - and it might just clear it because there's still a tiny rise up to the inline from there, although it does look bloody tight so perhaps they will need to adjust slightly. Anyway, glad we can allay the "zomg no tower!" fears
  19. AdamY


    I'm also suffering personal image / avatar issues as someone else mentioned - each time I try to load a new picture it just reverts to the old one.
  20. AdamY


    You can edit! You [censored] [censored] [censored] ;)Attempting edit... Zomg it worked!
  21. AdamY


    I also can't edit my posts.
  22. AdamY


    Yeah not keen on this, I must say. Obviously though, I appreciate you're still working on it Ian. Just isn't TPM right now But most important question, does still work?
  23. I'm personally hoping for dispatch lighting; I adore Air's blue wash and Inferno's is pretty cool too, although given the station is partially open for Swarm I don't suppose it'd work sadly. I think the short punchy bass track idea is good though
  24. Well that solves the ride audio debate. Like it, it really emphasises the dark and foreboding undertones of the ride and area, good job Merlin!
  25. I would prefer right side honestly. Getting turned up and over the twist into the dive loop looks like it'll be fun, but also the helicopter turnaround looks so low that I just can't resist!
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