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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    If it leaks I refuse to listen to it. Hair next Monday is fine, but no leaks for me! Can you imagine how heartbreaking and frustrating it must be for her when stuff leaks? No thanks.
  2. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    I love love love it! Also, Radio 1 currently have The Story of Lady Gaga on presented by Scott Mills, with lots of interview with her! Put the radio on now monsters! So much new Gaga in so little time Also Hair has been confirmed for next Monday woo!
  3. If people were slightly more mature in the first place, the simple act of talking about an artist shouldn't cause an argument.
  4. Ah cool! I'm a Busch n00b, it'll be my first time at the park, even though it's my fourth time in Florida! Well no spoilers eh, don't want to know what happens If we overlap and I can get a few hours to myself then sure!
  5. Holly, out of genuine interest, why do you feel you deserve thanks? Seems to me you did it to benefit yourself mostly, so that you wouldn't have to suffer the terrible plight of seeing people talk about her. But then you say the 'main person', but why would they thank you? From our point of view, you've just shoved us into another thread when technically we've done nothing wrong... I don't really get why you think that would be cause for thanks? And you said yourself "discussion over", so now that you've got what you wanted can't you just be happy?
  6. Aah Sheeps it looks great doesn't it! When are you going? From the sounds of it you're going to beat me to it, I think I'm going end of July!
  7. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    Buy it James, buy it! You know you want to
  8. Could I please have a moan about the quality of the main site updates? A few days back this was posted: As a member who always ensures that my posts make grammatical sense and are spell checked - as the team always encourages of new members - I would appreciate it if the same rules be afforded to updates on the site. This article contains many spelling mistakes, missed words and grammatical errors. Not only is it annoying to read, but when it is plastered across the front page it makes the site look bad to new visitors.So please, when writing updates for TPM, I'd appreciate if Team members would practice the rules they preach on the forum.Ps, I don't want to sound ungrateful for the updates, it's great people go to the trouble for us. But a bit more effort would make them even better
  9. AdamY


    Don't worry Tommy, we'll make sure to keep the topic near the top all the time for you to see when you come into Off Topic
  10. Having just been offered a week in Orlando this summer I'm now just slightly excited for Cheetaka Cheetah Hunt
  11. AdamY


    Macbeth on thrust staging makes sense I guess. Glad you had fun Dan!So my contributions... First, my work experience for the summer!The Woman In Black, at the Fortune! I love this production, it's utterly genius. The Fortune is a tiny and very intimate theatre, so with a cast of just two and a very small audience you feel very connected throughout the play. It's a really cleverly written, exciting, nerve-wracking production with oodles of atmosphere and amazing shock value. It's so surprising what a profound effect can be produced with nothing more than a stage, some lights and some smoke. A real 'who needs Hollywood' play. I can't wait to spend a week on it in July!And next, something I saw the other week!The 39 Steps! This really is a fantastic adaptation of Hitchcock's film, and the book. I've seen a few versions in TV and film so I wasn't sure what to expect, but this is a pure class production. I did wonder how they could be dubbing this intense spy thriller as a comedy, but as soon as it started I was hooked and totally understood! Having a cast of four to depict a story with several dozen characters necessitated a lot of multi-rolling, which instantly brought out the comedy factor and was great to see in a mainstream West End production, where many non-naturalistic conventions are usually avoided like the plague. It was certainly the best way to handle the plot, bring out a new comedic element to the story, and engage the audience all at once. Thoroughly enjoyable.Both highly recommended! Go! Now!Ps, in resuscitating this thread it might be worthwhile to remind members of the existence of the Musicals thread - please keep them separate!
  12. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    A few fan sites had a live stream - don't fret though, recordings will start to filter through today. It's already appearing in segments on YouTube but GagaGlobal claim to have an HD recording of the whole thing which they're uploading soon.
  13. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    I watched it last night, couldn't wait Sooo amazing, but I wish the Monster Ball wasn't over because I want to go again </3
  14. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    I probably will to be honest, I don't have that much self restraint! If the entire album leaks though I won't listen to it.
  15. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    Better post this here rather than Post Your Desktop if we're being segregated
  16. Remember Merlin's I-Walk Orlando plans? Well... SourceHmmm!
  17. AdamY


    ^ Continuing the theme... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8dVYFiD1AE Sounds pretty good. They were one of the best bands I've seen live, so much energy! Loved them since 2006 and finally saw them last Halloween (well, 30th ) and they were insane. They posted the date on their Facebook at something stupid like 6:45 one morning and when the group of us got into school the very first thing we said to each other was just YES!
  18. AdamY


    These damn theme parks are starting to get to me... Just revising some philosophy and ethics about the Copernican Revolution only to find I wrote that the Earth was "...at the centre of the Universal" rather than universe
  19. Great report Nicky! You're making me miss it though :PIOA seems to have treated you much the same way it did me... Absolute soaking on BRB, the Wizarding World of Money Extraction, etc etc! High five for buying the Butterbeer mug though!
  20. Clearly it is a massive achievement, and it does really symbolise everything we've been trying to do for the past 10 years, and so in that respect his death is something to celebrate. However, it's certainly true that you can't kill an idea, and there are many, many more just waiting to fill his shoes. I get the feeling the coming months will be the most dangerous for Western citizens on their own soil for some time, and I feel the threat to Britain is just as great as that to America. Like I say though, the very message of defiance and perseverance is unmistakable, so I am very pleased he is dead.One other thing worth considering is the money - the fact that he put significant capital into financing al Qaeda could make his death more significant than the pure symbolism of it.
  21. AdamY


    That's so weird... I had that song stuck in my head earlier Ellie!
  22. I've always found TSMM to have a massive queue. It's just so popular I suppose. The FPs are always gone within the first few hours of the morning though, you really have to be quick to get one.
  23. Can never have too many Florida trip reports Glad to see you had a good time! You've taught me something too, for all the things I noticed in TSMM I never saw the 'Canada $50' thing before! Also, totally agree on the hotel shuttles being a pain. Most of the time we just got them out in the morning if they were going where we wanted, then just got a taxi back.Looking forward to the rest of your trip!
  24. AdamY


    Saw Grease last night, and I was impressed! It was a great show - the acting was pretty good and the script was clever in some places - but also the songs, obviously, were amazing and very well performed. I thought for such a 'big' musical in every sense, it was done well performed in a comparatively small theatre - when you consider the likes of Wicked and We Will Rock You and the massive performance spaces they have, it was very well managed in such a significantly smaller theatre.I also sat there wishing I had been doing the design for it, some of the costumes were stunning. It's really my kind of style as well, and the very stylised sets were perfectly in keeping with the costumes and music too. It really all worked together.My one small gripe would perhaps be the song/dialogue balance - in a few places there could have done with being a bit more of the latter and slightly less of the former. Overall though, a fantastic show and thoroughly enjoyable. Sadly, it closes tonight so if you want to see it and haven't yet, go now! NOW!8.5/10
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