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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. I do love ROTM's queue, I'll admit. The bit when you're in the dig and can see the people queuing above you and around the artifacts is really cool. The flickering lights are great too.I also, surprisingly, have a bit of a soft spot for HRRR. I know it never works, I know it has awful capacity, and I know it's rough, but it's actually a really fun idea for a ride. Catch it on a good day, with blazing sun and music blasting out around the plaza, and it has quite a party feeling about it. Then it breaks again.
  2. No, hence it taking so long to track down... If you can think of a way of sharing it then I'd happily do so, but I'd rather not host it on mediafire or the like if avoidable.
  3. Just managed to track down the full version of Total Immersion (for those who don't know, the 1999 documentary about Islands of Adventure) after more than a year searching and chasing people up to no avail! It's so rare now, hardly anyone has a copy of the full thing - I thought it was lost without a trace now. I'm very happy!
  4. I'd be voting no if I could.Besides, even if I were on the 'yes' side, I'd want full PR not just AV. At least AV+, AV won't make enough of a change to be worthwhile.Edit: Beat me Jord!
  5. Duelling Dragons Fire for me. 'Twas the most epic combination of coaster and themeing ever, so atmospheric. Loved the thing to pieces. Even now it's part of WWHP, the coaster is still brilliant. Mmm, sexy Immelmanns
  6. AdamY


    Pika-cat wins.
  7. I'm hearing that the themeing will be finished at the end of this year, in time for the 2012 season. It's an awfully long time for a ride to be without it's centerpiece.
  8. Love it I read somewhere though that it's name will actually be Starry Sky Ripper. Either way, it's an absolutely epic name
  9. Hey! Would have said welcome in, well, the welcome thread... But I was away when you joined so seems silly to drag the topic up again. So yeah, welcome!

  10. Cheetah Hunt's first phase testing has begun! Each launch is being tested individually first of all, at slow speeds which will be increased as testing progresses. It is hoped to start on the second launch early this week. After all three launches have been tested at full power, full circuit testing will begin. At least 3,000 full circuit tests will be completed prior to testing with human riders.Exciting stuff!
  11. [snip]Burger King German Sign[/snip]No-one has noticed that BK have hired Mr Six?
  12. AdamY


    Best surprise I could wish for to come home from skiing to! Love the song, way better than Born This Way. Also sounds like it'll be brilliant live. Big thumbs (or paws!) up!
  13. AdamY


    Well I now have Katy Perry tickets and someone to go with
  14. Also, loading looks cool and very efficient - queue splits and there are air gates both sides of the train, rather than the cumbersome 'everyone climb over the train!' approach of Furius Baco.
  15. I've gotta say, I'm stunned... I think this might well be the best we've seen since Nemesis.
  16. Some great videos of the general area and atmosphere are starting to filter through on Youtube - I just searched Gardaland Raptor and set the filter to 'most recent'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjRL9ZDWCR8
  17. AdamY


    I love Natalia Kills, Zombie is a brilliant song ;)In other news, I really want to go see Katy Perry in October!
  18. Air tunnel actually fits in an industrially themed environment though!
  19. Well I'm very happy that the plans have been approved Now there are no excuses left for cutting stuff - just up to Thorpe to deliver now...!
  20. Already seen the second video, but awesome find on the first! I'm sufficiently bothered by this that I just stood up and hung my head upside down for the duration. I wish I was kidding, really...
  21. I think Medusa does still work. But I agree with you really Mark, it's literally the only thing I can think of. Shame.
  22. I'd usually agree with you Mark, but...
  23. I just realised why this date rings a bell... I'm off skiing on the 8th. Unfortunately, as you might imagine, this means I shan't be attending Sorry peeps!
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