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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Hulk is finally getting painted, YAY! Link
  2. Hope this is the right place, it is kind of a report on a trip :)So anyway, yesterday I was still feeling a bit ill and was really bored so I hopped on the train with my camera and spent the day going around the City of London. I went to a load of places I've never been before, such as the Gherkin, Lloyds building, Bank of England, and some more familiar places like Tower Bridge and St Pauls. It's the first time I've really used my new lens I got a while back in low light so don't expect too much but hopefully some of these have turned out okay. Resizing has reduced the quality in some of them but if anyone wants to see originals I'd be happy t PM or whatever. I'll stop typing and just leave it to the pictures I guess. Enjoy and feel free to critique! Thanks for looking
  3. Nice report James, nice to see how the park is doing! Good to hear of some GP love for Hex too
  4. Pretty amazing video right here, with great close-up of the airtime hill and following turn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1hBjxt4ZFA Seems to make more of a whine than a roar as we're used to...
  5. Any chance the field for 'favourite park' in your profile could be open to type in like 'favourite ride', rather than drop-down? Just trying to spread a little Islands of Adventure love here
  6. Just found a new testing video from today - shows a few new-ish angles:
  7. AdamY

    Ride 12- Air

    I have much love for Air <3 It just looks, sounds and feels so good. Also, it's a tribute to how blue coaster track dating from 2002 should look in 2011 I couldn't say if I prefer it to Manta, I found them to be two coasters with very different purposes, so I don't think one is necessarily 'better' as such than the other.
  8. AdamY


    I slightly get the feeling that she is over-working the whole 'being different' card now. It came naturally and worked well before, but I think she saw it's success and really started to over-use it. From the plain ridiculous 8 minute 'gay orgy' (as I heard it described once) video for Alejandro, to DADT, and now immigration laws? At the end of the day, she is still only a pop star. Gives the impression that she's getting slightly above her station now.As for the song, it's okay. It's a bit like Th13teen so far as it's fine for what it is, but was way over-hyped. Hopefully it'll be a grower, I must say Scheiße was a bit of a disappointment for me and is yet to grow...Don't get me wrong, I still love her and when she's back in London I'll still go, but I think this could perhaps be seen as a bit of a bump in the road.
  9. AdamY


    What is this feeling, so sudden and new?I felt the moment I laid eyes on you,My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling, I think I'm flushing, what is this feeling?Fervid as a flame, does it have a name?Yess...Loathing! Unadulterated loathing!For your face, your voice, your clothing!Let's just say, I loathe it all!Every little trait however small,Makes my very flesh begin to crawl with simple utter loathing!There's a strange exhilaration,In such total detestation,It's so pure, so strong!Though I do admit it came on fast,Still I do believe that it can last,And I will be loathing, loathing you my whole life long!
  10. That looks nifty! Is the Immelmann a tad tight though? It might just be the angle of the screenshot.
  11. AdamY


    The wonderful Billy Mayerl's Marigold. Beautiful.
  12. AdamY

    Post Your Desktop!

    ^ You need to use the tag not ;)Edit - Just realised you did, haha. Oops.
  13. AdamY


    Nerd purchase. Yay for Amazon.
  14. 1) For all religions to cease to exist. It would solve so many problems.2) For technology to advance at a much accelerated rate. I'd love to live in a world where we have towering, shiny white and curvy skyscrapers and floating cars and stuffs :P3) Time travel. Not in a Dr Who, "Go back and stop _____ happening" kind of way, just to be able to go back and see something you wish you'd seen.
  15. Obviously I didn't mean it wouldn't slow it down...I was just saying, the overall pace of the ride after that element won't be unduly affected because there's a huge drop after it. And you can't just say it could have been excellent if it hadn't slowed down through there - a coaster can be excellent for a variety of different reasons, it isn't automatically a failure just because it has some slower sections. That element will still be a pretty unique experience.
  16. AdamY


    Wicked Saw it on Broadway in NYC last summer <3 Also got a lot of love for Sweet Charity
  17. I'm quite fond of Cheetah Hunt's Figure-8... I think it looks beautiful and it's a really inspired idea. I don't see how it's going to kill the launch, given the 120-odd ft plunge directly after it, and the two whole other launches after that, even if the first one is ruined. Plus the supports are just damn amazing looking.I still refuse to call it Cheetah Hunt though
  18. AdamY


    Going back a few years... Toxic - Britney Spears
  19. The King's SpeechGreat film. Saw it the weekend it opened, every showing was full so it's evidently going down well. I thought the plot was very well thought out and transcribed into film (not sure of the historical accuracy!), and there was some excellent acting, especially from Rush and Helena Bonham Carter... And Colin Firth I suppose - he's already winning awards for it! Well worth a look if you haven't already.9/10
  20. It isn't just this country, it's the world. B&M haven't built a stand up for years.
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