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Everything posted by MikeyT

  1. I think people have made their points now. I can see why people would react this way with the video, though personally, having grown up with practical jokes all around me, I can see the funny side.I stick by my original point though, not fair on the people that work there who have to clear it all up. Please use this topic as intended, which is for general CWoA discussion, and not for people to make sweeping comments to each other. That's what Youtube is for
  2. I did find it funny, I'll admit, only people's reactions though. Would love to know if that man by Guest Services was running after you. The ones on park maps, bins, games and bits of scenery though I didn't really appreciate, and I also doubt staff would appreciate.It's a bit of harmless fun though, I'm sure your intentions were not malicious either
  3. Aww mate, hope all goes well for you! I love the fact that you posted this on here, it reminds me of when I broke my foot a few years ago; whilst I was waiting to go to the hospital, I just carried on posting as though nothing had happened. Haha.
  4. MikeyT

    SAW - The Films

    The Saw franchise is getting a bit long in the tooth for me now. I really did love the first three films, all (especially the third one) had fantastic storylines and great twists. Since the fourth film though, it's just become even more obvious that it's about the grotesque torture porn that die hard fans seem to be obsessed with. Before, I could cope with that because the great story balanced out all the gore. In fact, I haven't even watched Saw 6, or seen Saw 5 since it was in the cinema.What does bother me though, in both the music and film industries, once a formula is found, they will rehash and "wash, rinse, repeat" if you like because they know it will be popular. The music industry is especially guilty of this. Of course, it's good for profit, but sometimes I feel that has taken priority instead of opting for artistic integrity and creativity.Oh, I'm in a ranting mood today, forums beware!
  5. Official welcome Lewish!Sit back, relax and enjoy your time here on the forums. I'd love to hear some of the music you've made, I love music too, everything.
  6. "Maybe you should re-read your own post and then review that again."

    You absolute legend. Deleted your post though ;-)

  7. Yup- welcome to the summer rush! It starts much earlier than people realize :)School trips! *shakes fist*
  8. Aha good news! Some coincidence that is!
  9. When I said it must be approaching £20M- it was literally a figure that I pulled out of thin air. The reality is, I have absolutely no idea! I've always thought things like marketting, labour and landscaping were included in projects. I don't think it's anything new from the parks. I'm tempted to say that the £15M was also shared with the Dark Forest retheme as well. I don't know that though.This really is more than themeing and special effects. It's about the whole culture of how we do theme parks over here. We're just second best to other places in Europe. Of course Merlin are very sucessful, they have the biggest joint theme park attendance after Disney. Their mission is to become "global leader in location based entertainment" or something along those lines.They don't care about becoming best in terms of mind blowing attractions (well, of course they do to a certain extent, but will never cough up the cash to make a truly awesome attraction again), they care about becoming the best in terms of the amount of guests that attend their theme parks. The way Merlin seem to be doing that is literally buying attractions left, right and centre. In other words, money.I'm afraid it's going to take more than a few corporate rebrands to convince me that Merlin are willing to invest the money that their parks really deserve.
  10. I'll add one extra thing, and then I'm done.Mark made a great point in his awesome post (which has subsequently ended up in the Trash Can, bring it back! )- Chessington have done well with Wild Asia, but let's be honest with ourselves, it was a relatively cost effective investment in terms of them being able to do more or less what they wanted, with the budget provided. As soon as Chessington wants to invest in a major ride, which let's be honest, will happen sooner or later, then I'm not so sure it'll tick all the right boxes that WIld Asia does, on the most part.Unless Merlin want to surprise me... But then I look at Dark Forest, and I think otherwise.
  11. Seeing as it sparked some debate over in the rant thread, I've decided to make a topic about it. Feel free to rant, rave, whatever you want to discuss about the UK Theme Park Industry. _____________________________________Theme Park related rant/ thoughts follow:Right now, the UK theme park industry is making me feel sick. I feel like I've lost a lot of my passion for it over the last month. It's easy to target Merlin, but this is a much wider issue really, it's the whole country. I've become fed up with the budget tight and half- hearted attitudes of the theme park that the country has to offer.I do think our theme parks have the potential to be some of the best in Europe; with beautiful surroundings, space and councils who value their respective attractions and the other qualities they bring. Unforuntely though, some of these things just aren't being exploited to their full potential.I will use Merlin as an example here, purely because they have such a big monopoly now, it's difficult to put other theme parks in the same league as their's. Back in mid 2007, there was a lot of speculation about the Tussauds buy-out, which as we know, became Merlin Entertainments. When 2008 came, there was a wave of positivity, when the company (which a lot of people seem to forget, including myself at times, is still the same as Tussauds, with the exception of a couple people) increased budgets across the field, and basically gave the parks more freedom and coughed up the funding. They realized that they needed to start spending money.And they did, 2008 was a wonderful year, with Mutiny Bay at Alton along with its relaunch, and many other positive changes across all the old Tussauds theme parks. This was continued into 2009, which brought with it Saw, which despite the flack that it does get, is still one of the best rides in the country, though I suppose that's debatable!2010 has been a mixed bag for me though. Thorpe and Chessington, I've been quite pleased with. Wild Asia is a pretty good area, and even Thorpe has improved dramatically this year for me. But then I sit down and think. It's still not enough... when we're sitting here discussing a sound effect that's turned off, or perhaps they've painted a railing a different colour; we shouldn't have to worry aobut that. Things like this do make a difference, I've always said that the little things are just as important as the bigger things, but when those bigger things aren't there in the first place, it's just not the same. I do give credit to the parks, they do make the most of the very limited budget that they do get- even if it has increased, it's evidently still not enough.I hear of all these budget cuts over at Alton Towers, particularly the Entertainments department, it just saddens me. It makes me think of those dark years (2004-2007), are they coming back? The parks have come such a logn way since then, and all of a sudeden, it feels as though we're going backwards again.The UK just embarrasses me so much. We create sub- standard attractions a lot of the time, then we shoot ourselves in the foot by marketting them to make the sound like the best thing since sliced bread (I'm not actually even thinking aobut Thirteen here). It feels as though our parks don't listen to their guests. When they're getting reports that attractions are sub standard and dissapointing, then you do need to take a long look at yourself in the mirror and get your finger out.£15M for Thirteen this year, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is the biggest investment in the company's history. Which at best, is a below average coaster, that's saved by a fantastic ending. Putting this into perspective though, they're still not spending as much as they were back in the 90's. Of course, that bought us fantastic attractions such as Hex, Bubbleworks, Vampire and Nemesis. £10M for Nemesis in 1994... I dread to think how much it would all cost to build now. I don't know much about inflation, but surely it's got to be approaching £20M.I really do just sit here and think of all those fantastic parks out in Europe, and across the world, then I look back here, and sometimes hang my head in shame. Sorry for this hench post, I'm bored at work and once I started, I just couldn't stop talking. Thanks for reading.
  12. Well, you definately know you're a fan person when you dream about Wicked Witches' Haunt at night. Pahah, was the most awesome dream ever.Then I heard some really emotional music in my dream which made me cry! Haha.
  13. Don't forget though, if you're going during the Scarefest period, you won't be entitled to any discount at either hotels. So yes, Travelodge my be your best option. £156 for four nights is a great offer. Do it! :DMoved to Planned Trips and Reports sub forum.
  14. James those pictures aren't bad quality, they were brilliant! Just what I was hoping to see. I love the lighting around the organist, phwaorr, it looks so ghostly. Awesome.Not sold on the red just yet from the photograph, though it is the obvious colour to be associated with Vampires isn't it really. Blood red station.
  15. As much as I loved Blackpool for it's unashamed tackiness and Britishness, including the Pleasure Beach, this does worry me. It does make me wonder just how safe those coasters are. Of course you could say similar about any other ride, or debate about the safety of driving on the motorways .
  16. I am completely against the idea of having chart music at themed attractions, although, I have to admit, when it is played on special events, it is fun, and the whole atmosphere of the queueline is just wow!I think it depends on the tone that the theme music is trying to create. With so many rides at Thorpe designed to be intimidating, having the tone shift to uplifting, chart music has a great effect on people. Some of the best queues I've been in have been Tidal's and Loggers'- both of which have a fun atmosphere created by the music and other things.I'm still not saying that I'm for having chart music, even on events, but most guests and staff seem to love it!
  17. I've got a feeling that's kind of the point though. All the rides at Europa are designed so that the largest spectrum of people can ride them, together.
  18. There are two bass cannons above the ramp, where the rolling ball comes down at the start of the ride. They create the rumble noise. They used to be at the Dodgems until a couple of years ago.
  19. This conversation is going round in circles now. Everyone has had their say on the matter by now I think, so I'm going to put this in the Archives. People will always want someone to blame, time to let go now.We've got a few trips planned over then next few months so ya'll are more than welcome to attend those.
  20. Unfortunately, with lots of money! :PYeah Hulk is far from my faveourite ride in Orlando too. Dark rides over there are incredible, I think I could just keep going round them.Kumba, Montu and Manta are all fabulous coasters though.
  21. That was an epic meetup. I keep watching those Big Brother Diary Room videos lately. Haha!
  22. MikeyT


    I'm struggling to see what you mean if I'm being honest. I've literally sat here reading your post over and over again for the last 10 minutes. I can't see how it's themed incorrectly.
  23. MikeyT


    It's all about rectrosempra!
  24. MikeyT


    There will be no Abra Kadabraing here Mr! Expelliarmus!
  25. Mm Benin thanks for that, makes me want to see the rest of the station now.
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