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Everything posted by MikeyT

  1. Absolutely stunning pictures of the inside queueline for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. There is a press release that comes with this, but I'm just so lost for words right now, I physically cannot post it. Just wow.*Books flight to Orlando*
  2. MikeyT


    I am so boreed!
  3. Wow Steve you've really sold yourself well with that post! Haha
  4. ^Haha but where isn't nowa days!Official welcome to the forums guys
  5. That would be me that said that. It was a friend of mine who was at the park that day with their group of friends. It just annoys me when people state things as fact when they have no idea what actually happened.Anyways, now that it's cleared up, let's get back to talking about Saw: the ride.
  6. Haha yeah for sure.

    It was like looking into a mirror.... well, not quite, but urr yeah :)

  7. The person who recorded that video really does lower my expectations of humanity. Seriously what an absolute douche. Just to clear things up, nobody died, but someone did become unwell and required medical attention.The park also dealt with the incident brilliantly and the ride reopened shortly after.
  8. Just read your About Me. Really interesting read :)

  9. Haha it's rather amazing isn't it? LOL.

  10. Haha, now you're just showing off You may have just tipped Mark over the edge
  11. I remember when the ride opened that people were saying the ride needed a loading theme to play as the station was silent a lot of the time, especially on one train operation, which lead to a dull station atmosphere.Obviously the park tried to address this but some silly billy broke the link
  12. Hey guys! Was cool to meet both of you yesterday :DAnd can I just say you are both way too clever it's not fair
  13. I honestly believe they have intentions of completing their original plans for the station audio in which the flute music would play during loading, then the dispatch theme would play via the original sensor and through the cannons. I believe the queue theme was put in there as a consolation, but the flute music returned this year in preparation.If it's not fixed soon then hopefully they'll just bring back the queue theme to the station.
  14. Nobody is 'picking' on Thorpe, people are expressing their opinions of Th13teen. Comparisons with Saw are being made because it was the first coaster under Merlin, with Th13teen being the second.
  15. For anyone that was there when I was around Inferno, will know how much I love the geysers under the loop. So pleased it's working this year.However people will also know how stressed I get about those station lanterns. Three are now broken, one of them hasn't been working for over two seasons now. It stresses me out I'm hoping they get the dispatch theme fixed soon, even the staff are starting to chew their own arms off with the repetitive loading theme, which would be broken by the drama of the dispatch theme.
  16. Hi and welcome to the forums! :DI'm not too sure when the Easter Holidays kick off, but assuming it's a normal Monday next week, I'd say to expect to queue a maximum of 30 minutes for rides such as Air. Probably much less.If the Holidays start though, queues can be unpredictable, with anything ranging for 1-2 hours for major rides. You'll be pleased to know that most of the major rides seem to munch through the queues and move pretty quickly.Be sure to let us know about your trip in our trip reports topic! Hope you have an awesome time.
  17. MikeyT

    SAW: Alive

    I actually thought some of the acting was quite good on my two goes through last Thursday, with a couple of exceptions. I've got the impression that the maze isn't supposed to be "boo" scary, but more based on the Saw experience (which I still feel they've the mark on).You're best bet is to contact Laura Sinclair who is the head of Entertainments at Thorpe, probably via guest services, if you're really that passionate about it.
  18. MikeyT


    Thanks for posting that Kenny :)Quality of these videos are shocking, although there can never be enough John Wardley interviews! He seems really proud of Th13teen actually.
  19. MikeyT


    Please continue all discussion on Th13teen in the main Alton forum.Locked
  20. I must say from what I've read, trip reports seem to be really positive from all the ex Tussaud's parks so far. Glad to hear people are enjoying their experience there. I know it's early days but I didn't really have many negative things to say at all about my two trips to Thorpe.Attendance figures can be unpredictable, but Chessington will just keep on increasing their gate figures with continued investment, and the park will reap the rewards. I personally don't understand all this "CWoA are owning Thorpe" business, especially after just one day of operation.
  21. Great trip report Mark, always love reading them. Sounds like you had a great time with just a few little exceptions, Alton really is a stunning park.I get the impression that some effects and scenery are yet to be completed on Th13teen. To me the main gripe people seem to have is that Alton have marketed the ride as a thrill ride, when the actual experience is a very special family coaster. Some of my faveourite coasters are family coasters though so I think I'll enjoy the ride very much!
  22. Had a great day yesterday, was awesome to see everyone again and meet some new faces. I seriously feel awful now and have manflu unfortunately, but such is life!Ride reliability wasn't the best yesterday but all staff did their best to keep guests informed. All staff yesterday were brilliant and very friendly. Can't wait for the next meet- Chessington anyone? I'm just uploading pictures and a couple of videos now, which I'll post later.Ellie and Professor X will be pleased to know I still have the spoon
  23. Aww Holly I was just looking through Facebook and looking at that photo that Seb took of us from Tidal Wave.

    Wahhh looking forward to it :D

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