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Everything posted by c1hrisin

  1. It's so empty :0 also is the car park made of sand??
  2. What happened the other day. By that do you mean yesterday? I know it is in the wrong topic but was an event on yesterday, as when I was leaving the park 2 police cars were on their way in what happened?
  3. If I were to run single rider, I would make them queue up out the exit. but then it would probably confuse the staff at the baggage dropoff. and cause more mess on people exiting
  4. Although it is slow, I prefer the baggage drop-off/collection points as I feel much safer putting my stuff into there. As with nemesis and the blind scrabble to get your bags first and make sure someone doesn't take it
  5. It could be a problem with the water squirting up into the gas dispenser causing the flame to stop. This wound be a reason for both of the water effects to stop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWJYMRk1TEY at about 8:30 it shows the fire going over the vent. which I have never noticed 0_0
  6. Its as good as RCT3 will get
  7. Cool pictures I have never seen the chain hill like that. You know the ambulance picture, there seem to be a LOT of people doing that when I last went. I hope it doesn't end up like what happens outside the leaning tower of Pisa.b :S
  8. I mean like the normal fences (unless those have been working as climbing frames too ~_~) that were originally on there and nets around the outside completing teh safety aspect.
  9. I went to Thorpe park yesterday and these is a patch, but it seems to have squashed grass instead of dirt. I also noticed that if they remove the tree it could fit a medium size flat ride and there were a couple of gardeners so something may be going on there
  10. Or cover the whole side with net. it would look nice be able to see through clearly and probably fulfills the H&S
  11. Was still down today. at least for the first 2/3. Isn't it a bit of a waste as there were like 5-6 staff members just hanging round telling people to stay out of the stealth area. I think they could be less people or at least do something more prodctive
  12. I went on the swarm 3 times today, 2 of the 3 times the fire didn't actually ignite the gas. This proves the effect is going to be very unreliable as it is struggling from new. The 3rd time the fire did ignite and it was AWESOME but doesn't affect the ride as much as I thought, overall the ride experience it generally the same with or without fire.
  13. Yeah and people have chucked pennies all over the scenery causing it to look kinda wierd.
  14. Thorpe park soon!!!

  15. Its probably to make sure this doesn't happen on stealth At the end it shows the damage to the car. Its pretty bad
  16. They will probably just do this island on the swarm scare zone as they can cordsen off the area. They that can add lighting to the area and loads of emphasis the the ride. This seems to work in theorie as it could also be the scare zone with all the smoke machines, actors and stuff (strobes) to make all the theming work.
  17. Lol I dunno what TOTT means
  18. yes but as you said earlier asylum isont moving
  19. When I first went on the Curse it was unlike the other mazes as actors appeared from the walls and the ship holes. But this year (last year LOL) I found that the actors just stood in the tunnel and ran at you. I even has one trip and go flying into me when I was leading my group, Its just unprofessional
  20. Thanks I don't have to make another topic . I think its is unfair with this Thorpe park focus group that only over 18s -Name -Age* (over 18s only) -Location -Please answer this question: What does fear mean to you? I think that a majority of people at thorpe park are teens around 14-17. This is also the target audience of Fright Nights isn't it (apart from 18+) Isnt that why they made it all graffiti looking on the maps, staff uniforms and website to attract teens. They should allow a couple to teenagers to get parental agreement and be part of the meeting. Thats my rant over Looking Forward To Fright Nights. Hope they do a merlin event again #Edit# Damn I was almost the first person to post
  21. They should have kept with the Octopus gardens bright colours
  22. I have heard a song that is played a lot on vortex and I have recently heard it on the radio. What is it called? It goes someing like " du du dum about to explode .... How do you think I feel when you call my name" or something like that. Plz help chris - almost missing the school bus
  23. I'm pretty sure it was from its previous place. There was a shelter up there as a member of stallf had to keep watch. Look in this picture
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