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Everything posted by Benin

  1. If only it had some sort of system by which once a plate has been emptied it could be refilled...
  2. Guess it depends on how much stapling is involved then by the staff, though with the likes of Abismo and Shock the lapbar also wasn't completely tight on me, perhaps body proportions is a big thing about it...
  3. Interesting comment, given that Twister has plenty of airtime throughout the course...
  4. Krake doesn't get fantastic reviews by the wider coaster community (I find it fab and cute, but most seem to think it crap for... some reasoning, but they're the people who like SheiKra, so they know nothing )... Be interesting to see how fast it takes the Zero-G and Helix mostly... That'll be the decider imo, as Krake's airtime hill is fantastic purely because of the speed it hits it... Still likely to be the best coaster at the park mind, but as the park doesn't have any coasters many would even put in the world-class bracket, this will make no major difference really... It'll be a good solid ride, like Joris and Vogel Rok... And that's not a bad thing at all...
  5. That train design is soooooo utterly awful <3 Timberliner trains as well <3
  6. *Bender Laughing.gif* If Thorpe ever build anything as good as Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley in the next 3 years then I think everyone on here would be astounded by it... Or Men in Black... Or Jurassic Park... Or Transformers... Or Spiderman... Or the Simpsons food court, which is probably the best comparison to use when we're talking about a food outlet...
  7. Merlin are obsessed with making all the eateries look massively bland... The wall murals are nice (or at least, the volcano one is), but it just reminds me of Lego's Pirate Burger Kitchen, a vast empty bland area... Bill's mention of Sleepy Joe's shows how much difference a decade makes...
  8. Could that be part of the contract Towers signed with BBC (and interlinked with the contracts signed by the actors who will have to attend certain publicity events)? Just wondering really as it might mean that the park don't have to foot the bill... Why are the parks currently obsessed with elitism? The issue is, because of the way they have introduced it all via the restrictions, they've just essentially forced people who want to do certain things (I.e. London Midway in Summer) to get the Premium Pass rather than the Standard... And are even this year devaluing said pass by posting restrictions on it on some attractions... Aside from free parking and unlimited park access, what does a Premium Passholder actually get in comparison to a Sub-Standard Pass? Also, Six Flags/Cedar Fair Passes are actually cheaper (and don't have many if any forms of restriction) than a Merlin equivalent ($139.99 for Magic Mountain, some other parks are cheaper, but as they allow you into all of the chain anyway, the value for money there is very good)...
  9. Standardised to be free I hope Marc, rather than every park charging for every single event they run...
  10. LOTS of pics at http://www.vijfzintuigen.nl/forum/136/24466.124.
  11. Here is the question though, is the event good because there's barely anyone there in the same vein as Summer Nights? Are people not bothering with paying for an event with only two major rides open? Is the AP charge the reason for the lack of queues? Just playing Devils' Advocate here really, as visits to empty parks or ones where the ride count is high often get more positive reviews...
  12. Needs more Oblivion and Charlie tbh... Then it would be an excellent line up...
  13. One would presume, like most parks, don't do it without express permission from the park's management...
  14. It's amazing how every single addition needs to be a "WORLD'S FIRST" even if it isn't (*cough*AngryBirdsLand*cough*) at a Merlin park... Are they so nervous that anything less than that will make people visit? It is something else to blame Swarm for?
  15. Bit random to have two Dodgems, but I doubt the park can afford much else... The story of all the independent parks really, they can't really take the risk of big investments as no-one visits them enough for them to afford a big investment...
  16. I swear this got cancelled at some point last year... We've heard pretty much nothing of the project since there were some dodgy dealings going on about two years ago, plus other parks have sprung up in Poland (Energylandia for example popped up last year out of nowhere)... No idea if there's any recent updates on this one though...
  17. Definitely, because it would mean that someone realises that creativity isn't dead... Unfortunately, it would appear that the belief (especially after Swarm's apparent 'failure' for being crap and unsuccessful) that IPs are the future will not dwindle anytime soon... Given that Towers created Smiler's branding soon after, you do think what Merlin Studios do with their time...
  18. Evidently, the so called 'failure' of Swarm has led to Thorpe's desperation in regards to picking up whatever IP related thing they can grab... Ironically, this would probably be more suited to Chessie... Most uninspiring UK season ever...
  19. Golden Horse coasters... [/end thread]
  20. Assuming it is I'm a Celeb, scraping the bottom of the barrel, only the bottom has been eroded so much only dirt is being brought back up comes to mind...
  21. Another crappy clue: https://vine.co/v/OU3TDQhVBae Pushing people out of the way for Pizza?
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