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Everything posted by Benin

  1. My favourite addition is the two dark ride portions to Whale Adventures... It just screams as the most pointless addition possibly ever, but it's something that will 100% improve the current ride experience... Also, new 4D show <3
  2. It's when you see them moaning about an upturned carpet corner that you realise that the Florida/Californian sun may have roasted a few too many braincells... Also, the Starbucks topic will forever go down in infamy <3
  3. Is that because of the effort put in, or because of our estimations be obscenely low though? No-one expects everything to be fixed up year on year, but at least on a rotational basis would at least be a start... When was the last time Inferno's volcano got a clean up properly? Hell last time I rode it I recall seeing the remains of a bird it had killed the year before! Unfortunately, we don't have parks that are pro-active in regards to refurbing rides/areas...
  4. Should it come to AP day with those 3 rides off the line-up, it'll be one of the biggest embarrassments from a Merlin park... And that DOES take a lot of doing...
  5. Highly doubt it is 8 months old, especially as over that time we've had a changeover from Pipeworks to Area 52 as to the developer... Even some of the original batch of images that came with the game's announcement look better than some aspects of the trailer...
  6. One of the worst things about Colossus is the train design... I honestly cannot sit in the back row of an of the cars, unless I fancy pretending to be a contortionist... Plus there's the obvious roughness to boot... Wish they'd get the new generation trains...
  7. Nope, nope, nope, nope... If I ran a park, I would just flat out ban those things all together, taking them and using them on rides is even more dangerous than just a normal camera... Thorpe, be sensible and ensure that those things aren't taken onto rides at all...
  8. A shame that they didn't repaint the sign to at least attempt to hide the original stuff... Why are jobs only seemingly half done by Merlin?
  9. Benin


    The weight of the train won't be the same if there's one less row... And the coefficient of friction could be changed easily via different wheels (via different materials)... I also think all the Batmans in Six Flags are 8 rows, Inferno was the first 7 row Invert or sommat daft if I recall correctly... So the removed row is pretty much in order to change the train around a little bit, since the effects of backwards riding change immensely (through the different forces/vibrations acting upon the train/riders)... Indeed, the lost weight is probably part of this solution...
  10. #firstworldenthusiastproblems
  11. Benin


    "gimmick /ˈɡɪmɪk/ noun noun: gimmick; plural noun: gimmicks a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or trade." "experience/ɪkˈspɪərɪəns,ɛk-/ noun noun: experience; plural noun: experiences 1. practical contact with and observation of facts or events. 2. an event or occurrence which leaves an impression on someone."
  12. Benin


    No change there then
  13. Having not followed this at all, I'm quite glad the layout is something a little bit different for once... Rather than the usual airtime hill upon airtime hill, indeed, I quite like the first hill a lot...
  14. If it IS a Premier, let's hope they don't have any of the stupid shin guards that they have on Sky Scream... Awful things...
  15. This is the crux of it all really... The only thing that's annoyed me since lapsing my MAP is that Towers decided to get a new cred... Burdens...
  16. Benin


  17. So ABL was open for Half Term (well, Det wasn't open was it, but the Dodgems/4D were), but not open for AP day? #thorpeparklogic Let's be honest here, that level of rides closed for an event which is also used as a training day for staff (in a situation with guests present) is a poor showing... Especially when you consider that it's pretty much half of all the rides aimed at the family market Thorpe WANT to get in, and who have the majority of MAPs...
  18. Benin


    Why not plan temporary fire exits? Can't be much to think "Oh, the fences will block off legally required fire exits, maybe we should change the layout accordingly" and to actually do said action...
  19. RCDB is your friend: http://rcdb.com/5079.htm Think of all the Coaster-Count rare points you'll get...
  20. Thing is, people will go expecting stuff worth paying the marked full price of £60, regardless of the tasty deal that got them in the first place... All this is for is to push more people booking online... Why? Probably so they can actually plan for numbers... Is this the right method of promoting the park? Unlikely... £60 for any of the UK parks is a ridiculous price... And for every single European park to boot... And the American parks...
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