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Everything posted by Benin

  1. The Hobbit WALKING IS BACK! As is New Zealand, wahey, a different look and take on this, with some extra bits not in the original (and extremely short in comparison to the juggernaught trilogy of LOTR) book thrown in to extend/pad out/make 3 films for money printing purposes... But you know what, the pace of this is really damn good, and the references to the original text (including direct quotes, actual songs and things) make this a really good film... The Hype Train was certainly worth the ride, next stop, Benedict Cumberbatch overload as TWO () characters... I suggest people see it, especially for the Riddles in the Dark scene, great cinema and acting... Serkis
  2. 'Superior' Guest Rooms Best part is being able to input AP discount ON THE SITE! Towers and Chessie, do this now please...
  3. The link is broked...
  4. Sexy... Let's just hope the cheap finale option was avoided... I am fearful of that being the case and the experience losing out because of it (due to the severely random nature of safaris, for every good one there'll be a few bad ones)...
  5. Benin

    The Smiler

    Edited for accuracy The Washing Machine concept has always sounded cack though... Hated it from day 1, as well as the whole "this is what it'll be" stuff... Would laugh if it's not true, as would defo put TTF even lower on the chain of enthusiast sites...
  6. Slammer blatently won for opening alone...
  7. Having once stayed in the Nemesis suite, I was upset they removed it. Was so, so good... Good move from Towers here. Hope it looks decent...
  8. Benin

    The Smiler

    I do hope I'm not the only one who realises the sheer irony that a coaster enthusiast site is offering free Fastrack as a competition prize...
  9. Cedar Point needed a decent B&M... They might well get one now...
  10. And pluk hasn't even touched the surface of how many mass shootings America has, even forgetting the last recent event in Aurora Cinema during Dark Knight Rises... Americans really are a bunch of pretentious idiots when it comes to gun control, constantly promoting self-protection and "people will find other methods" is absolutely straight out of their arses... This right to bear arms is so outdated and medieval in the modern world, and it's because of this guns are so easily obtainable to every single person in the country... I saw someone suggest on Facebook that the teachers (of a PRIMARY SCHOOL?) should have be trained and armed... Because more guns in a gunfight makes exactly a lot of sense... They need to stop having such a pro look on guns, yeah we have guns too, but how difficult is it for someone to procure one legally? Incredibly so, as any arguement the Americans could even throw towards us we can point to the fact that we don't have farmers going off on a rampage... Indeed, we had some incidents similar to these, and because of these, we tightened the laws even further... But America won't do that because of the lobbyists and their outdated constitution... When you see them arguing that if people don't use guns, they'll use knives, it's so stupid... Yes people will find other ways to kill or hurt others, but it's a lot harder to kill 20 kids with a knife than it is with an automatic rifle... Let alone someone saying they need guns so people can hunt and stop deers and other animals over-populating the country and eating all their crops (wonder what the Native Indians think of that)... The quicker North Korea nuke those idiots the better... Some can come over here of course... That's fine, cos not all of them are awful, but most are... And there will no doubt be more and more of these incidents in the future unless they bother to change their mindsets about how guns actually cause more problems than they solve...
  11. I remember when I was in halls quite often timing my washing up when the cleaner would be doing her rounds, just to show that the mess (which we had only one person making a fair amount as he would forget to wash up the pillock) wasn't mine... I was a fairly lucky guy in regards to living with relatively clean people...
  12. Chessie already do some extra feed the Zebras, so I would imagine in time once the new animals are used to the vehicles, they'll bring it in as well...
  13. One of my Uncle's cancer has apparently spread a bit further into him, and it's definitely not looking good... Whilst it's not been affecting me directly as much as I've not really known him, you can see in my Dad how much it affects people, especially as him and a few of his siblings are jetting over to Ireland this weekend... Cancer sucks...
  14. Makes sense, they were definitely considering it in 2010, when Wanyama opened, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a Phase 1 jobbie... Yay Rhinos, wonder if this will be ready for opening though...
  15. Benin

    The Smiler

    Logically, they would, as to prevent an excessive backlash on the day and being able to manage expectations... But that's the logical answer, which as we saw this year, doesn't really course through Merlin or it's PR machine... It is behind schedule (to be expected with the god-awful weather this year), but it doesn't mean they're taking measures to get back on time (see working on Sundays)...
  16. Ahem... http://www.cwfans.it/photo/set.php?id=31
  17. Benin

    The Smiler

    See, I don't get the "oh Saw was built by now, therefore it will be late" arguement at all... Different rides, different construction styles, different locations, different weather... Just because one was built a certain way, doesn't mean that every other Gerstlauer will be, especially when different external construction companies are being used... If we're gonna compare, why not compare to Takibashi? That's the closest example to a large scale multi-looping Gerstlauer we have, and that was built in two weeks or sommat daft... I guess it's just a mixture of enthusiasts wanting Towers/Merlin to fail so they can complain, and a few who are just literally hitting the panic button because of how they think ride (or any form of) construction works, and as it's not working in that manner, it won't be built on time... I'll still be preparing the humble pie for March though... Even if it's for me, because I feel optimistic that just cos it's not at a particular stage in comparison to another ride doesn't automatically mean it won't open on time as scheduled...
  18. Only if you're part of the moderating team obviously
  19. That's how Marc is preventing anyone stealing the image...
  20. Benin


    75% of teams in the Premiership are bloody awful at life... And the whole money and not giving a damn about the fan's to buy success is spreading to the Championship... Talking of which, 250k for Yannick Bolasie is the deal of the year... #betterthanzaha
  21. I mean for the actual hotel, will it be a similar distance away from the park like Towers, or will it be just a 10 minute walk odd away? Remember, I think Snoozebox is a waste of money...
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