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  1. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Sidders in Random Picture Thread.   
  2. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Ryan in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Seems that the marketing people are pushing the boat out on this...
  3. Like
    Benin got a reaction from holtjammy16 in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Seems that the marketing people are pushing the boat out on this...
  4. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Coaster XTREME in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Seems that the marketing people are pushing the boat out on this...
  5. Like
    Benin got a reaction from pluk in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Seems that the marketing people are pushing the boat out on this...
  6. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Storm Surge: Petition   
    I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact that every park I know has elements that don't need to be there but are. If we really truely believe that the theme in theme parks is so unimportant, that people go for rides and nothing else, then parks would just add soul-less attractions which can be seen two a penny in funfairs all over the world.
  7. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in The News   
    Some kid on the BBC was just now going on about how the police and other people don't respect her...Maybe if you weren't such a stupid bint and actually worked at something in your life, you would get it...Respect is earnt... Not given...
  8. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in The News   
    I'm planning to pop down to the Croydon clean-up at some point today, and I suggest that if you're near an area that needs the help, go out and do it...Can't let the scumbags who did this win...
  9. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Ellie in The News   
    Banter know means looting and rioting?**** this country...
  10. Like
    Benin got a reaction from pluk in The News   
    Spreading even further around London now...Sickening that the police's actions are being questioned instead of the people involved in the riots... Stupid country...
  11. Like
    Benin got a reaction from pluk in The News   
    Riots and serious crap going down in Tottenham...http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14434318Bus has recently exploded after being set on fire... All because some people want 'justice' after police shot someone who was shooting at them... I love the lack of logic people have in life now...
  12. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Liam T in Camelot - 04/08/   
    After Knightmare, it was time for something a bit more gentler...Junior Dragon CoasterWe did it, it was rubbish (not so if you’re a child though), let’s move on...4/10Nearly lunchtime and since we had brought sandwiches we wondered back to the car to grab them, (as Nicky said the food was dire, proven by it having TWO Wimpys, though the chips were nice apparently), but first, one last coaster...Caterpillar CapersIt’s a Big Apple... Do you expect anything else?4/10Food grabbed, we headed to the Jousting show (as did the rest of the park), and this was probably the best thing in the park... The fact it wasn’t taken seriously was perfectly done, and was better than any of the shows I’ve seen Merlin conjure up at their parks... Perfect blend of entertainments, crowd interaction, dodgy jokes and action made it an actual must see for anyone going there... Show over, we wandered over to the random farm/zoo/animal area to waste some time before the bird show...Back to the jousting area, which was rather emptier this time round for the random bird show... Rather entertaining and worth the faff, since the park wasn’t going to provide time wasting with its rides (didn’t do anything other than coasters and shows, blergh)...And that was it, we wondered back to the exit and drove away, with me pondering whether or not the park would be worth saving or not... To be honest, if someone was willing to put in time, money and effort and not demand an instant profit back for a few years, it has potential... It’s probably only clinging on just because of its location (stone’s throw from the M6 and about an hour away from about 5 major cities), but it would take a lot of time spent on fixing the infrastructure and bringing in good quality rides (and keeping the maintenance up) so it might not even be worth it in the end...It’s dire, but the shows and Knightmare were good, not worth £22 to get in though (£26 on the day, no wonder it’s in the crappola)...
  13. Like
    Benin got a reaction from pluk in Camelot - 04/08/   
    After Knightmare, it was time for something a bit more gentler...Junior Dragon CoasterWe did it, it was rubbish (not so if you’re a child though), let’s move on...4/10Nearly lunchtime and since we had brought sandwiches we wondered back to the car to grab them, (as Nicky said the food was dire, proven by it having TWO Wimpys, though the chips were nice apparently), but first, one last coaster...Caterpillar CapersIt’s a Big Apple... Do you expect anything else?4/10Food grabbed, we headed to the Jousting show (as did the rest of the park), and this was probably the best thing in the park... The fact it wasn’t taken seriously was perfectly done, and was better than any of the shows I’ve seen Merlin conjure up at their parks... Perfect blend of entertainments, crowd interaction, dodgy jokes and action made it an actual must see for anyone going there... Show over, we wandered over to the random farm/zoo/animal area to waste some time before the bird show...Back to the jousting area, which was rather emptier this time round for the random bird show... Rather entertaining and worth the faff, since the park wasn’t going to provide time wasting with its rides (didn’t do anything other than coasters and shows, blergh)...And that was it, we wondered back to the exit and drove away, with me pondering whether or not the park would be worth saving or not... To be honest, if someone was willing to put in time, money and effort and not demand an instant profit back for a few years, it has potential... It’s probably only clinging on just because of its location (stone’s throw from the M6 and about an hour away from about 5 major cities), but it would take a lot of time spent on fixing the infrastructure and bringing in good quality rides (and keeping the maintenance up) so it might not even be worth it in the end...It’s dire, but the shows and Knightmare were good, not worth £22 to get in though (£26 on the day, no wonder it’s in the crappola)...
  14. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Nicky in Camelot - 04/08/   
    After Knightmare, it was time for something a bit more gentler...Junior Dragon CoasterWe did it, it was rubbish (not so if you’re a child though), let’s move on...4/10Nearly lunchtime and since we had brought sandwiches we wondered back to the car to grab them, (as Nicky said the food was dire, proven by it having TWO Wimpys, though the chips were nice apparently), but first, one last coaster...Caterpillar CapersIt’s a Big Apple... Do you expect anything else?4/10Food grabbed, we headed to the Jousting show (as did the rest of the park), and this was probably the best thing in the park... The fact it wasn’t taken seriously was perfectly done, and was better than any of the shows I’ve seen Merlin conjure up at their parks... Perfect blend of entertainments, crowd interaction, dodgy jokes and action made it an actual must see for anyone going there... Show over, we wandered over to the random farm/zoo/animal area to waste some time before the bird show...Back to the jousting area, which was rather emptier this time round for the random bird show... Rather entertaining and worth the faff, since the park wasn’t going to provide time wasting with its rides (didn’t do anything other than coasters and shows, blergh)...And that was it, we wondered back to the exit and drove away, with me pondering whether or not the park would be worth saving or not... To be honest, if someone was willing to put in time, money and effort and not demand an instant profit back for a few years, it has potential... It’s probably only clinging on just because of its location (stone’s throw from the M6 and about an hour away from about 5 major cities), but it would take a lot of time spent on fixing the infrastructure and bringing in good quality rides (and keeping the maintenance up) so it might not even be worth it in the end...It’s dire, but the shows and Knightmare were good, not worth £22 to get in though (£26 on the day, no wonder it’s in the crappola)...
  15. Like
    Benin got a reaction from noob230 in Camelot - 04/08/   
    After Knightmare, it was time for something a bit more gentler...Junior Dragon CoasterWe did it, it was rubbish (not so if you’re a child though), let’s move on...4/10Nearly lunchtime and since we had brought sandwiches we wondered back to the car to grab them, (as Nicky said the food was dire, proven by it having TWO Wimpys, though the chips were nice apparently), but first, one last coaster...Caterpillar CapersIt’s a Big Apple... Do you expect anything else?4/10Food grabbed, we headed to the Jousting show (as did the rest of the park), and this was probably the best thing in the park... The fact it wasn’t taken seriously was perfectly done, and was better than any of the shows I’ve seen Merlin conjure up at their parks... Perfect blend of entertainments, crowd interaction, dodgy jokes and action made it an actual must see for anyone going there... Show over, we wandered over to the random farm/zoo/animal area to waste some time before the bird show...Back to the jousting area, which was rather emptier this time round for the random bird show... Rather entertaining and worth the faff, since the park wasn’t going to provide time wasting with its rides (didn’t do anything other than coasters and shows, blergh)...And that was it, we wondered back to the exit and drove away, with me pondering whether or not the park would be worth saving or not... To be honest, if someone was willing to put in time, money and effort and not demand an instant profit back for a few years, it has potential... It’s probably only clinging on just because of its location (stone’s throw from the M6 and about an hour away from about 5 major cities), but it would take a lot of time spent on fixing the infrastructure and bringing in good quality rides (and keeping the maintenance up) so it might not even be worth it in the end...It’s dire, but the shows and Knightmare were good, not worth £22 to get in though (£26 on the day, no wonder it’s in the crappola)...
  16. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Mark9 in Parc Asterix   
    Hmmm, forgot about this topic, oh well... Who wants sexy B&M pics?Of course, since TPM seems to HATE the links from PotionMagix, here's the link to their construction page... http://www.potionmagix.fr/forumix/nouvelle-zone-attraction-2012-parc-asterix-t1271-990.htmlLooks different and brilliant... Bear in mind that the first drop is before the Dive Loop.
  17. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Sidders in Random Picture Thread.   
  18. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Nicky in Random Picture Thread.   
  19. Like
    Benin got a reaction from SkySkream in Doctor Who   
    New trailer for Season 6 Part 2...

  20. Like
    Benin got a reaction from SkySkream in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    Just want to know really what on earth is that bloke doing in the second row in regards to the fire... Most random pose ever...
  21. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Sidders in Feedback of the Forums   
    This, but if people aren't chosen they shouldn't complain publicly...Ask the mods by all means, but once they tell you why, you're not allowed to take it any further than messaging a mod...
  22. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    I support this notion. We'll start with lost City and Saw.
  23. Like
    Benin got a reaction from rhystheman in THE SWARM: Construction Updates   
    The video is on Thorpe's Facebook now... Evidently the site's video is crap for lots of people...
  24. Like
    Benin got a reaction from SkySkream in Random Picture Thread.   
  25. Like
    Benin reacted to Pickles in THE SWARM: Speculation & Theories   
    Why? It did for others? How are you so quick to know?!?!Jesus christ.
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