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Liam T

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Posts posted by Liam T

  1. Proof that winning the X-Factor means completely nothing as most of the other contestants become bigger than the actual winner!
    Great tune :wub:
  2. One thing I noticed is how great Nemesis looks back then with its raw rocks and no pretty overgrown trees! It looks menacing and not like an garden centre

    I fear that in a couple of years The Swarm will have these overgrown plants and The Swarm will be tearing past nice beautiful plants and trees! Not very post-apocalyptic now is it!

    Its already happening to Saw where collection of trees are started to pop up near the warehouse and looks very non industrial, and Merlin don't seem to be bothered to cut them down

  3. Their was something about Fred comment that got me thinking

    but it makes me forget the drop, which makes it feel worse and unexpected.

    Although the point of Oblivion is the hole "Don't Look Down" Ect... The new added effect of surprise will really add to the drop, looking at SW7 thinking "Awh Cool" then bam, you drop all of a sudden 180ft! :D
  4. I thought the same, just the sound of Oblivion plummeting into the ground was so intimidating but I feel the screams and screech of SW7 will over shadow the sound :(

    And that photo as just hit me like a ton of bricks (pardon the pun) but gosh! Look at the size of it :o It will be interesting to see next year if SW7 helps or disturbed's Oblivion's mighty presence in X-Sector

  5. I can't see much of a bother with this cut, apart from skyride* most of the major rides opening at 11am people don't get too by that time, it took me a good hour at a slow walking pace to get to Hex alone so from when the park opens to Dark Forest is a good hour wasted walking, but Duel!? why Duel!?

    *My bus doesn't get to towers till 11 anyway so its okay for me

  6. That's strange because my last ride on Rita (22nd May) was soo smooth and great! Their was the odd jolt once but it wasn't painful at all compared the my other rides on it, it was even more smoother than... Nemesis on that day! :blush: I think Rita was the best ride of the day (apart from Oblivion but that doesn't need to be told its the best ;))

  7. That's going to make the exit lifts alot darker...

    I don't like the idea of the exit scaremaze, it just says to me "Sub-Terra wasn't scary enough so we going to get people to scream in your face to make it scary" Which is dislike, I fear after these changes it may make the ride worse for me personal and not something I would like to re-ride but enough negativity! I'm excited to see these changes and hope it won't make the ride worse for me :)

  8. *blows dust of this topic*

    I'll just repost what was on TowersTimesForum by the member Don't_Look_Down

    First of all, the coaster that was planned for 2013 has been postponed until 2014 now. It has been confirmed as a thrill coaster and will be the first of its kind in the UK. The ride will sit next to the Buffalo and interact with the lake

    Pirate Adventure will be removed to make way for two new Thomas Land rides (bad move IMO).

    And finally, a new thrill ride will be installed on the site of the Black Revolver next year.

    Really excited to see who the manufacturer of the 2014 Rollercoaster will be (Prays not for vekoma) Not sure what we might see but another major coaster is always welcomed!

    Excited for my trip in July now, though rather worried about Shockwave, not looking forward to riding that!

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